North News
January 6, 2025
Mark your Calendars!
January 9: Incoming 9th Grade Information Night, 6-7:30 pm
January 20: No School
January 23: Parent Teacher Conferences, 4-7 pm
Important Attendance & Hallway Message
As we return from break we are entering the heart of our second trimester and one of the most important times of the school year. These weeks between winter break and spring break are crucial in determining academic success. To help make these weeks successful we will focus on strategies and interventions to improve attendance, tardies, and hallway behavior. We want to remind everyone of the following:
Being tardy to class can result in detentions and after school activities restrictions.
Skipping classes, leaving class early and misusing passes will result in detentions and after school activities restrictions.
Elective Classes Information For Registration
The Elective Expos Jan 7th, 9th & 14th newsletter includes information and upcoming WIN sessions to learn and get a better understanding of elective courses being offered during registration and how they connect to careers.
916 Career & Tech informational Newsletter - (for current 10th & 11 grade students to learn about electives offered and an opportunity to attend a tour).
Students in 10-12 grade can sign up NOW to take the ASVAB on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at NHS. The test will take place from 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. in the Forum. If you are interested in taking the ASVAB, please click here to complete the form. Space will be limited. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Ms. Woodbury or talk to your counselor.
What is the ASVAB? The ASVAB is an aptitude test that helps students identify the skills and interests required for the college majors and careers they may want to pursue.
- This test is an additional method for students to learn about their vocational aptitudes. The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is a group of ten tests designed to measure a student's aptitude in five separate career field areas and also provides an indication of academic aptitude.
- The ASVAB is an extensively researched test battery developed by experts in the testing field, counselors, and educators. Students will be given the option of whether to release or not release information to military recruiters.
- The test is administered as a courtesy of the armed forces at no cost or obligation to the student. This test is advantageous for all students and we believe your child may be better able to define his/her career choices based on this test. ASVAB test results can help students find their interests, explore careers, and build a plan.
622 Education Foundation Award Of Excellence Nominations
he 622 Education Foundation is excited to announce that our 2025 Award of Excellence (AoE) nomination process is NOW open through Tuesday, February 18th.
If you know one or more 2025 graduating student(s) in ISD 622 who stands out in one, or more, of the following characteristics: Community, Courage, Imagination, Achievement, Integrity and/or Resilience, nominate them for a 622 Education Foundation Award of Excellence at the link below.
Link to Nominate (You can nominate more than one student):
Another way to support the 622 Education Foundation and AoE is by donating to the 622 Education Foundation at the link below.
Attention Seniors
The senior fall newsletter includes a lot of important information for seniors with dates for upcoming events.