Two Mile Tidbits
December 6th
We had a great week!
This week, Frosty came back to TMP! For our new families, we have a Snowman friend that magically comes to TMP every December and makes special appearances around the building. Ask your child about Frosty and where he has been hiding this week! 🙂
We have 10 more days before winter break. Don't forget picture retakes are on the 19th and our class parties are 2:30pm on the 20th. Other information about what is coming up can be found below...
Winter Spirit Week Fun!
Monday, December 16th: Our first annual "Jingle Bell Jog" during the day! Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes and dresses appropriately for running on the track!
Tuesday, December 17th: We have a school-wide assembly with a guest speaker about having a growth mindset. This should be highly engaging and fun!
Wednesday, December 18th: Winter Pajama Spirit Day
Thursday, December 19th: Favorite Holiday Accessory Spirit Day
Friday, December 20th: Silly Sweater or Holiday Spirit Day
Don't forget to order your yearbook!
This year’s cover was selected by our 5th graders!
* Cost: $7.00
*Purchase online using Inter-State Studio’s website through Monday, Jan. 13th.
Enter Code: 91312Q
* Credit and debit cards accepted OR
Bring $7.00 to Mrs. Nichols
*See Mrs. Nichols in the media center
Upcoming Dates to Remember
December 16-20th: Winter Spirit Week!
December 19th: Picture retake day
December 20th: Class Parties 2pm, last day before winter break.
December 23rd-January 3rd: Winter Break
January 3rd: Return from winter break
January 20th: No School
February 7th: Early dismissal (12:10)
February 14th: Early dismissal (12:10)
February 17th: No School
Week of February 24-27th: Parent-Teacher Conferences
February 28th: No School
March 24-28th: Spring Break
Vocab word of the week
We have a vocab word of the week we share on morning announcements. I will keep an updated list here in the Tidbits.
Last week: spontaneous
Previous Weeks:
I need your help! While I understand that illness and emergencies happen, TMP’s attendance rate this year is one of the lowest in CPS elementary schools (which has never been the case in previous years)! Every day counts because every minute of instruction is valuable. Attendance also affects our funding, accreditation, and our overall rating with the school district and Department of Education. Dropping your students off late or picking them up early impacts our daily attendance rate.
CPS expects a minimum of 90% attendance, and currently, TMP is at 81% for the year. Please help us improve our attendance! Thank you for your support!