Summer 2024 Enrichment Guide
Mason Public Schools - Community Education
We are happy you're checking out our Summer 2024 (June-August) classes for Mason Community Education!
Offerings are very limited during the summer due to buildings needing to be cleaned and maintenance done. Some things listed before are NOT run through Community Education and have notes as to who to contact for information. Please read carefully!
Due to construction at Mason High School this summer, pool attendees are required to park in the South parking lot (by football field) and walk behind the building and come in Door 19 in the back of the school - this door faces the tennis courts.
Please check out all the options and get signed up. An email will be sent to you the week of your class with specific information about location, what to wear/bring, etc. Space DOES fill up and all class enrollments close the Friday before the event takes place at noon. Please see the last page of the guide for frequently asked questions and information how to enroll in events and Aquatic events!
Thank you,
Jessica Miller
Director of Community Education
Office - (517) 244-6416
- Recreation and Fitness Classes
- Youth Classes
- Aquatics Offerings
- Registration Information
1. Recreation and Fitness
Mason Summer Tennis Academy 2024
Hello Mason Community! We are excited to announce the return of our Summer Tennis Camps at Mason High School! We will have the following class offerings for children of all ages and adults. Now including MATCH-PLAY FRIDAYS! We look forward to seeing and working with you all!
Bulldog Puppies: Ages 5-7 (Mondays and Wednesdays 4:15-5:00 pm, $54 per 3 week session, 6 classes total) Learn tennis quickly playing on a smaller court modified to fit the young athlete’s size! Develop and refine large motor skills that will help in tennis and all sports.
Future Bulldogs: Ages 8-11 (Mondays and Wednesdays 5:00 - 6:00 pm, $72 per 3 week session, 6 classes total) Continue with the quick start format concept but we grow to a larger court and move into more advanced motor skills appropriate to their age. Games and drills are used to advance their game!
Bulldogs: Ages 12-14 (Mondays and Wednesdays 6:00-7:00 pm, $72 per 3 week session 6 classes total) Players will start to learn point construction and continue to enhance tennis skills, techniques, and point play.
Adult Bulldogs: Ages 18+ (Mondays and Wednesdays 7:00-8:00 pm, $72 per 3 week session 6 classes total) Whether you’re looking to start playing tennis for the first time, dust off the racquet from those high school years, or you play regularly… this is the class for you! We will have lots of instruction blended with some cardio tennis to get us moving and hitting as much as possible.
NEW - Match Play (Fridays from 9:30 -11:00 am, $10 drop-in rate)
Session #1: 6/14, 6/21, 6/28 & Session #2: 7/12, 7/19, 7/26
We will be hosting a drop-in match play on Fridays for the two sessions for ages 8+ (Future Bulldogs and above). This is your opportunity to get some match-play experience! We will match you up based on skill level. You must sign up by Wednesday of that week.
Coaching Staff: Jimmy Joyce - Mason High School Boys & Girls Varsity Tennis Coach PTR Certified Tennis Professional at Michigan Athletic Club, Mason High School Teacher. Chelsea Hayhoe - Mason High School Boys & Girls Varsity Tennis Assistant. Coach Current Players and Alumni of the Boys & Girls Mason Varsity Tennis Teams
Registration -
Session #1: Mondays & Wednesdays June 10 - June 26
Session #2: Mondays & Wednesdays July 8 - July 24
(If canceled because of rain, we will try our best to make-up on a different day)
To sign up for any of the classes mentioned above you can follow - http://tinyurl.com/masonsummertennis2024
If you are planning to register please register prior to coming on the first day of each session (this will help with staffing). If you have any questions or issues please feel free to email joycej@masonk12.net.
Payment: Payment in the form of checks, cash, or venmo will be required on the first day of every session. Please make checks payable to Jimmy Joyce.
Summer Sports Camps
Mason High School Athletic Department is offering youth sports camps. Please see the link here: https://www.masonk12.net/activities/athletics/ (link to summer camps towards bottom of the page). All questions and enrollment should be directed to (517) 676-6535 or
You do NOT enroll on RevTrak for these programs.
2. Youth Classes
Tinkergarten: Sensory
Tinkergarten is an outdoor, play-based program that teaches children about nature while building social skills and independence. Each session has weekly lessons that tie into the larger theme: Sensory. Each week’s lesson includes songs, a creature feature, a story, and a guided activity. An adult must attend and participate with their child(ren) for entirety of class. Caregivers are welcome to bring siblings under age 1 WITH their enrolled students. We will meet outdoors if it is safe to do so. If cancellation is required for safety, we will schedule a make up time. Taught by Virginia Reid (certified educator and mom). Location: Playground at North Aurelius Elementary School in Mason. Appropriate for ages 1-5. Please note, the entire class will be held outside and teacher has no access to indoor bathrooms at the school.
Thursdays, June 20 - Aug 15, 2024 (no class 7/4/24)
10:00am - 10:45am
3. Aquatic Center
Any questions or concerns regarding Aquatics programming or pool rentals, please contact Pool Supervisor, Jacob, at hazewinkelj@masonk12.net.
Important Summer Pool Information
Pool is under construction until June 9, 2024. Starting dates on below programming are subject to change if work is not done according to projected timeline. Always check Mason Aquatic Center Facebook page for any changes.
Due to High School construction, pool attendees are required to park in the South parking lot (by football field) and walk behind the building and come in Door 19 in the back of the school - this door faces the tennis courts.
There is always a chance of last minute closures due to construction in the building, so please always check the Mason Aquatic Center Facebook page for any closing information.
Open Swim
June 10 - Aug 16, 2024
Monday - Thursday 1:00pm-3:00pm
Thursday 7:00-9:00pm *special events 6/20, 7/18, 8/15
NO OPEN SWIM: 7/4, 8/1
Price: $3/Adults, $2/Students & Senior Citizens, $8 per a family of 4 ($1 for each additional family member in same household).
*Family Movie Night Open Swim - June 20, July 18, Aug 15th from 7:00-9:00pm
We will be playing a family friendly movie during open swim. We encourage people who can pass deep end swim test to bring a personal floatation devices like a water lounge chair (nothing that sits more than 1 person) to sit on or lay on to watch the movie. The diving boards will be closed during the movie. Floatation appropriateness is ultimately up to lifeguards on duty. Family Movie Nights cost is $4/adult, $3/student & Senior Citizen. $10 per family of 4 ($2 for each additional family member in same household.
NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED, PAY CASH AT THE DOOR! Bring correct change, please. No credit cards accepted. For the safety of all patrons we ask that all children 8 years of age and younger be accompanied by an adult in the water unless the child can proficiently swim on their own without a floatation device.
Children swimming with floatation devices of any kind must have a responsible adult in the water with them and cannot go to the deep end, even with a parent. Children that are not potty trained must wear a swim diaper. We do not sell or provide diapers. The lifeguard on duty will determine the proficiency of the swimmer to swim in the deep end. Lifeguards will have a lane open for Lap Swimmers.
Adult Lap Swim (ages 18+)
June 10 - Aug 23, 2024
Lap swim times are on a drop in basis. Come enjoy the water and get some exercise. May need to share a lane with other swimmers depending on number of swimmers attending lap swim.
Monday - Friday - 6:00AM - 7:30AM
No Swim - 7/4, 7/5, 8/2
Monday and Wednesday - 7:15PM - 8:45PM
(no shallow end water walking available during evening lap swim)
No Swim - 7/3/24
$5/person or $35/Punch Card (10 punches. 11th punch free.)
MPS Employee: $2/person. No punch cards
Senior Citizen (60+): $4/person or $28/Punch Card (10 punches)
Bring correct change, please. No credit cards accepted.
Water Fitness (ages 16+)
Shallow Water Class ONLY!
June 17 - Aug 16, 2024
Monday and Wednesday - 7:15PM - 8:15PM
No class - 7/3/24
Price: $6 at the door, or purchase a 10 visit punch card - $45 for ages 16-59. Ages 60+ is $36.
No advanced registration is required.
Swim Lesson Information
Due to High School construction, pool attendees are asked to park in the South parking lot (by football field) and walk behind the building and come in Door #19 to enter the pool area. There is always a chance of last minute closures due to construction in the building, so please always check your email and/or Mason Aquatic Center Facebook page for any closing information.
1. Where is the pool located? The pool is located at the High School 1001 S. Barnes St., Mason, MI 48854 at the north end of the building by the tennis courts- opposite side of the school from the football field.
2. What level should I sign my child up for? Each lesson description has information on what is taught in each level and appropriate age levels. Please read carefully and choose the best fit for your child's current skill set. If you sign your child up for the wrong level and the correct level is full, we will provide you a refund for the session. We cannot accommodate students enrolled in the wrong level for safety reasons.
3. What Should I bring? Your towel, swimsuit, goggles, & any personal items you might need. Have long hair tied back. Men's, women's and family locker room are available to use.
4. What time should I arrive? 5-10 minutes before your class time.
5. Can I stay and watch? Yes, but please sit on the bleachers or in the upstairs balcony and do not interfere with the child's lesson.
6. Are swim lessons the only ones in the pool? No, often the pool is often being utilized by other groups. All groups work together to ensure everyone has the space they need available.
7. Why are there not more days/times offered? We understand classes are limited and fill very quickly and that can be very frustrating. However, we can only offer the number of classes we have staff and pool space for. Your child's safety during lessons is our #1 priority.
8. Is the pool warm? Mason Aquatic Center is a competitive pool. It is heated to 82* but this can feel chilly to many. We highly recommend long sleeved bathing suits when swimming here. We cannot raise the temperature just for lessons.
9. When are lessons? In the summer, we have Tuesday evening session. Or we have 1 or 2 week daytime sessions that will run Monday-Thursday for their assigned week(s). Friday is reserved for ONLY if a class has to be cancelled due to a pool issue. No Saturday summer classes.
Swim Lesson Level Descriptions:
Parent Child (6 Months - 4 Years) (30 minutes) No experience required. The focus of this class is to create a nurturing aquatic environment through activities, and parent/child bonding. Adults will learn safety tips to keep you and your child safe in and around water Introductions to floating on front/back, kicking, under water exploration and basic water safety. Children not potty trained must wear a swim diaper. Adult must be in the water with the child at all times.
Make A Splash (3.5 - 5 Years) (30 minutes) Previous class experience & 42" height is required. This class is for young swimmers who are ready to make the transition out of a parent and child class and can safely follow directions from a teacher, but not quite ready for a Level Class. Continuation of water adjustment skills and self exploration in the water along with skill training. Students must be potty trained to attend this class
Level 1 (30 minutes) Appropriate for ages 5-10. Recommended child height of 48". Students will work on water entrances/exits, blowing bubbles, water bobbing, floating on front/back, rolling front to back, safety, and learning combined arm and leg action.
Level 2 (45 minutes) Appropriate for ages 6-12 with previous lesson experience. Learn to fully submerge and hold breath. Work on advanced bobbing, recover from a front float or glide to a vertical position, roll from front to back and front crawl at least 15 yards. Continued safety skills and Introduction of rhythmic breathing & combined arm and leg action.
Level 3 (45 minutes) Appropriate for ages 6-12 with previous lesson experience. Learn to enter from deep end, scissors kick, rhythmic breathing, introduction of breast stroke, refining elementary backstroke, front crawl, and backstroke, treading water in the deep.
Level 4 (45 minutes) Appropriate for ages 7-13 with previous lesson experience. Stroke technique and swimming more distance for endurance will be the focus in Level 4. Swimmers will also be introduced to open turns on the front and back.
Evening Session (Tuesdays, June 25 - Aug 6, 2024)
Parent/Child Class:
- 9000-SU24 6:05-6:35pm $55
- 9001-SU24 6:45-7:15pm $55
Make a Splash:
- 9002-SU24 6:05-6:35pm $55
- 9003-SU24 6:45-7:15pm $55
Level 1:
- 9004-SU24 6:05-6:35pm $55
- 9005-SU24 6:45-7:15pm $55
Level 2:
- 9006-SU24 5:15-6:00pm $65
Level 3:
- 9007-SU24 5:15-6:00pm $65
Session 1 (June 24 - June 27, 2024 - Monday - Thursday, 1 week)
Parent/Child Class:
- 9008-SU24 10:05-10:35am $25
- 9009-SU24 11:30-12:00pm $25
Make a Splash:
- 9010-SU24 9:30-10:00am $25
- 9011-SU24 10:55-11:25am $25
Level 1:
- 9012-SU24 9:30-10:00am $25
- 9013-SU24 10:05-10:35am $25
- 9014-SU24 10:55-11:25am $25
Level 2:
- 9015-SU24 9:30-10:15am $30
- 9016-SU24 11:15-12:00pm $30
Level 3:
- 9017-SU24 10:20-11:05am $30
Level 4:
- 9018-SU24 11:15-12:00pm $30
Session 2 (July 8 - July 18, 2024 - Monday - Thursday, 2 weeks)
Parent/Child Class:
- 9019-SU24 9:30-10:00am $50
- 9020-SU24 10:55-11:25am $50
Make a Splash:
- 9021-SU24 9:30-10:00am $50
- 9022-SU24 10:05-10:35am $50
- 9023-SU24 10:55-11:25am $50
Level 1:
- 9024-SU24 10:05-10:35am $50
- 9025-SU24 11:30-12:00pm $50
Level 2:
- 9026-SU24 10:20-11:05am $60
Level 3:
- 9027-SU24 9:30-10:15am $60
- 9028-SU24 11:15-12:00pm $60
Level 4:
- 9029-SU24 11:15-12:00pm $60
Session 3 (July 22 - Aug 1, 2024 - Monday - Thursday, 2 weeks)
Parent/Child Class:
- 9030-SU24 9:30-10:00am $50
- 9031-SU24 10:55-11:25am $50
Make a Splash:
- 9032-SU24 9:30-10:00am $50
- 9033-SU24 10:05-10:35am $50
- 9034-SU24 10:55-11:25am $50
Level 1:
- 9035-SU24 10:05-10:35am $50
- 9036-SU24 11:30-12:00pm $50
Level 2:
- 9037-SU24 10:20-11:05am $60
Level 3:
- 9038-SU24 9:30-10:15am $60
- 9039-SU24 11:15-12:00pm $60
Level 4:
- 9040-SU24 11:15-12:00pm $60
Session 4 (August 5-8, 2024 - Monday - Thursday, 1 week)
Parent/Child Class:
- 9041-SU24 10:05-10:35am $25
- 9042-SU24 11:30-12:00pm $25
Make a Splash:
- 9043-SU24 9:30-10:00am $25
- 9044-SU24 10:55-11:25am $25
Level 1:
- 9045-SU24 9:30-10:00am $25
- 9046-SU24 10:05-10:35am $25
- 9047-SU24 10:55-11:25am $25
Level 2:
- 9048-SU24 9:30-10:15am $30
- 9049-SU24 11:15-12:00pm $30
Level 3:
- 9050-SU24 10:20-11:05am $30
Level 4:
- 9051-SU24 11:15-12:00pm $30
MASC (Mason Area Swim Club)
1. Do I have to be a good swimmer? You must be able to swim at least 50 yards of Freestyle and 25 yards of Backstroke (without stopping) with correct technique or have completed Level 4 of the Swim Lesson classes to do Bronze level. MASC is NOT a learn to swim program.
