St Elizabeth's News
Good afternoon parents and caregivers,
It is hard to believe that we are at the end of our second week of Term Three. We have all certainly hit the ground running and the flu is impacting many classes, including staff and students. Please keep your child home if they are unwell so that they can recover and return sooner.
On Wednesday we welcomed staff and students from Mater Dei College for their annual school visit and Mater Dei Showcase. It was a wonderful afternoon with students showcasing the various opportunities that are on offer at the College. Mater Dei College is a co-educational Catholic College offering a supportive and enriching educational environment for students in Years 7-12, based on the pillars of Faith, Community, Service and Learning. If you are interested, I would recommend a tour of the College if you were considering sending your child to Mater Dei for their secondary education.
A reminder regarding student drop off and pick up. Please be patient and ensure that you are entering the carpark safely and aware of your surroundings. Students should be dropped off and collected in Kiss and Drive, not in the driveway. Also, no student should be dropped off or collected near the front gate. Please park in the allocated bays, avoid any driveways and follow the City of Wanneroo parking regulations. Thank you to those families that are adhering to the guidelines.
Good luck to Mrs Clarkson and our Year 2 students who will be participating in the CEWA Performing Arts Festival, ‘Spirit of the Arts’, on Tuesday. The students will be showcasing their dancing skills in the Christian Dance section of the festival. I cannot wait to see their performance on stage.
Have a lovely weekend.
God bless
Rebecca Clarke
Merit and Christianity Award Recipients
Pre Primary - Antonio, Bodhi, Sam, Lilliana & Hermione
Year One - Merdi, Xavier, Adam, Khaleezie & Jarrah
Year Two - Declan, Xavier & Te-Leigha
Year Three - Jordan, Lilly, Wilson & Tyler
Year Four - Ashlyn, Lucy, Seane & Harper
Year Five - Jacob, Christopher & Maddison
Year Six - Amelia and Donell
A very big well done to you all 😃
Running Club 25km Badges!
We have some superstar runners that have achieved their 25km badges at running club.
Well done to Naomi, Mason, Jordan, Arthur and Ostin!
Week 3
Tuesday 30 July
- Performing Arts Festival - Mercy College. Parent tickets available through the link!
Wednesday 31 July
- Religious Education Assessment (Year 3 & 5)
Thursday 1 August
- Year 1 Excursion - Perth Zoo
Saturday 3 August
- 6.30pm - P & F Quiz Night! Still tickets available, don't miss out.
Updated Term 3 Parent Planner attached below
Performing Arts Festival
The Performing Arts Festival for Catholic Schools was established to help the students of Catholic schools experience the spirit and tradition of the performing arts. Please find ticketing information below.
1. Click on the ticket link below
2. Scroll down to find the link to 2024 Performing Arts Festival Tickets
3. Section 3: Christian Dance (C1-C2)
4. Click the correct date and time. Tuesday 30th July 10:30am-11:30am.
Religious Education Assessment (REA)
In Catholic schools across Western Australia, students enrolled in Years 3, 5 and 9 participate in a system-wide, online assessment in Religious Education. The administration of the assessment commenced with a practice assessment this week with the final assessment scheduled for next Wednesday, 31 July.
The purpose of the assessment is to measure student learning of the content in the Religious Education Curriculum. Test items relevant to each participating year level are developed by the Religious Education Directorate at the Catholic Education Office of Western Australia. Formal student reports are produced and made available in Term Four. The reports from the assessment complement the school-based assessment programs in Religious Education. As a system-wide, online assessment, classroom teachers, school and system leaders are provided with a ‘point in time’ snapshot of student performance in Religious Education.
Education Minister's Running Challenge
The 2024 Education Minister's Running Challenge starts in Term 3 and Student can now register. Participating means that students can be in the running for some great weekly prizes and gain the variety of benefits from the challenge.
Parents can register their child using the link: Sign up link
When signing up select "St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School" as your school and once completed your can log any running, walking, or wheeling.
For more information please visit https://www.ministersrunningchallenge.wa.gov.au/
URStrong Parent and Child Workshop - Save the Date
We will be offering a URStrong 'Language Friendship' Parent/Child Online Workshop next term on Tuesday, 20 August 6:00pm - 7:15pm. More details and links to follow.
