The Cougar Connection
Weekly Update for Families - December 12, 2024
Office Hours 7 AM - 3:30 PM
Attendance Hotline 913.993.7245 (All Day)
Attendance Office 913.993.7242 (Partial Day)
Location: 12701 W 67th St Shawnee, KS
Phone: 913.993.7200
X (Twitter): @smnw_office
Instagram: @smnwoffice
A note from Principal, Dr. Lisa Gruman
Dear Northwest Community,
The end of the semester is quickly approaching. We have enjoyed many wonderful moments of learning this fall. Below are a few key reminders for a successful close to this semester.
- If there is an opportunity for students to still submit late work, the teachers have communicated that final deadline. There is a formal close to the semester and the grade calculated from there. Credit is awarded by semester and the grade is calculated for the semester, including the final exam.
- No Late Start on Thursday, Dec. 19 - this is a final exam day so we will start promptly at 7:40 am.
- Monday is odd block and Tuesday is even block - these are review days for final exams.
- Wednesday is review for 5th and 7th blocks. Our teachers will have review activities for students. If a student needs to be excused for one or both of those period by a parent, please provide a signed, written note. The note is the most efficient method to ensure your student is dismissed on time. There will likely be significant delays in processing phone calls.
- Final exam periods - Students need to be present for the entire class period during the assigned final exam. It is important we create a testing environment that fosters success for all of our students.
Please reach out to your student's counselor or administrator if you have any questions or concerns as we transition to Winter Break.
We hope you have a great weekend!
All the best,
Lisa Gruman
Mark Your Calendar
December 12, 2024 - Tri-M Induction and Combined Concert - 7p
December 13, 2024 - REP Improv Show
December 16, 2024 - Cocoa and Cram (Freshmen)
December 18, 2024 to December 20, 2024 - Semester 1 Finals
December 19, 2024 IS NOT A LATE START. The bell rings at 7:40!!!
December 20, 2024 - Early Dismissal @1:10 pm
December 23, 2024 to January 3, 2025 - Winter Break
January 6, 2025 - 3rd Quarter Begins
Online Absence Reporting
Online Absence Reporting
This option is for reporting all day absences and late arrivals only.
When requesting an early dismissal please call 913-993-7242 or email
Winter weather is here and we want to be sure families are as ready as possible for possible schedule changes or inclement weather cancellations. As of December 5, 2024, the Shawnee Mission School District has updated its inclement weather plans to include Plan C- which includes a 2-hour delay option. This new option aligns us with our neighboring districts in Johnson County and will facilitate common decision-making with regard to inclement weather. Please review the district’s inclement weather procedures on this website:
From our Northwest Counselors
Zach Cash A-D
Barb Legate E-J
Katie Cole K-Pe
Jessica Andrade Pf-R (ELL)
Jordan Landis S-U
Erica Jablonski V-Z (RWL)
Please see the SMNW STUDENT SERVICES WEBSITE for more information on the following Real World Learning events!
It is peak scholarship time!
Seniors check out the scholarship spreadsheet: LINK
A Word from our Social Workers
SMNW Love Fund - Donations can be made here at NW through our bookkeeper. This fund covers many different expenses for families. Examples would be utility bills, car repair bills, medical expenses, NW dance tickets, cap and gown fees, and senior yearbooks.
SMNW Clothing Closet - We do take donations of fashionable teen clothes that are in good shape. Items we need are joggers/sweats, hoodies, and winter coats. We always run short on larger sizes.
Shawnee Community Services Center.
This is great organization that helps our families with food, holiday meals, and home goods. They sit right at the corner of Nieman and 67th . They have found a way to meet all my random requests through the years. They do not have a paperwork or qualifying process. They just get it done. It is always busy, and they make every dollar count.
The Shawnee Mission Cares Fund is one that district social workers use a lot for our families. They help with rent, car repair bills, utilities, and groceries just to name a few examples.
