PWSH Wolf Howl
Information for Students & Parents: 5/17/24
District News
Summer School Information
Students and Parents,
Did you or your student no earn all their credits from this or previous school years due to not being successful in a class or classes? If so, High School Virtual Summer School can be a great way to earn those credits back. If you are in this situation, reach out to your counselor and they can approve you taking some of the courses you are deficient in. Registration for summer school ends this Friday, May 31st. Please remember that counselors are on summer hours and will not be available on Friday, so connect with them on Wednesday or Thursday.
Summer School
Estudiantes y padres,
¿Usted o su estudiante no obtuvieron todos los créditos de este año escolar o de años anteriores debido a que no tuvieron éxito en una clase o clases? Si es así, la Escuela Virtual de Verano de la Escuela Secundaria puede ser una excelente manera de recuperar esos créditos. Si se encuentra en esta situación, comuníquese con su consejero y él podrá aprobar que tome algunos de los cursos en los que tiene deficiencias. La inscripción para la escuela de verano finaliza este viernes 31 de mayo. Recuerde que los consejeros trabajan en horario de verano y no estarán disponibles los viernes, así que conéctese con ellos los miércoles o jueves.
USDA SmartSnacks Guidelines
This guideline goes over what foods can be sold during the school day and the procedure for exempt days.
Please click the attachment below for more information.
From Our Librarian
Please click on the links below for important information about school and classroom libraries.
Counseling Corner
Dual Credit Update
If you signed up for Dual Credit next year, completed all the requirements, and removed all holds – you are now registered. Please go in and pay for your Dual Credit classes by Friday. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Barber in the Counseling Center
ATTENTION SENIORS & PARENTS: If you missed our College Information Session. You may download the presentation here.
Did you know? Our Counseling Department has an incredible library of resources available on our website. Click here for the best way to locate their helpful resources.
Student Services
Did you know?
Student Services is a busy department focused on attendance and student conduct. Here are a few helpful links to assist with popular inquiries:
- Attendance and absences, visit the PWSH website for more details.
- Verification of Enrollment (VOE) Form, complete the online form and it will be emailed to you. Please allow 48 hours.
- PISD student dress code guidelines
Questions? Email us using the following links based on your students last name:
Arctic Student Services (For last names starting with A - E)
Lobos Student Services (For last names starting with Fab - Lim)
Timber Student Services (For last names starting with Lin - Roc)
Tundra Student Services (For last names starting with Rod - Z)
Parents did you know that you can save time and stay in your car when you follow our "SPEEDY STUDENT CHECK-OUT PROCEDURE" in advanced?
Whenever you know your student has to leave school early for an appointment, please write a note with your student’s name, and the time they will need to leave that day.
- The student will bring the note to the Student Services Office (in the cafeteria) first thing in the morning.
- The student will complete the sign-out procedure, and they will receive a "Permit to Leave" with the time they need to leave.
- Your child will show the pass to the teacher at that time, and he/she will be allowed to leave and meet you outside of the school.
- Student Services always need parental permission for a student to leave school unless it is the student's lunch hour.
- Please remind your student to always sign out and sign in at our Student Services office
Student Identification Badges
Per PISD school board policy FNCA (LOCAL), “Students in grades 6–12 shall wear an approved student identification (ID) card while on school grounds and while aboard District school buses or other District-provided transportation. Wearing student ID cards may be required at school-sponsored or school-related events as determined by the campus principal. Students may be excused from wearing ID cards during classes where doing so presents a hazard to student safety. While on school grounds, at other District facilities, or at school-sponsored or school-related events, students shall provide access to their ID card to any staff member when requested.”
“Student ID cards shall be worn on a neck lanyard so that the front of the card (photo side) is visible over the outermost layer of clothing. No sticker, pin, or other item shall be affixed to the front of the ID card. Any neck lanyard provided to students by the District shall have a breakaway feature.”
Parking Information
Student Parking
The cost for student parking permits is $10 for the remainder of the school year. You will need to go to Parent Portal to purchase a parking permit, and it is non-refundable. You can order and pay in the payments section. No cash or checks will be accepted at this time. You will need to complete the 2023-2024 Plano West Parking Agreement (click here).
All students will need a parking permit to park on campus, including those who have already purchased a senior parking spot. All parking permits can be picked up in the Tundra office in the Student Services Office. You will need a copy of your receipt and your driver's license. If you have any questions, please contact Patty Hollenkamp at 469-752-9716 or by email at Patty.Hollenkamp@pisd.edu
- Painted parking spaces are for SENIORS ONLY. Seniors have purchased and painted these spaces. Cars parked in a painted senior space or in staff parking lots will be towed.
Athletic Information
Swim and Dive Tryout Information
Club News and Student Achievements
Events and Fundraisers
Plano West Senior High School
Plano West Senior High Website:
PWSH PTSA website:
Location: 5601 W Parker Rd, Plano, TX, United States
Phone: 469-752-9600