Madeira Middle School News
February 3, 2025
Principal Update
Madeira Middle School Families,
It is an exciting week here at MMS! Our MMS Theatre is presenting High School Musical this Friday and Saturday at MHS. We are so proud of the entire cast and crew on all of the time and hard work that they have put into this special performance. A big thanks to all of the families that have volunteered along the way and a huge shoutout to Mrs. Brewer and Mrs. Cisney! There are still a few tickets available. To order click here.
The deadline to purchase a yearbook is coming up quickly! Please see the information below to order online.
Winterfest is on the calendar for February 21st! A big shout out to the group of parent volunteers and our PTO for organizing this fun event for our MMS students! In order to pull this off, there are several areas that they are still looking for some support. Please click here to see some available options for families to help out.
Please continue to read for future event dates and celebrations.
Thank you for your continued support!
Niki Huelsman
Principal, MMS
Upcoming Events
February 5th - All District PTO Mtg. 9:30 @ MES
February 7th - 8th Grade Visit to MHS
February 7th & 8th - MMS Musical
February 10th - Freshman Focus 6:00pm @ MHS (8th Grade)
February 10th - Cookies and Conversations 6:00pm @ MHS
February 13th - Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:30pm
February 14th - In-Service Day NO SCHOOL for students
February 17th - NO SCHOOL Presidents Day
February 20th - 6th Grade Band Concert 7:30pm @ MHS
February 21st - Winterfest 3:00-6:00pm @ MMS
February 25th - 7th & 8th Grade Band Concert 7:00pm@ MHS
February 27th - Family Fun Night
Buy a YEARBOOK - Due February 15th
If you are interested in ordering your child a 2024-2025 Madeira Middle School Yearbook, here is the link: https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/1680171/Madeira-Middle-School/?error=true&errorFile=no-catalog-products-error.htm
Yearbooks are $20. Orders are due February 15.
Cookies & Conversations
Scholastic Art Awards
The annual Scholastic Art Awards is the nation’s longest-running, most prestigious recognition initiative for creative students in grades 7-12. Each year nearly 5,000 pieces of art are submitted within our region, and approximately 20% of those submissions are accepted. Each work of art was blindly adjudicated by members of our regional Scholastic Art Affiliate, the Art Academy of Cincinnati. The selection of winners was guided by the three core principles of the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards — originality, technical skills, and the emergence of personal vision or voice.
Congratulations to the following students who each earned an Honorable Mention for one of their pieces of artwork:
Sophie Bowles (8th Grade) - Honorable Mention for Scratchboard Drawing "The Snowfox"
Eleanor Towe (7th Grade) - Honorable Mention for Mixed Media "Poppies"
Noah DeMotte (7th Grade) - Honorable Mention for "The Lake" drawing
Award-winning artwork can be viewed on display at the Art Academy of Cincinnati from February 7th - February 16th with a regional awards ceremony taking place the evening of February 7th from 5-8 p.m.
2025-26 Scheduling Information
Families of our current 6th and 7th graders, please mark you calendars for our parent/guardian scheduling meetings:
Class of 2031 (current 6th grade) March 12th at 5:45pm
Class of 2030 (current 7th grade) March 12th at 6:30pm
In addition to Mrs. Cabral meeting with students during the school day, we offer these sessions to our families to explain course options and the scheduling process/timeline. Meetings are held for families via zoom with the meeting link to be sent out at a later date. If you are unable to attend the zoom meeting, all of the information will be available on the website and in team communication after the meetings.
To report your student absent, please call 513-924-3777 and leave a voicemail with your student's name, grade level, and reason for absence. You can also email alubert@madeiracityschools.org to notify absences planned in advance.
If you are picking your student up early from school, you can call ahead or send an email and we will have your student ready in the office for you. You will still need to come into the office to sign he/she out. If they are returning before the end of the day, they can come back into the office and sign themselves back in.
Important: Students who are absent from school may not participate in after-school athletics or activities on the same day. In addition, if a student leaves school early or arrives after 10:30am to school, they may not participate in after-school clubs or activities on the same day without a doctor's note (from a scheduled/routine appointment).
Additional Resources
Madeira Middle School
Email: nhuelsman@madeiracityschools.org
Website: madeiracityschools.org
Location: 6612 Miami Avenue
Phone: 513-561-5555
Twitter: @MadeiraMiddle