This time of year, it is important to look at ways to take care of others and ways to take care of ourselves. Here is our EAP SupportLinc This is a great resource for us as employees and our family members. The services provided include in-person, virtual, and even texting options to get support. You deserve to make your mental health a priority.
PTSA Updates
Visit the PTSA website for the December PTSA Newsletter!
Help Us Reach Our Goal!
Please take a moment to become a member! Our 2024/2025 membership goal is 125 and we currently have 115 members. Becoming a member doesn't commit you to volunteering, it simply supports what our PTSA does for NW students, staff, and families! CLICK HERE to join.
Take a break from the December craziness at Top Golf this Sunday from 6-8 PM! For only $20 per person, you get 2 hours of golf in a heated bay with unlimited (non-alcoholic) drinks! Better yet - this event helps support After Prom '25! Spots are limited, so round up your family or a few friends and get your tickets HERE.
December Staff Appreciation
The annual cookie exchange for SMNW faculty and staff is right around the corner! Please consider signing up HERE to donate 3 dozen of your favorite holiday treats (cookies, candy, etc.) that our amazing teachers and staff can share with
NW Athletic Links
All Sports Passes are now available for purchase! All ticket sales including the All Sports Pass are available digitally through GoFan!
All Sports Passes are ONLY available in the digital format. You will have access to your All Sports Pass through the GoFan platform throughout the entire school year. There are two types of individual sports passes:
(1) Individual Sports Pass–Adult: Admits one adult with the cost being $75
(2) Individual Sports Pass–Student: Admits one person, who is not a SMNW student (with valid ID) to get into games. Please remember that all individuals grades K-12 are considered students. Cost is $50
The Shawnee Mission Northwest All Sports Pass allows you to pre-purchase your admission to Shawnee Mission Northwest regular season home regular season athletic events. This convenient option can allow for quicker access by eliminating the need for cash at the entrance gates. The All Sports Passes are not valid for KSHSAA post-season events and regular season tournaments hosted by Shawnee Mission Northwest High School.
In summary, two different passes available:
Individual Pass–Adults are $75.00
Individual Pass–Students are – $50
See below to order your individual passes today. For questions contact the SMNW Athletic Office at 913-993-7400 or email
Note from Athletic Director, Angelo Giacalone
As the holiday season approaches athletics continue to move at a fast pace. We are hopeful that this edition of the EveryDay Champion Newsletter helps to keep everyone informed. If there are questions regarding athletics/activities you can reach out by emailing Mr. Giacalone,, or Mrs. Alvey, or you can reach out by phone at 913-993-7400. This week’s edition of the EveryDay Champion newsletter is linked below:
EveryDay Champion Newsletter Week of Dec. 16
Student athletes please make sure to prepare for finals on December 18th-20th. Your grades could affect your status for second semester eligibility.
We wish everyone a happy holiday. See everyone after the first of the year.
Northwest Yearbook Information:
- Full Page: $325
- ½ Page: $225
- 1/3 Page: $145
- ¼ Page: $110
- 1/6 Page: $75
A Word from Nurse, Wendy Woods
Your SMNW student may be missing KS state required immunizations. These may include any Meningitis ACWY for Juniors 16 years or older (this is a 2-dose shot and the first should have been received in 7th grade) or they may be missing other state required immunizations. If this is the case please see the attachment for an upcoming immunization clinic at the health department.
Thank you, Nurse Wendy Woods
Please provide proof of vaccination to the nurse aid or I. You can email this to myself at or the nurse aid Brenda Renteria at
Please turn any athletic papers to the athletic secretary in the main office.
I would also like to introduce our new health office nurse aid Brenda Renteria; she will be helping with vaccinations, paperwork and everyday office needs.
Feel free to email or call with any questions or concerns about your student’s health or vaccine needs! You can reach me, Wendy Woods (nurse) at 913-993-7216 or Brenda Renteria (nurse aid) at 913-993-7606.
Thank you,
Wendy Woods, RN, BSN, MSN
NW Nurse
Medications at School:
Immunizations and Physicals: