Senior Newsletter (October 2024)
October 2024 Edition

October 2024 Edition
Dear Students and Parents,
As we conclude Quarter 1, I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to many of the Class of 2025 accomplishments and commitment to excellence. We are proud of the progress and achievements made so far.
To our students, your perseverance and enthusiasm have set a strong foundation for the rest of the academic year. As we approach the final exams on October 8th and October 9th, I encourage you to stay focused and continue to give your best effort.
To our supportive parents, thank you for your unwavering encouragement and involvement. Your partnership is invaluable in fostering a positive and productive learning environment.
As we look ahead to Q2, letβs carry forward this momentum. Embrace new challenges with confidence and strive to build on the successes weβve already achieved. Together, we can make this year a remarkable one.
Wishing you all the best for the upcoming exams and a strong start to Quarter 2! To our Advanced Placement and semester long students who do not have finals, please continue to work hard and shine.
-J. Antoine Shade, 12th Grade Assistant Principal
π Early Bird Perks! All students with paid senior dues up to October 23rd are invited to enjoy a delicious Hot Chocolate & Cookies Station on October 25th in the 12th Grade Office in the commons during all lunch blocks.
π Ridge Recovery [Session 1] Registration Opens October 11th - October 25th!
What is Ridge Recovery? Is a credit recovery program for students who did not pass a class and earned a final grade between the ranges of 50% to 69%. To quality, students must have been in attendance 80% of the instructional days of the failed course. Only ONE full credit or two .5 credits can be recovered per session. Registration Fee is $40 payable on MyPaymentsPlus. Click here for additional information, or contact your counselor directly.
π More Resources Coming Your Way! These resources were shared during our Senior Parent & Financial Aid Night Event on September 12th.
- Senior Advisement Voiceover
- Senior Parent Night Voiceover
- Financial Aid & Scholarship Information
- GGC Financial Aid Presentation
π Senior Student Meeting Recap! Here is a quick recap of the information shared with our Seniors during our meeting on October 1st.
π The Finish Line is Within Sight! Check out this Senior Checklist from GA Futures to help you and your senior stay on track with all the college planning deadlines.
π Letter of Recommendation and Transcript Request! Please remind your student to access their Naviance account through the student portal to request Letter of Recommendations and Transcripts. Check out this Naviance Quick Guide for instructions on how to navigate the program.
π Share Your Love! Create a Yearbook Ad to honor your senior where you get to express your love and encouragement for all to see. Don't miss it...the deadline to order an Ad is October 16th. Click here for more information and here to order when ready.
π Prom 2025 Tickets will be on sale from Nov. 4th - 9th for the FLASH SALE price of $65.
- Prom is Saturday, April 26th at Gas South!
- Tickets will be sold on GoFan.
- Ticket price will increase on November 10th.
- Students can purchase 2 tickets under their PRHS ID number.
- Guests must be between 14-20 years old.
- Questions can be emailed to elaine.vernon@gcpsk12.org
Save the Date!
- October 8th - 9th: Q1 Final Exams, Semester Long Midterms
- October 10th - 14th: Fall Break (No School)
- October 11th - 25th: Ridge Recovery Registration Deadline
- October 16th: Yearbook Senior AD Deadline
- October 21st: Scholastic Images on campus during all lunches
- October 25th: Hot Cocoa & Cookies [Only for students with paid senior dues up to October 23rd]
- November 1st: U.S. Presidential Scholars Program Application Deadline
- November 4th - 9th: Prom Tickets Flash Sale $65
- November 21st: Scholastic Images on campus during all lunches
- December: Graduation Date Announcement by GCPS sometime in December
- December 19th - 20th: Final Exams
Senior Class Resources
Supporting & Monitoring Your Senior
In ParentVue, you can review student assignments, absences, and tardies. If you have trouble logging into the ParentVue App or need to create an account, please email Emma Reddy, 12th Grade Administrative Clerk at emma.reddy@gcpsk12.org for support.
Senior Yearbook Purchasing Information
Don't Miss A Memory! Yearbooks are treasure-troves of memories -- people, events, clothes, trends, and more! PRHS students will cherish their yearbooks for all time. They'll be excited to receive their yearbooks this May, and as they grow older, the value of their yearbooks will grow, too!
- Yearbook AD Deadline: October 16. Click here to review how to purchase a Yearbook AD for your senior.
- Yearbook Order Deadline: January 31 to guarantee a copy. Click here to purchase a Yearbook.
Senior Dues/Cap & Gown
Event Recap
Homecoming Dance (September 14th)
Thanks for supporting Student Council!