Sunnyvale ISD Board of Trustees
Board Meeting Recap

Trustees Approve Angel Perez As New SMS Principal
SISD is excited to welcome Angel Perez to the SMS campus as its new principal!
Read more about Ms. Perez here: https://secure.smore.com/n/yuc5g1
The Pledge of Allegiance
Thank you to the following SES students who lead the Board of Trustees in the Pledge of Allegiance:
Second grade Raider Reps (please see below for list and photo).
Students of the Month
SMS Brantley Alford Students of the Month:
6th grade Nikki Baskin - nominated by Mitzi Miller
7th grade Thomas Tunnell - nominated by Shanda Moorman
8th grade Joshua Kuruvilla - nominated by Melissa Walker
SHS Students of the Month :
9th grade Brooklyn Berry - nominated by Lauren Stephens
10th grade Albert John - nominated by Jill McDill
11th grade Dalton Martinez - nominated by Andrew Navaja
12th grade Alana Hollenback - nominated by Kersti Engrav and Jaymie Batten
SES Second Grade Raider Reps
Congrats to the Second Grade Raider Reps for 2023-2024:
Andrea Kurian
Abe Koshy
Adalynn Gray
Aria Stidham
Ava Thomas
Ben Adkins
Brenlynn Wilson
Claire Chandy
Claire Qualls
Dylan Curtis
Elijah Simon
Elliott Garcia
Grant Miller
Grayson Miller
Isabella Iwu
Jackson Lindsey
Jaime Hernandez
John Varghese
Johnny Madrigal
Julia Shaw
Kayla Jackson
Leigha Wilson
Luke Cherian
Macey Geer
Madelyn Thompson
Nishaan Kodali
Oliver Davis
Rose Whittington
Stiehl Leonard
Victoria Allen
SHS Baseball
Congratulations to the Varsity Baseball team, who are area finalists:
Nick Herrera
Hunter Hitt
Jacob Lawrance
Jordan Tamez
Hudson Leonard
Tris DeRicco
Cameron Monson
Preston Senter
Eli Grubbs
Weston McWhorter
Brady Wolston
Jacob Harris
Dylan Gomez
Asher Braud
Austin Cragun
Grayson Smith
Cole Cornstubble
Brynon Stutts
Elijah Gillespie
Jackson Smith
Dillon Dryman
Head Coach: Zach Geer
Assistant Coach: Matt McManemin
SHS One Act Play Company
Congratulations to the OAP Company, who are regional competitors and state alternates:
Grace Miles
Brady Navaja
Sean Brattin
Ben Chacko
Logan Freeman
Tripp Goodin
Wilson Maddox
Dylan Neve
Kaylin Palmer
Ben Stephens
Jocelyn Wright
Ashwini Aryangat
Kynzie Lacy
Emery Stevens
Alexander Escutia
Luke Hughes
John Parker
Paisley Gillispie
Sam Frazer
Luke Sims
Nicholas DeWolfe
Camden Settle
John Newton
Isa Freeman
Caydence Hernandez
Clara Beth Lewallyn
Cody Pynes
Director: Daniel Gambill
State Academic UIL Competitors
Congrats to the following SHS Raiders, who competed at the State Academic UIL Meet:
Dylan Neve- Prose Interpretation
Sydney Fawcett- Informative Extemporaneous Speaking
Lyla Gent- Persuasive Extemporaneous Speaking
Morgan D'Elia- Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Coaches: Daniel Gambill and Ryan Stokes
SHS Girls Golf State Competitor and Boys' District Golf Champs
Congrats to the following Raider Golfers:
Alex Hileman - second place at state (her third consecutive appearance at the state tournament!)
Wyatt Moore
Hogan Nelson
Preston Stone
Colin Watson
Coach Kristin Cash
SHS Tennis Regional Competitor
Congrats, Raider Tennis:
Carson Gardner
Ugo Onungwa
Christian Henderson
Owen Bennett
Landyn Freeman
Sofia Cantu
Claire Stephens
Karishma Sharma
Coach: Adam Jones
SHS Track & Field State Competitors
Chiora Enyinna-Okeigbo - medaled in all three of her events: 2nd in the 400 meter, 3rd in high jump, and 3rd in 100 meter hurdles (an event she started competing in just this spring).
Austin Helton took 6th in the discus.
Ethan Tanck won seventh in high jump.
Cade Andrews is took 8th in the triple jump.
Coaches Ashley Broom and Cody StuttsSHS BPA National Champion and National Competitors
Naomi Nega- Interview Skills
Samuel Thomas- Advanced Office System & Procedures
Vinay Upadhyay- Legal Office Procedures
Sara John- Economic Research Individual
Sponsor: Jessica Le
SISD Staff Recognition
Platinum-Level Teachers for I-Learn Professional Development
Congratulations to the teachers who achieved the highest level of professional development at SISD.
Mission Statement:
The mission of Sunnyvale ISD is to engage, equip and empower all learners for life-long success.
Vision Statement:
Sunnyvale Raiders Rise!
SISD District Calendar