CVU Celebrations
October 4, 2024 (no Celebrations next week)
There is still time to sign up for next week’s Parent/Caregiver Conferences. Here’s the link. If you have any trouble signing up, call your House Administrative Assistant and they can help. We’d love to see you here next week.
Dear CVU Community,
This week, I'd like to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks to the parents and caregivers who are an integral part of our CVU community. Your involvement strengthens our school in so many ways, and we deeply appreciate your continued support.
Thank you to everyone who attended the CVU @ a Glance event last Thursday. We know how busy life can be, and we're grateful that you took the time to connect with your student’s teachers. Your presence makes a difference.
A special thanks also to the Friends of CVU for hosting last night’s gathering, aimed at increasing parent involvement and fostering a stronger, more engaged school community. Your dedication helps us build a better environment for all our students.
Student Council Corner
Hello CVU! This is Mira. This week in Student Council we split up into our normal three groups planning The Club Fair, The Turkey Trot 5k and The Crystal Skull (CVU’s annual halloween costume competition). Additionally, each Student Council member signed up to contact a local business asking for a possible food donation or prize gift card to have for the Turkey Trot. If you are reading this and are a community business owner that would be willing to donate a prize gift card or food for the 5k we would greatly appreciate your help. You can contact abernathybunting@cvsdvt.org for more information. In other news, the next Student Council Event is the Club Fair which will take place on Monday, October 7th during 3rd block. Students - Make sure to come by during R3 either during your lunch or your free block to learn more about all the clubs CVU has to offer! That’s it for this week! Have a great weekend, Hawks!!
Upcoming Dates
10/7 - Club Fair 3rd Block, Main Gym
10/9-10/10 Parent/Caregiver/Teacher/Student Conferences - No School
10/11 - Seniors, deadline to order cap & gown, check your email
10/11 - No School
10/18 - End of Snapshot 1
10/19 - CVU Access Craft Fair 9:00-4:00
10/23 - Fall Clothing Swap
10/25-Half Day Classes for 9th Grade and PSAT for 11th Grade (schedule); Harbor Day for 10th Grade (more information coming); No School for 12th Grade
10/30 - Picture make-up/retake day
Student Celebrations
From Ry Hoffman: The College Board National Recognition Programs award academic honors to high-performing, underrepresented students. The five national recognition programs include the National African American Recognition Program, National First-Generation Recognition Program (beginning in 2024), National Hispanic Recognition Program, National Indigenous Recognition Program, and National Rural and Small Town Recognition Program. Recipients are strong academic performers. Students who take eligible administrations of the PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, or AP Exams and meet the score requirements are considered for awards. Students must also identify as African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous/Native American, first-generation, and/or attend high school in a rural area or small town. Many colleges intentionally recruit awardees, and school communities often celebrate students who receive these awards.
The following students received College Board National Recognition: In order from left to right: Sophia Zheng, Wylie Ricklefs, Sam Schad, Jackson Dubois, Nate McNabb, Allison Biunno, Alyssa Hill and L Pintair.
Honored but not represented in the photo are: Patterson Frazier, Dylan Frere, Sebastian Lemos, Lynne Lynne, Marcel Nelson, Julian Sicotte and Ariel Toohey.
From Naomi Williams: Students have been preparing for next week’s New American Outreach Club’s Spikeball Tournament. We are looking forward to some great competition on Tuesday!
From John Bennett: CVU Scholars Bowl team started its 24-25 season by sending two teams to play in the league's opening "SPOT" tournament at the coaches meeting at Essex High School on September 28. The varsity team extended its league record winning streak to 53 games before losing two very close games to Hanover to finish second overall with a 8-2 record. The team had not lost a league match in 18 months! Our JV team finished with a 5-5 record.
It's always a rebuilding year after a championship but our showing indicates we will be a title contender again this season.
Playing for CVU Saturday included the following: 12th grade - Jacob Graham, Alyssa Hill, Zoe Mui, Wylie Ricklefs 11th grade - James Haines, Clay Nicholson, Leah Rauch, Charles Redmond 10th grade - Zephyr Haines 9th grade - Phineas Shrake.
Our season runs until March 15 and we will be hosting an event at CVU on Thursday, November 21.
From Katie Mack: Last week, the Amnesty International Club, in coordination with the Library, celebrated Banned Books Week. Thanks to student leaders who brought awareness to and gave their peers opportunity to take action and “urge the that States respect, protect, and fulfill the right to free expression” (Amnesty International).
From Karen Rodgers: Anna Ulager leads peers through a human knot communication activity in her Social Communication Course!