2. What if I am involved in other sports? We have many swimmers involved in other sports/activities. Please just come to as many practices as possible to get the greatest benefit of swimming!
3. Are there swim meets? We will participate in meets when offered nearby. Participation is optional.
4. Can I join anytime? Enrollment will close after the first week of the session. No prorated tuition if you start after Day 1.
Summer MASC Session
June 17 - Aug 8, 2024
Monday/Wednesday/Thursday (22 Swims)
NO swim: 7/3, 7/4
Bronze - 6:00-7:00pm
- 9052-SU24
Silver - 5:30-7:00pm
- 9053-SU24
Gold - 5:30-7:00pm
- 9054-SU24
USA Swimming
A tryout will be required the first day of practice you attend. Train this summer with Coaches Connie & Mike Cantrell with SCS, our US Swimming Team! We will be working with all competitive strokes and developing speed and efficiency in racing. Our main summer training session will be in the morning done by 9:30. There will also be additional options of dryland, weights, and meets. We will limit the number of athletes in this session so that we have more individual attention. An athlete needs to be able to hold 100's freestyle on the 1:30 for this senior group. Additional fee will be owed if you want to join USA Swim Association to participate in meets - this is not required. Please email Coach Connie at cantrellc@masonk12.net with specific questions.
Summer Session - June 10 - Aug 2, 2024
Monday - Friday 7:30am-9:30am
August 1 and 2, 2024 ONLY - Practice is 3:30-5:30pm
NO swimming July 1 - 5th
9055-SU24 USA Swim $225
Lifeguard Courses
Lifeguard Certification - Blended Learning
Lifeguards are always in demand and if you are committed to helping prevent drownings, this is the class for you. In this program, you will learn CPR/FA/AED & water skills. Classroom work will provide valuable information from trainers with years of experience. There is an online portion of this class that will need to be completed BEFORE the first day of in-person class.
Prerequisites: Must be 15 years of age on or before the final exam. Swim 300 yards continuously demonstrating rhythmic breathing. Candidates may swim using the front crawl, breaststroke, or a combination of both but swimming on your back or side is not allowed. Swim goggles may be used. You must also be able to tread water for 2 minutes using only your legs (hands under armpits) and complete a timed event within 1 minute and 40 seconds. Students must pass all water tests and written exam with an 80% or higher. MUST ATTEND ALL SESSIONS AND COMPLETE ONLINE LEARNING PORTION OF CLASS PRIOR TO THE FIRST MEETING DATE. After registering for the class, contact Mary Kay Gavitt at lifemattersplus@comcast.net for the online portion of this class.
June 17 - 20, 2024
9004-S24 (Student Rate - $125)
9005-S24 (NON-student Rate - $225)
Lifeguard Recertification
All skills will be reviewed and practiced before water and written test. CPR/FA/AED are included in the review. Upon successful completion of both water and written skills test, you will be issued your certification. Students must bring their proof of prior training which is not 60 days past expiration. You must also complete the online Blended Learning prior to the first day of class. Call the Community Education office to have the link sent to you. Instructors: Mary Kay Gavitt & Karen Creaser. After registering for the class, contact Mary Kay Gavitt at lifemattersplus@comcast.net for the online portion of this class.
June 20, 2024
Lifeguard Instructor Certification - Blended Learning
Lifeguard Instructor Certification requires all students to complete the online Blended Learning prior to the first day of class. You will need to pay $35 when registering for the class directly to the American Red Cross, then register online and pay for the remainder of the class. Upon completion of this class, you will be eligible to instruct Lifeguarding Classes. You must attend all in class sessions along with online learning. You will also be given 2-3 skills in which you will be required to teach and be evaluated by the lead instructor. You must be at least 17 years of age to participate. Location: Mason High School. Instructors: Mary Kay Gavitt & Karen Creaser. After registering for the class, contact Mary Kay Gavitt at lifemattersplus@comcast.net for the online portion of this class.
