CUBS Chronicle
September 27, 2024
Mr. Smith's Scoop 🍦
Happy Friday!
Today was our September Student of the Month lunches. Congratulations to all these students! Thank you to the families that were able to join us today. It is always fun to recognize the students who have been outstanding CUBS during the month. CUBS stands for C: Being Courteous and Respectful; U: Understanding My Responsibilities; B: Being Safe; S: Spreading Kindness.
On-time daily attendance is critical. Learning starts as soon as the bell rings. Coming in late often causes students to miss the initial instruction and feel uncertain to start the day. Additionally, the State of Arizona defines chronic absenteeism at missing more that 10% of the learning time. We are near the end of first quarter which mean we are at about 45 days. If your son or daughter has missed 5 days of more, they are considered to have chronic absenteeism. A pattern of missing school has a significant impact on learning.
Our PTO Read-a-Thon ends today but keep reading. Just like anything else the more we practice the
better we get. Over the course of the Read-a-Thon 220 students logged reading minutes. These students read 56,127 minutes over the past few weeks. Wow!
Have a wonderful weekend.
CJ Smith, Proud Principal of Madison Camelview
Arrival & Dismissal Safety Reminders:
1. Please slow down and watch out for each other.
2. If dropping off in the main parking lot, please park and walk your student to the crosswalk.
3. Parking on red curbs is prohibited.
4. Be a good neighbor and do not parking the apartments near the school.
5. Be patient and treat staff with each other with grace and kindness.
📅 Mark your Calendar - Upcoming Events
Mark Your Calendar – Oct. 29
On Oct. 29th we will be holding a Family Night in Partnership with the Arizona Council on Economic Education (ACEE)
4:00-5:00 Free Medical and Dental Services will be on-site (Information will be coming soon to sign-up)
5:00-5:30 Free Pizza Dinner provided by ACEE.
5:30-7:00 Fun Family activities and games supported by Wells Fargo.
Tuesday: Parent Social at Sauce (1st St & Camelback) 5:30 - 7:30 Adults Only
Wednesday: TCT 1:00 Dismissal
Friday: Teacher Planning Day - NO School
Fall Break 10/7 - 10/11 - NO School
PTO Corner
What a read a thon!!! Tonight is the last night so get your final reading minutes in and donations too!! We are so proud of our Cubs and the amazing amount of reading they have done!!! Over 30,000 minutes!!
Mark your calendars! October 1st is our Parent Social. Join us at Sauce (Camelback and 1st St) from 5:30-7:30PM for dinner and socializing! Get to know other Camelview parents and the admin too! The PTO will provide food and snacks! Please note that this is an Adult event.
Daily on-time attendance is important. Last year we had 28% of our students miss more than 18 days of school. This can have a significant impact on student learning, student-learning behaviors and feeling connected to our school community.
1. The curb lanes are for individual K-3rd Grade pick-up.
2. The grass lanes are for 4th grade and multi-family pick-up.
3. If you choose to park in our parking lot, you may be stuck for a while.
4. Vehicles may not park in red curb lanes.
5. Enter through enter lanes and exit through exit lanes.
6. Be a good neighbor, please do not park in surrounding apartment drives or parking lots.
On Fridays, students may pay $1.00 to not wear their school uniform. All funds go to our PTO to support our school & teachers. The link below will allow you to pay the $1.00 online:
Got a Birthday Coming Up? Purchase a Birthday Box!
Our cafeteria can provide birthday boxes at a very low cost. This reduces the impact on classroom learning time (every minute counts), reduces the likelihood of ants in classrooms and creates a fun celebration during lunch times.
If you have any questions please contact Valerie, our kitchen manager at!
As a reminder, we are a uniform school. Our uniforms consist of a navy blue, white or light blue polo shirt and navy or khaki bottoms. Cubs "spirit" wear is an acceptable alternative to the uniform shirt.
Dollar Dress Down PTO Fundraiser Every Friday!
From Nurse Suzanne
We are in need of student uniforms! If your kids have outgrown any of their uniforms from first semester and they are still in good used condition, please consider donating to us! You can leave them in the front office. Thank you!
Rights of Homeless Students
McKinney-Vento - Rights for Student Experiencing Homelessness
English Version:
Spanish Version:
If you have any questions please contact our main office at 602 664-7200, and ask to speak to one of our Social Workers.