The Weekly Update #4
April 22nd, 2024

Principal's Letter
Happy Summer Greenbriar!
Thank you for another great year with your students. They worked hard and hopefully they will have a safe summer break.
A few items for the end of the year…
MAP testing is the end of May, please talk to your students about the importance of “trying”. This assessment allows your student’s teachers to address individual needs the following year.
End of year activities are in abundance for all grade levels! If your student has been suspended after Spring Break they cannot attend these activities UNLESS their Team says they are allowed, due to their behavior improving. Your student’s teachers will be in contact if they are not going to be permitted to participate.
Dress code is fairly “relaxed” in our building but please remind students to make sure “blankets” stay at home and revealing garments are not allowed. When in doubt-don’t wear it!
The no cell phone policy/electronics other than before school starts and after it ends is still and will remain in full force through the last day of school, please remind your student(s) of this policy so you don’t have to make a trip to our offices to pick their phone up due to them breaking the rule.
I want to thank our retirees for their service to our families and students. They have given so much to this community, thank you to the following retirees:
Beth Dralle- Teacher
Robin Marquardt- Teacher
Janet Smith-Teacher
Lisa Schoch-Teacher
Peggy Sheets-Nurse
Ruth Klimek-Teacher
Pam Pritko-Media Assistant
Mary Soeder-Cafeteria
Have a fantastic summer, be safe and enjoy your students, it will be Labor Day before we know it!
Thanks Greenbriar Community!
Jill E. Schissler
Greenbriar Middle School
8th Grade Activities, Last Day of School, June 14th
A.M. - PTA Carnival
11:50 - Lunch
12:36 - 8th grade meet in Annex
12:30 - Parents enter gym through front Lobby doors
PARK IN CHURCH NEXT DOOR - No parking in school lots!
12:40 - "Clap In" Begins
1pm - 2pm - Recognition
The ceremony will be recorded and posted on the PCSD YouTube Channel to view.
2pm - Parents w/8th graders exit out Gym through Annex, out Annex Front Doors
- No more than 2 people per student for the ceremony - NO EXCEPTIONS
- If a student doesn't leave w/their parent, they report to 1st block. Parents may only take their own child home.
PBIS Family Bingo Night
On Thursday, April 18th, Greenbriar students and family enjoyed a fun evening of Bingo, sponsored by the PBIS Committee. A huge THANK YOU to our student Bingo helpers, Tesla Ditzel, Darren Davis, Evie Jozwiak, and Kyra Cooper, pictured above with Mrs. Ramirez, our Home Liason.
Athletics Department News
CONGRATULATIONS to the 7th and 8th Grade Boys’ Track team on taking 1st Place in the GLC Track and Field Championships!!! Great Job guys, we are very proud of you!!
*If your child will be in the 7th Grade or 8th Grade for the 2024-2025 school year, and is interested in participating in athletics, here is the information that was covered in the Spring Athletic Meeting. Any questions contact Mr. Porach at porachj@parmacityschools.org
The following items were covered at the Spring Athletic Meeting and will provide the necessary information for participating in athletics during the 2024-2025 school year:
House 5X
House 5Y
House 5Z
Gabby Gefre's Ambition Makes her a Pillar of Success!
Gabby is a pillar of the STEM 5 community. If you ask Gabby what her secret to success is, she'll tell you to stay focused and avoid drama. Her conscientious nature makes it easy for anyone to learn with her if she were your teammate. Her critical thinking skills make it possible for her and her peers to achieve high-quality work. Her ambition makes the STEM 5 family a better program overall. That is precisely why we nominated Gabby as our April Student of the Month. Congratulations, Gabby!
Gabby and her proud parents!
Gabby with her teachers, (left to right), Coach Kucera, Coach Good and Coach Wagner.
STEM 5 are Habitat Heroes!
In 2017, STEM 5 researched, planned, and launched our next box trail project. We continue the project each year by maintaining thirteen nest boxes along the perimeter of Greenbriar's campus. Its purpose is to attract native cavity nesters and protect their habitats from the invasive House Sparrow and European Starling. Native species that build nests inside cavities include Eastern Bluebirds, Black-Capped Chickadees, Tree Swallows and House Wrens. We can identify the species simply by the type of nest we find inside each nest box.
House 6X
House 6X student of the month is Ariah Hall. Ariah is a wonderful, kind young lady who is always respectful, participates in classroom discussions, and is helpful to her peers. Ariah is a hard worker and comes to class every day ready to work! She has a Growth Mindset and continuously strives to do her best. Ariah likes to contribute to class with her thoughts, and ideas, and is focused every day! She is such a pleasure to have in class and is a positive role model for her peers and House 6X. Way to go Ariah!
