Cooperative Corner
August 2024

Cooperative Corner
August 2024
A Message From SASED's New Executive Director
Welcome and welcome back! I am so incredibly excited to start this new year with everyone. Please allow me to briefly introduce myself. I am the new Executive Director for SASED and I bring with me 30 years of experience in education. I started my career as a school psychologist, then a special education coordinator/director for several years, and then an assistant superintendent for instructional services. You can read more about me here, if you are interested.
I would like to share with you some of the exciting new things happening at SASED this year. As most of you already know, some of our SASED programs were combined and refigured. Our Specialized Learning Environment is a combination of our previous STARS Program and Multi-Needs Program. At Southeast School, the Directions and Supported Southeast Programs have been combined into the new Southeast Pathways Program. Both new programs promise to continue to meet the needs of all our students by offering rigorous, supportive, and individualized programming. Lastly, SASED is excited to share a new site location with you. We are renting space from one of our member districts, Lisle 202, to host our medical needs program. The SASED Staff and Host Districts have been working collaboratively all summer to ensure a smooth start to our school year.
In closing, I look forward to meeting everyone in the SASED family. I know this year is going to be amazing and I look forward to sharing it with all of you!
Dr. Kim Dryier
SASED's Opening Day 24-25
Don't Stop Believin' as we continue the Journey to 2027! It was so great having everyone together for Opening Day. Click here to see pictures from our first day together.
Here is a copy of Dr. Dryier's power point
Here is a copy of Dr. Dyer's power point
Here is a copy of Dr. Dyer's information about Trauma Informed Schools
(Information for SASED Staff only)
SASED is one of sixty-one (61) Special Education Cooperatives in the state of Illinois. Special Education Cooperatives were designed to provide comprehensive and cost-efficient special education services. The Special Education Cooperatives in Illinois currently serve 763 school districts. There are approximately only 90 school districts in Illinois that do not belong to a Special Education Cooperative. These districts tend to be much larger school districts, such as Naperville and Wheaton-Warrenville.
Meet our new Administrators!
We are delighted to announce the addition of three outstanding professionals to the School Association for Special Education in DuPage (SASED) administrative team, along with Dr. Kim Dryier our new Executive Director, effective July 1. Please join us in welcoming:
- Elizabeth Vander Woude, Assistant Director of Programs and Services
- Bridget Lessentien, Program Administrator in the Structured Learning Environment (SLE) Program
- Keith Zmijewski, Program Administrator at Southeast School
- Andrew Shelby, Assistant Program Administrator at Southeast School
Each of these talented individuals brings a wealth of experience, passion, and dedication to the field of special education. Their diverse backgrounds and innovative approaches will be invaluable as we continue to enhance our programs and services for students and families.
At SASED, our mission is to create an inclusive and supportive educational environment where every student can thrive. We are confident that our new administrators will play a crucial role in advancing this mission and contributing to our community's success.
We look forward to their leadership and the positive impact they will have on our organization. Please join us in welcoming them to the SASED family!
SASED Strategic Plan
Here is a brief update of the work that was completed last year for our Strategic Plan:
High Quality Staffing
A retention and recruitment plan was developed
Exemplary Instruction and Programs
Enrollment projections developed
Placement into programs streamlined
New program models developed
Cooperative Corner launched
Social Media presence increased
New billing model developed
Moving forward for 2024-2025, the following is an overview of identified priorities. A detailed plan is forthcoming and will be shared as appropriate.
In the area of High Quality Staffing our main focus will be on retention and recruitment. In the area of retention, strategies aimed at improving culture will be implemented. Meaningful ways to recognize and appreciate will be investigated and systems in place to support staff (ie mentoring, new teacher orientation), will be under review for improvements. In the area of recruitment, pipelines and college partnerships will be explored and secured.
Priorities in the area of Exemplary Instruction and Programs include safety, social and emotional learning, self care, professional development, and IEP goals and development. Additionally, best practices and researched based interventions will be explored and expanded.
A communication plan will be developed and implemented. Additional Communication areas of focus include stakeholder input, consistency, accuracy, and information sharing. Cooperative Corner, surveys, and committee meetings will be utilized to gain stakeholder input.
Lastly, in the area of Operations, we will focus on conducting a facilities master plan for the implementation target date of 2026-2027. Process and procedures will also be reviewed, revised, and retained.
Board Briefs
Our Board of Directors met on Wednesday, August 7th. New members, including Dr. Jim Woell, District 25, Dr. Brian Graber, District 45, and Dr. Kurt Johansen, District 94, were welcomed. There was one action item where Andrew Shelby’s contract was approved unanimously as the new Assistant Program Administrator at Southeast. The last remaining leases with the SASED host districts were approved as part of the consent agenda. An ESY verbal summary report was shared. SASED supported 247 students through their ESY Program. The Staffing Report for the upcoming school year noted close to 30 vacant positions and approval for close to 45 contractual employees was given. Contingency plans for vacant positions are being developed. SASED enrollment is currently at 364 students. We are anticipating about 40 more students once they complete their registration. Of great importance is the need for SASED to begin studying their facility needs. More information to come at future Board Meetings.
