Roosevelt Raccoons
August 16, 2024

Key Dates
21 Fire drill
23 End of TK/Kinder camp
27 PTA meeting 6pm
27 SEPTAR meeting 7pm
29 Back to School Night
2 Labor Day - no school
4 Picture Day - free dress
6 Family Dinner Dance
What a fantastic first couple of days of school! The energy in the classrooms and on the playgrounds was so positive, and students seemed so excited to be back! Please go to our English and Spanish Facebook pages to check out our classroom pictures. As always, we are here to support you and your family.
Important Dates 2024-25
There was an error in the Important School Dates information that was sent home. Please note that Back to School Night is on August 29. Here is the updated Important School Dates document.
Back to School Night
We are excited to see you on August 29 at Back to School Night. This is an evening when you can hear from your child’s teacher(s) all about their classroom this year–what they will be learning, classroom expectations, and how you can help. It is also a great opportunity to ask questions about this school year. All presentations will be in English and Spanish. Our schedule for the evening:
TK-1st Grade Classes
5:30pm Welcome to TK-1st grade parents in upper campus quad
5:45pm TK-1st grade parents in the classrooms
6:15pm TK-1st grade classrooms close
2nd-5th Grade Classes
6:15pm Welcome to 2nd-5th grade parents in the MUB (cafeteria)
6:30pm 2nd-5th grade parents in classrooms
7:00pm 2nd-5th grade classrooms close
School Site Council Members Needed
The Roosevelt School Site Council (SSC) meets monthly online for about an hour. The role of the SSC is to ensure Roosevelt School is addressing the needs identified in the Site Plan (approved by the Redwood City School District Board of Trustees), overseeing the budget and actions needed. The SSC is made up of staff and parents/community members. The SSC will also be involved in the construction and modernization of the school through the new bond measure. Please let me know if you would be interested in joining. Either call the office at (650) 482-2413 or email tmercer@rcsdk8.net. Our first meeting will be at the beginning of September, so I would like to have finalized members by then.
Absence Procedures
We have a new attendance reporting system this year. There are three different ways you can let the school know when your child will be absent.
Download the app from Google Play or the Apple App store: SM Home (SchoolMessenger Home);
Call 1-888-403-5535 and follow the instructions; and
Go to the website https://home.schoolmessenger.com/ and log in using your email.
To report absences, your email and phone number must match the information given during registration. Please contact our wonderful office staff if you need to change your contact information.
As always, if you are planning for your child to be out of school for five or more days, please complete an Independent Study request form in the office at least two weeks prior to their absence.
We have three entrances/exits to our school, which can be confusing for some students. We suggest that you drop off TK-1st grade students at the McGarvey Ave gate, and our 2nd-5th grade students at either the Euclid Ave or Vera Ave gates. If you have students in both grades, it is generally better to drop off your children at the McGarvey Ave gate and have the older students walk down to the lower campus.
For pick-up, we recommend that you talk with your child about where you will pick them up, especially if it is different from where you drop them off. All TK-1st grade students may be picked up at the McGarvey Ave gate at dismissal time. Ten minutes after the 1st grade dismissal, the gate will be locked and all remaining students will be brought to the office area. All 2nd-5th grade students are dismissed at the Vera Ave gate. You are able to pick up your child from the Euclid Ave gate, but please make sure your child knows to walk over there.
All kindergarten-5th grade students who arrive after 8:15am should enter via the main office on Vera Ave. The same applies to TK students arriving after 8:40am.
TK/Kindergarten Parents
TK/Kinder Camp continues next week with early dismissal for students in Ms. Kamlley’s, Ms. Jimenez’s, Ms. Mallari’s, and Ms. Torres’s classes. This is to give the teachers time to individually assess each of our youngest students.
Need for Yard Duty
We are still do not have enough yard duty to support our students during lunch. If you would like to work for just over an hour each day at lunch, we would very much appreciate the assistance. The position is paid. Please contact the office if you are interested.
Message from Roosevelt PTA
Welcome, Roosevelt Raccoons, to the new school year! The PTA's back to school newsletter is packed with ways to help you stay informed and get involved in our vibrant school community. From joining the Roosevelt PTA, which funds essential programs and hosts events, to subscribing to our newsletter, Facebook, or Remind updates, you'll never miss out on important news. Don’t forget to attend the first PTA meeting on August 27th at 6pm and consider becoming a Room Parent to support your child's class. To learn more, visit the PTA website: http://roosevelt-pta.com/
Roosevelt “swag” is available through our online store. All colors can be worn as part of our dress code.
Parent Workshops
Basics of Special Needs Planning: Estate Planning, Trusts, and ABLE Accounts on Thursday, August 29, 5:30-6:30pm. Join attorney Ellen Cookman, founder of Cookman Law, for a lively and informative presentation on the basics of special needs trusts, ABLE accounts, and estate planning. Admission is free, and Spanish interpretation will be available. Register: https://ellencookman2024ndss.eventbrite.com
Raising Empowered Athletes: A Youth Sports Parenting Guide for Raising Happy, Brave, and Resilient Kids on Thursday, September 5, 5:30-6:30pm. In her new book, Raising Empowered Athletes, peak performance coach Kirsten Jones offers a timely and down-to-earth guide for parents navigating the difficult decisions and extraordinary pressures of youth sports. Admission is free, and Spanish interpretation will be available. Register: https://kirstenjones2024suhsd.eventbrite.com
Community Resources
Here is the August schedule for the Second Harvest Food Bank.
Previous Newlstters
Roosevelt School
Website: https://www.rcsdk8.net/roosevelt
Location: 2223 Vera Avenue, Redwood City, CA, USA
Phone: 650-482-2413
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RooseveltElementarySchool