Ariah with her teachers, (left to right), Ms. Steimle, Mrs. Bohuslawsky, and Mrs. Porco
House 6Z
Congratulations to Avary Tatar!
Avary has been chosen as the April Student of the Month for House 6Z. She
is a wonderful student. In class, Avary’s motivation to do well makes her very
successful. She remains focused on assignments, leads group discussions, and
turns work in on time. Avary is extremely respectful to both teachers and peers
and is well-liked by her classmates. We expect her to do amazing things when she
grows up!
Congratulations also go to 3 other 6Z students. These students were chosen for
their excellent work and effort in an academic area. Keep up the great work!
Language Arts – Adrien Garung
Math – Rayanna Neeley
Social Studies/Science – Jarrel Vega Rivera
House 7X
Math - Amber Kimbro
L/A - Rahnae Adams Zepeda
Social Studies - Ray Beauchamp
Science - Curtysha Rucker
Overall/Effort - Gavin Warner
Gavin with his teachers, (left to right), Mr. Pihlbald, Mr. McKee, Mr. Majkrzak, and Mr. Beuther
House 7Y
House 7Y April News
The following is what is happening in House 7Y:
In Math 7, the students began Module 10 on Probability. They will be able to find the
chances of all kinds of things.
In ELA, the students are finishing their unit on short stories and will be starting the novel
“The Outsiders”.
In Science, the students are finishing up biomes and will be starting a unit on the Forms
of Energy.
In Social Studies, the students are studying West African history.
The 7th Grade teachers chose “Students of the Month” per house every month. These
include one winner from each core subject and a winner as a Growth Mindset/Max-
Effort winner. Someone from that group of 7 is then chosen to receive a Yard Sign
delivered to their residence, stating that a Greenbriar Student of the Month lives here.
All of the seventh grade Students of the Month then receive an “All-You-Can-Eat” pizza
party on the 1st Friday of the next month during lunch period.
This month’s winners for House 7Y are:
- Mr. Blaha: Marjorie Williams
- Mrs. Bruno-Wickes: Sheidalese Santana
- Mrs. Radd: Kira Cobern
- Mr. Viening: Obidah Abed
- Mr. Jaegers: Rahaf Alsaleem
- Mr. Beuther: Mykola Alfavitskyi
- Mr. McKee: Gavin Kramer
Our Sign winner from those Students of the Month is Mykola Alfavitskyi! Mykola is an
extremely hard worker who comes to school every day Ready-to-Learn. He has
improved tremendously since last school year. He is a very responsible and Respectful
young man who comes to school every day with a smile on his face. He participates in
all of his classes. He stays focused and always gets his work completed. He cares about
his grades and helping others. Congratulations Mykola!!!
Mykola pictured here with his proud teachers, (left to right), Mr. Jaegers, Mrs. Radd, Mr. Beuther and Mr. Viening.
House 7Z
House 8X
House 8X is finishing up a performance of Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream in English. We are also looking forward to a poetry unit that involves writing some verse and analyzing some classic poems by authors such as Shel Silverstein and William Blake.
In social studies, we are learning about leaders, battles, and documents in The Civil War.
Further study of equations in math class in module 6.
Study of airplanes is concluding in science. Of course the students met and celebrated Wilbur and Orville Wright. Furthermore, they were challenged with engineering problems and how to launch a catapult.
Students of the Month:
Super Star-Artmella Jones
Math-Anthony Rudyak
English-Cheyenne Weston
Science- Roman Yushchak
SS- Jason Adkins
Artmella with her well-earned Student of the Month sign!
Pictured here are the House 8X Students of the Month, (left to right), Anthony Rudyak, Roman Yushchak, Jason Adkins, Artmella Jones and Cheyenne Weston.
House 8Y
House 8Z
House 8Z would like to recognize our student of the month, Lexi Norris! It is rare that teachers get to teach a student twice in their career, but we have had the honor and privilege of just that with Lexi! She was a leader then and she continues to be a leader now! So proud of Lexi's ability to balance many activities and responsibilities and to do so with equal dedication to all of these things! Lexi is the student we can count on to step up and help with many different things. She is a great member of any team in which she plays a role, and she always has a smile on her face. Congratulations, Lexi! It has certainly been a pleasure to have you in our classrooms!