The Governing Board met later that same night. The SASED Budget for 2024-2025 School Year was approved.
Parent Resources
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! Below are some valuable resources and information that may be helpful as you begin the school year with your amazing child! The information contained below in Programs and Services, will also provide you with detailed information about each of the programs and services that SASED provides families throughout DuPage County, as well as a link to each of the Programs' individual monthly newsletter. Together, we will provide an amazing learning experience for your child!
Shared Journeys: Staff and Parent Experiences at SASED Video
Programs and Related Services
A word from the Assistant Director of Programs and Services
I am the new Assistant Director of Programs and Services, and I am thrilled to be joining SASED. I started my career at SASED as a teacher at Southeast School, and I attribute SASED for helping me become the educator I am today. This is my 18th year in education, and I have worked as a special education teacher, general education teacher, instructional coach, and most recently was completing a leadership/administrator fellowship.
Once the school year begins, this portion of the newsletter will showcase the amazing work being done in each of our programs and highlight students for their learning and growth. Right now, you can learn more about each of our programs and related services using the links below.
I am looking forward to a great year and meeting everyone in the SASED community.
Dr. Lizzy Vander Woude
SASED Survey
Please take a few minutes to complete this month's survey. Remember- your input is needed and is important!
There are 2 surveys this month, one is anonymous and one will be collecting names due the nature of the survey. Please complete both.
(Surveys are open to SASED Staff only)
Suggestion Box
Your Thoughts and Ideas Truly Matter
At SASED, we are united in our mission to enhance communication across our cooperative. We deeply value each and every opinion and encourage all stakeholders to share their thoughts and ideas. Your suggestions are not only welcomed but are essential in helping us reach our shared goals. By working together, we can build a vibrant and supportive culture that enriches the everyday experiences of both our students and staff! Please share your thoughts and suggestions here or click on the suggestion box. Please know, your email address is being collected to allow for potential further dialogue regarding your idea/suggestion.
Tech Tips
Tech Tip: Transform Your Class Organization with Google
Ever feel like you're drowning in worksheets, lesson plans, and sticky notes? Google Classroom is here to throw you a lifeline! It's the perfect tool to get all your teaching materials ship-shape, especially for those of us navigating the diverse waters of special education.
Here's your map to buried treasure (aka organized bliss):
- Create Your Treasure Map: Use the "Classwork" tab to set up topics. Think of these as your treasure chests - one for IEP goals, another for subjects, maybe even a special one for your golden "aha!" moment resources.
- Fill Your Chests: Time to gather all those valuable resources you've collected. PDFs, presentations, helpful links - store them in their designated topics. No more digging through desktop folders or overstuffed filing cabinets!
- Set Sail Slowly: Don't try to cross the ocean in a day. Start by assigning a few things here and there. It gives you and your crew (students) time to find your sea legs.
Remember, the goal isn't to become a tech wizard overnight. It's about streamlining your teaching tools so you can focus on what you do best: guiding your wonderful, unique students on their learning adventures.
Reading for Pleasure
If you want to learn more about Trauma Informed Practices and Self Compassion, here are some great articles to get you started.
"Trauma Informed Teaching Strategies"
"Why Teachers Should Be Trauma Informed"
"How to Practice Self Compassion: 8 Technique and Tips"
Joke of the Month
It's true when they say laughter is good for the soul! Each month, Dr. Dryier will pick a winning joke for the month that will be included here. Submit your joke or one of your student's jokes via email to kdryier@sased.org and see what joke makes her laugh the most.
Here are a couple good ones to start us off:
How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it
Why did the whale blush? It saw the ocean's bottom
SASED Spiritwear
SASED Spiritwear 2024 Store is Now Open!!
The SASED Spiritwear 2024 store is now open and orders will be accepted thru August 31st, with a delivery date of late September. Attached is the flyer with the QR code for your use. To access the store, scan the QR Code on the left or visit https://www.agpestores.com/ctpromo/groups.php. The access code is SASED (case sensitive).
If you have any questions, please reach out to Senga Lowe at slowe@sased.org. Happy shopping and have a great day!
Closing Thoughts
Wow, can you believe how quickly summer has flown by and now it's back-to-school time already? As we dive back into our school routines, let's remember to prioritize better sleep, balanced meals, and a bit of exercise to kickstart August, which is National Wellness Month! This month is packed with exciting celebrations like National Friendship Day, National Frozen Custard Day, National Beach Day, and, of course, the excitement of heading back to school! Let's make the most of everything August has to offer!