Schultz's Super Stars
Room 205
We had a great week- it flew by really fast. We learned about the letter H and M this week, using the sounds they make to think of words that start with those letters. We continued the subject of being thankful and talking about Thanksgiving.
Thank you to all the parents and relatives that came to our party. And a big thanks to everyone that brought something. We had an abundance of food. The kids really enjoyed all the yummy stuff.
*During Thanksgiving break please try to have your child login in to their Reading Academy account. The QR code is located inside their yellow folder so they can sign in. They can do it with a Smart phone or tablet.
* If you are ever looking for important dates, I will always have them included in these newsletters or will send out a remind message. Always if you have any questions about anything, please feel free to contact me. I will try to answer the best I can or find the answer for you.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Dates To Remember
11/20-11/24- Thanksgiving Break No School
11/28- FISH night 4:45 in the Givens Cafeteria
11/29- MOMS Matter 10 am @ Federal Programs
11/30- Holiday Wreaths 9 am @ Head STart