Middleton Update
October 4, 2024
Dear Middleton Families,
It's been a busy week at Middleton, and the fun continues next week! This past Wednesday, our PAC met to finalize plans for the Fun Run. A HUGE SHOUT OUT to our PAC parents for all of the time and effort they put into preparing for the Fun Run. It's a BIG event that raises A LOT of money for our school. There are still some volunteer spots open if you are available to help. See the link in the Fun Run info below. We look forward to seeing you all next Thursday to cheer on our kids!
FYI: Starting next week, this weekly "Middleton Update" will be sent home on Thursday afternoons instead of Fridays.
Happy Weekend!
Back to School Night Survey
We'd love your feedback on our new format for Back to School Night. If you didn't fill out the survey last week, please CLICK ON THIS LINK. Thank you!
Fun Run
Who: PreK through 5th grade students participate. Parents and family members cheer them on! (Please stop at the check-in table where you will receive a visitor sticker to wear.)
When: Thursday, October 10th
Where: Front parking lot
Why: This is our MAIN fundraiser for the year.
Questions? Check out our FAQ Fun Run Page.
Volunteers: Click HERE to sign up!
- PreK/Kindergarten - 8:15 - 8:40
- 2nd Grade - 8:50 - 9:15
- 5th Grade - 9:25 - 9:50
- 4th Grade - 10:00 - 10:25
- 3rd Grade - 10:35 - 11:00
- 1st Grade and Skills - 11:05 - 11:30
October Character Trait: Creativity
This month's character trait is creativity. Creativity is defined as the use of the imagination or original ideas, sometimes in the production of an artistic work. To extend learning from school to home, we encourage you to talk about this character trait with your child(ren). Some good questions to encourage discussion are:
- Why is being creative an important trait?
Outside of doing art, what other things show creativity?
What would happen if nobody was brave enough to be creative?
PLCs: Professional Learning Communities
If you've ever wondered what Wednesday afternoons look like at Middleton when our students leave an hour early and our teachers engage in Professional Learning Communities, read on....
A Professional Learning Community (PLC) is an ongoing process in which educators work collaboratively to achieve better results for students. At Middleton, our grade level teams work together every Wednesday afternoon to look over data, analyze student progress, and then plan interventions and extensions to support all of our learners. Teachers are committed to their own learning and growth as well as the learning of every student. This week, our 4th grade teachers looked over spelling assessments to determine the individual needs of every student. After analyzing the assessments, students were grouped based on specific needs and lessons were then planned accordingly. Over the next few weeks, teachers will monitor the progress of every student and make adjustments as needed. This is just one example of what a grade level team might do during a PLC.
At Middleton, we believe attendance is important. Your child is a valued member of our community and we want all members of our school community to have the best possible experience. Your child's regular attendance in school encourages academic and social-emotional success. Missed days add up quickly: When a student misses as few as two days a month, that’s 10% of the school year. This can make catching up and connecting with friends feel overwhelming. Students with solid attendance are much more likely to be successful and have a positive school experience - starting as young as kindergarten!
Attendance notifications will be sent home each trimester to all families with your child’s current & overall attendance rate. We will also communicate with families regarding attendance concerns. We appreciate your partnership and want to see your child at school each day!
Below are resources available to help support your child/family with regular attendance:
Is your family in need of assistance with food, clothing, or school supplies? Contact our SHARE Center today at 503-825-5087, or email our Family Resource Coordinator Amy Gillett at agillett@sherwood.k12.or.us.
Does your child have a recurring illness or dental issue, and need access to care? Contact our Health Services Department at 503-825-5093 or health@sherwood.k12.or.us for referrals to community resources or to speak with one of our school nurses.
Is your child in need of support for their mental/emotional health? Contact our Mental Health Coordinator Chelsie Vukovich at 503-825-5034 or cvukovich@sherwood.k12.or.us.
Does your child need greater academic support? Reach out directly to your child’s teacher(s), or contact your school’s office for assistance.
Middleton Multicultural Survey
At Back-to-School-Night, you may have noticed the map in the front hall of the school, noting the cultural heritage of some of our staff members. We would love to include our students and their families on this map as well. If you are interested in this, please complete THIS SURVEY.
Nutrition Services Update
We would like to remind our families that if your meal application was approved in School Year 2023-2024, your student's eligibility will expire on October 8th, 2024 and a new application is required to continue receiving meals at no cost.
If your student qualified for meals at no cost automatically in School Year 2023-2024 and you have not received an email confirming your student’s eligibility for School Year 2024-2025, please reach out to nutrition@sherwood.k12.or.us to confirm eligibility for the current school year.
Please note that if your student’s eligibility expires, meals will be charged at the paid rate until a new qualifying meal application is processed. If at any time you would like to confirm your eligibility for our meal program, please contact nutrition@sherwood.k12.or.us. The current Meal Application for School Year 2024-2025 can be found here.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Upcoming Dates
October 9, 16, 23, 30 | Early Release @ 1:15
October 10 | Fun Run
October 11 | No School: Statewide Inservice Day
October 18 | Popcorn Friday
October 18 | Chess Club Begins
October 24 & 25 | Conferences | No School
November 1 | Professional Development Day: No School
November 8 | Popcorn Friday
November 11 | Veteran's Day: No School
November 15 | Picture Retakes
November 15 | Bingo Night
November 18-December 6 | Toy & Gift Drive
November 22 | Teacher Work Day: No School
November 25-29 | Thanksgiving Break