Friendship Fires or Mean on Purpose?
Coaching children to handle “Friendship Fires” is a normal part of any relationship. These are moments when feelings get hurt or there’s a misunderstanding. It’s important to distinguish these from “Mean on Purpose” behaviours, which are intentionally cruel and meant to harm.
At our school, we carefully assess each situation to determine whether it’s a Friendship Fire or Mean on Purpose. Mean on Purpose behaviour isn’t introduced until Year 3 because younger children often can’t yet tell the difference—they might label everything as “mean.”
It’s crucial to understand that younger children can also unintentionally hurt others. They are honest and still learning how to be intentionally kind. So, our focus with younger students is on kindness and resolving Friendship Fires. We teach children to develop their own “Quick Comeback,” a child-friendly way to let someone know their behaviour has caused hurt. It’s important that this response isn’t mean in return, as that usually escalates the situation negatively.
Sometimes, ignoring the behaviour and walking away can be effective, especially if there’s a risk of it becoming physical or if the child feels outnumbered. However, in other cases, we empower students to stand up for themselves.
Children learn to use their body language, tone of voice, and choice of words to express that they are not okay with what was said. This gives the person who caused hurt a chance to reflect and possibly correct their behaviour if it was a misunderstanding or a joke gone wrong.
If you haven’t already, please sign up for our free Parent Membership to learn more about the differences between Friendship Fires and Mean on Purpose incidents. There are many more articles and posters for you to access, such as the below. FREE Parent Membership
Parish News
First Holy Communion - Information for Parents
Please see letter and mass preference letters below from the parish regrading First Holy Communion information and processes.
In gratitude
Emma Fernandez
Semester 2 Uniform Days
Premier's Reading Challenge 2024
The Premier's Reading Challenge runs from the 6th of May to 6th of September. You need to try to read as many books as you can in this time.
It's a competition right across the state and there's some great prizes - including a Nintendo Switch.
So, everyone get on board with the Premier's Reading Challenge for 2024, Get to your books and read away!
Bookmark reading records will be coming home in library bags for children in PP to Year 6 to record all your books read through the challenge!
Use the QR code below or head to https://www.premiersreadingchallenge.wa.edu.au/ for more information.
Thank you, Mrs Burgess
Term 3 - 2024
Brand New starting term 3 for Kindergarten to Year 3 students! Places still available!!
Minecraft Club - Craft Dojo
Minecraft club will be continuing in term 3!
If you like to come and have a FREE trail - On Monday 22 July (week 2) please come along!
Assemble your team and join us for a night of Good Times!
Saturday 3 August at the Wanneroo Sports & Social Club
Doors Open 6.30pm for a 7pm start
BYO Nibblies / Snack
Full bar service at Club Prices
Bring your coins for Raffles, Silent Auctions & Games on the night! EFTPOS will also be available.
Tables of 8 for $160.00 or $20 per person
Quiz Night Donations
Are you able to make a donation to our Quiz Night for a raffle prize or silent auction?
Please reach out to the P & F on pandfstelizabeths@gmail.com
We would love your assistance to make the night a HUGE success!
Containers for Change
This year the Year 6 students are raising money through the Containers for Change initiative to donate to LifeLink. If you and your family have spare cans or bottles that you would like to contribute to our school collection, please scan this barcode when you are returning your containers, every container counts!
Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Wednesday 31 January - Thursday 28 March
Term 2: Monday 15 April - Friday 28 June
Term 3: Monday, 15 July - Friday, 20 September
Term 4: Tuesday 8 October - Friday 6 December
Student Free Dates 2024
Tuesday, 5 March
Tuesday, 4 June
Monday 15 July
Tuesday, 16 July (note date change)
Monday 26 August
Monday 7 October
Please note, these dates are subject to change. Parents will be notified well in advance.
St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School
Email: admin@stecps.wa.edu.au
Website: www.stelizabethhocking.wa.edu.au
Location: 30 Ranworth Road, Hocking WA 6065, Australia
Phone: (08) 9303 7600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stecps/
Twitter: @stecps