Swann Lion Times
Your Weekly Update about our Lion Pride!
What Our Lions Are Learning
In 7th grade, our Lions are studying weather in Science, proportional relationships in Math, setting and characterization in ELA, and human rights in Social Studies.
In 8th grade, our Lions are learning about the foundational principles of the NC and US constitutions in Social Studies, setting and characterization in ELA, fossils and genetics in Science, and triangle geometry in Math.
See if your Lion can tell you about the activities they've done to master their standards!
6th Grade Math Moment
- Explain what is wrong with the net.
- Draw a net that can be assembled into a rectangular prism.
- Create another net for the same prism.
7th Grade Math Moment
- Come up with a situation that could be represented by this graph.
- Label the axes with the quantities in your situation.
- Give the graph a title.
- Choose a point on the graph. What do the coordinates represent in your situation?
8th Grade Math Moment
Encore Corner
STEM Stories
Noticias de Spanish Immersion
Go Lions!
Join the PTA Today!
Swann is a proud PTA school! Click below to join our PTA as a parent, student, community, or staff member. If you are interested in serving on the Board, let us know and we will put you in touch with the current PTSA reps! School is better when we work together!
We are excited to welcome Swann's family and friends back into the school this year!
1. Register as a GCS volunteer here.
2. Fill out the interest form for volunteers, and we will call you or email you when opportunities arise.
10/5 Teacher Workday
10/27 Last Day of Quarter 1, all work due to teachers
10/28 Teacher Workday
10/31 Teacher Workday
11/7 Report Cards Posted
Keep in Touch!
Email: boccim@gcsnc.com
Website: https://www.gcsnc.com/site/default.aspx?DomainID=114
Location: 811 Cypress St, Greensboro, NC 27405, USA
Phone: 336-370-8100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/swannlions
Twitter: @swannmiddle