From Jess LaPlante: Snelling Core celebrated the last 45 minutes of the week playing a core wide game of capture the flag. Everyone in Snelling hopes you have a wonderful weekend, enjoy the weather!
From Jason Fearon: The Drawing II students have been working on their Larger Than (still) Life pieces these past few weeks and are near completion! Be on the lookout for the finished works after our return from the long weekend.
From Genevieve Smith: Students had fun with vocab playing Marker Wars in French 3. Thanks Mrs. Morton for the idea refresh!
From Emily McLean: CVU Photography Club had our first photography contest of the school year. The themes were "Eyes" and "Nature". Congratulations to our winners and thank you to all of the participants. Here are the winning entries.
From Katie Jankowski: Unified Advocacy Club playing an epic game of Uno
Faculty/Staff Celebrations
Nick Canaday, Henry Lang, Thomas Bennett, Marie DiBenedetto, and Jess Lemieux at the Outright VT Fire Truck Pull this past Saturday! Faculty and staff at CVSD raised over $3500 in support of LGBTQ+ youth in Vermont.
From Rowland Fellow Brad Miller: Lianna Reed, Nick Canaday, Rae Bronenkant, Seth Jensen, Ben Epstein, and Brad Miller spent the day Friday observing Harkness discussion across multiple disciplines at Phillips Exeter Academy. They report that they had a blast and learned a ton.
Community Celebrations/Notes
NEACAC College Fair - October 9th, 9:00am-12:00 and 6:00pm-8:00pm
St. Michael's College, Tarrant Center. This annual college fair will be held at St. Michael's College on Wednesday, October 9th. This college fair is held at the Tarrant Center on St. Michael's Campus, and will host over 100 colleges/universities for this large-scale event. The Direction Center has a "How To Attend a College Fair" info sheet available for any student to pick up prior to the event, as well as the list of colleges/universities registered to be present.
Due to a connection provided by Interim Superintendent Adam Bunting, the Direction Center hosted the STARS College Fair and Information Session on Monday, September 30th. We welcomed over 90 students and well over 150 people in total - mostly from CVU, but also including students from SBHS, BHS, and one parent from New York. We want to thank those who attended, as well as CVU Maintenance, Heather Walpole, Laura Howard, Renee Breault, Ken Hypes, and the CVU Cafe for the wonderful fruit, cookie, and cheese plates.
VSAC Managing College Costs Presentation - October 22nd, 2024 at 6:30
Attend an online, free Financial Aid and Managing College Costs presentation. At this presentation, Carrie Harlow from VSAC will provide an overview of how families pay for college costs and the different types of financial aid, as well as the application process and timelines specifically for the 2025-2026 financial aid award year. She will share some resources that can help you research the true cost of colleges and get ready to file financial aid forms. This presentation will be posted on the Direction Center website if you are not able to view it live.Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 862 6825 8118
Passcode: 247630
SPRING BREAK 2025 Volunteer Travel Opportunity
If your student will be age 16 or older on April 21, 2025, they are eligible to participate in the Spring 2025 Habitat for Humanity trip to Winston-Salem, North Carolina!
Take a look at this APPLICATION which outlines most of the important information. Applications are due November 12, 2024 and will be accepted on a first come basis.
CVU has sponsored successful Habitat for Humanity trips for more than sixteen years and we are excited to offer this trip once again to interested students, age sixteen and older. This year we will be traveling to Winston-Salem, North Carolina over April vacation to participate in their Collegiate Challenge program. We will be leaving on Saturday, April 19 and returning on Sunday, April 27. On both legs of our trip we will be spending time in Washington, DC. Since we are limited as to the number of students we can bring (20), and interest in the past has been high, we ask that you complete the following application and submit it as soon as possible. Selections are based on a “first come, first served” basis for all eligible students.
It's October in Vermont, which means it's time to get excited about the 19th Annual CVU Handmakers Fair!
Welcome to the 2024 Fall CVU Handmakers Fair! With 150 handcrafters there is something for everyone. Support Vermont crafters and shop early for holiday gifts, jewelry, home decor, art, crafts, food, and so much more! You won't want to miss this event as we have many new vendors, as well as the return of your favorite crafters.
Come shop, meet up with friends, and grab food, too!
-The PIZZA 44 Food Truck will be serving breakfast and lunch.
-The Scoop Ice-cream Truck- need we say more!
-Green Mountain Kettle Corn will be popping all day
Save the date: Oct 19th, 9am - 4pm, rain or shine!
See you at CVU High School, 369 CVU Road, Hinesburg, VT