June 17 - 20, 2024
Lifeguard Instructor and Instructor Trainer Update Class
Lifeguard Instructor and instructor trainer certifications are valid for 2 years. Instructors and instructor trainers must complete all recertification requirements to recertify as an instructor every 2 years. This must be done prior to certificate expiration to remain currently certified. To recertify, instructors and trainers must meet program requirements, online portion, and perform in water skills. After registering for the class, contact Mary Kay Gavitt at lifemattersplus@comcast.net for the online portion of this class.
June 20, 2024
Junior Lifeguarding Class
American Red Cross Junior Lifeguarding is designed to guide youth to the American Red Cross Lifeguarding course by building a foundation of knowledge, attitudes, and skills for future lifeguards. Participants are not required to master or perfectly execute skills. This class includes certification in CPR for Adult, Child, Infant, AED and First Aid. Junior Lifeguarding is an effective transition from upper-level Learn-to-Swim courses to the American Red Cross Lifeguarding program. Students will learn communication, teamwork and decision-making skills, and the basic responsibilities of a lifeguard. Students must be ages 11-15. Students must attend all sessions. Students will receive a certificate for completion of CPR/First Aid. Instructor: Mary Kay Gavitt. After registering for the class, contact Mary Kay Gavitt at lifemattersplus@comcast.net for the online portion of this class.
This class requires a significant amount of physical activity and be able to demonstrate the following skills:
· Swim the front crawl for 25 yards continuously while breathing to the front or side.
· Swim the breaststroke for 25 yards.
· Step into water from the side and totally submerge.
· One minute treading water
· Exit the pool with the use of the ladder.
· Complete online pre-course.
June 24, 25, 26 & 27, 2024
9:00 am – 3:00 pm (There will be a lunch break, bring your own food)
4. Registration Information
Each class has a minimum and maximum number of participants to run the class. In order for teachers to properly prepare for their class, please pre-register and pre-pay for all classes/events. All registration will end the Thursday before class/event starts. Printed copies of the guide can be picked up at Mason High School Athletic Office. Please mark your calendars for any dates listed where class will not be held due to school closure or other events interfering. THERE WILL BE NO REGISTRATION AT THE DOOR FOR CLASSES OR EVENTS (unless otherwise noted)!
- Community Education questions - email millerj@masonk12.net or call 517-244-6416.
- Aquatics Questions - email hazewinkelj@masonk12.net
Please follow "Mason Aquatic Center" and "Mason Community Education" on Facebook for most up to date information regarding offerings, closings, etc.
- ONLINE: Make an account here: https://mason.revtrak.net <-- PREFERRED METHOD!!
- WALK-IN: Please call ahead for a walk in time. (517) 244-6416
- PHONE: Call (517) 244-6416 (Leave a message and a call will be returned). Phone registrations by VISA, MasterCard, Discover, ONLY!
- CONFIRMATION: You will be emailed if your class is cancelled or needs to be changed for any reason. No confirmations will be mailed but registering online will allow you to print a confirmation. You will receive a detailed email from millerj@masonk12.net the week your class takes place with location information and anything you need to bring with you to class.
- REFUND POLICY: Full refunds will be given for classes cancelled by Community Education. A $5 processing fee is charged for each class dropped by the customer. To request a refund, call the Community Education office at-least two days prior to the first scheduled class. No refunds will be given if notification is received after the two-day deadline. Community Education reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule class days/times as needed. In case of last minute closure, every effort will be made to reschedule, but this is not guaranteed depending on building and staff availability. There are NO prorated class prices or partial refunds.
- Mason High School - 1001 S. Barnes Street
- Aquatic Center is located on the north end of the High School building OPPOSITE the football stadium. Same side of the building as the Tennis Courts.
- Mason Middle School - 235 Temple Street
- Alaiedon Elementary - 1723 Okemos Road
- North Aurelius Elementary - 115 N. Aurelius Road
- Steele Elementary - 531 Steele Street
- Harvey Educational Center - 400 S. Cedar Street