Penrith High Towers-Alumni
Edition Twenty Seven - Term 3 2024
Principal's Message
As we approach the end of a busy Term 3, we take this opportunity to reflect on a time of significant achievement for our school.
In early August, The Sydney Morning Herald published an article analysing average HSC scores across NSW public schools. This analysis aimed to highlight public schools that are demonstrating both strong and improving academic results across their entire student cohort. In this data, Penrith Selective High School continues to excel, ranking 8th in the average HSC subject score among NSW government selective high schools, with an impressive average of 86.1. This broader approach, which considers the performance of all HSC students, not just those in the top 10%, has created a shift in the typical rankings, which sees our school currently ranked 35th. You can read the full article here: https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/sydney-s-top-ranked-school-has-an-hsc-average-subject-score-of-89-4-how-does-your-school-fare-20240805-p5jzme.html
August was also the beginning of awards season, and several of our students were recognised across various fields. Current Year 12 students, Cassidy Lauguico and Sativik Warrier received the Minister’s Award for Excellence in Student Achievement, presented by Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning, Prue Car, at a ceremony in Sydney Town Hall and Year 11 students, Ryan Wen and Yingye Chen were awarded the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute School Science Award by Mayor Todd Carney in late August. Earlier in the year, Year 12 student Abhijith Sanu was honoured with the Rotary Club of Nepean Community Service Award for his outstanding contributions.
We also celebrate the success of our students in the Inaugural Penrith Young Champions Awards, organised by Rainbow Crossing Inc., which recognised the achievements and contributions of young people in the local community. Penrith Selective High School had the most finalists, earning the Outstanding Participation Award. Congratulations to our 10 finalists and 4 winners who came from across Years 7 - 12.
In addition, we are thrilled to announce the school’s senior leaders for the 2024/25 school year. These students will guide our recently inducted leadership bodies, including the Prefect Body, House Leadership Team and SRC:
School Captain – Ryan Wen
School Captain – Rupali Wadhwa
School Vice-Captain – Jonathan Sarayar
School Vice-Captain – Hanami Yamaguchi-Alam
Senior Prefect – Arunabh Ganguly
Senior Prefect – Shreya Saritha
Further to these accomplishments, we are excited to announce that bookings are now open for Open Night 2024 which will be held on 22 October! This is a fantastic opportunity for prospective families to experience firsthand the unique offerings of our school but it is also a great opportunity for our Alumni to return to see all the changes to the school’s facilities as well as the new teaching and learning experiences on offer. Be sure to reserve your spot in one of the sessions as places are limited. We look forward to showcasing our programs, achievements, and future vision.: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1290532
Additionally, although the event may have passed by the time you read this, we want to take a moment to once again honour our 1998 School Captain, Matthew McCarron, who sadly passed away in 2023 after a courageous battle with cancer. On Saturday, 28 September, a memorial and fundraiser will be held at Carriageworks to celebrate his life and legacy. All proceeds will go towards The Brain Cancer Group (TBCG), supporting much-needed research and care for brain cancer patients. In 2023, as a tribute to Matt’s profound love of learning and connection to our school, and thanks to a generous donation from his classmates, we proudly established The Matthew McCarron Library Award. This award honours Matt’s legacy by celebrating students who share his passion for education, and we are deeply honoured to continue this tradition of remembrance within our school community.
We invite all of our alumni to stay connected and remain a part of the vibrant school spirit that defines us. Thank you for your continued support and for keeping the legacy of students like Matt alive through your engagement and contributions.
Warm regards,
Jaclyn Cush
School leaders have been finalised for the 2024/25 school year. Our senior leaders who will oversee our other student leadership bodies including the larger Prefect Body, House Leadership Team, SRC and JRC are:
School Captain - Ryan Wen
School Captain - Rupali Wadhwa
School Vice-Captain - Jonathan Sarayar
School Vice-Captain - Hanami Yamaguchi-Alam
Senior Prefect - Arunabh Ganguly
Senior Prefect - Shreya Saritha
The full Prefect Body, with our senior leaders, is pictured below at the recent Induction Ceremony
After the Induction Ceremony, the outgoing Prefects - 2023/24 - had the following message:
"Bye Penrith! 😢 It was an honour serving you and we congratulate the incoming Prefects for 2024/25!"
The outgoing Prefects with the new school mascot, Penny, which was donated by the 2023/24 cohort.
Below are some photos of the evening that did not appear in the previous Towers-Alumni Newsletter.
Paul Hansen - Class of '68
Paul commented:
I have previously attended mentoring sessions in 2018, 2019 and 2022. (2020 & 2021 were cancelled due to lockdowns in Sydney, and 2023 I missed, being ill on the night).
To the best of my knowledge, 2024 was the first mentoring night to include Year 10 and exclude Year 11 and 12. So, the night had a different feel with a younger student cohort plus a larger number of students. There was also a younger mentor cohort, with only three (John Talbot 1963, Bob Grace 1968, and myself 1968) graduates from the non-selective years of PHS.
The younger cohort, still 3 years from University course selection, showed a different focus. They were less concerned with individual tertiary universities and more interested in the type of (engineering) work, the short and longer term pay, and the subjects needed for entry to courses.
The students' interest in mentors' work experience was evident. They were keen to know about the mentor’s career journey and their evaluation of their career choice. Many seemed impressed with my 50 years of professional experience and my evaluation that I have found every minute of that time valuable and also rewarding in terms of professional development, availability of global travel, and forming international points of view.
Paul went on to say:
The most interesting question (and there were a few) was, “What do you think is the greatest challenge in engineering?” (to which I immediately replied the evolution of artificial intelligence. . . we are off on a new journey!).
Paul Hansen
Bob Grace - Graduating Year 1966 (intermediate)
I was delighted to be invited along to your Alumni Night again. I found that all the students were very polite and attentive. I mentioned to all the students I was an employee that completed the electrical installation of Parklea Markets (1979). This was a site that most of the students could relate to. From there, they were able to get an understanding of the type of electrical work I was involved with. I was asked lots of questions, that I was pleased to answer. I would be more than pleased to be asked to come along to the next Alumni Night if you are happy for me to be an attendee.
Kind regards
Bob Grace
Enjoy the Mid-Mountains Garden Festival and my Exhibition in Leura
Dear Friend,
Tulips are in full bloom in Leura and the air is bursting with the sweet scents of warmth. I’m thrilled to have my exhibition hanging amidst the profusion of colour and spectacular views of Mt Solitary and the Jamison Valley afforded by the National Trust’s Everglades Gardens.
This weekend you can take in both my show ‘Colours of the Country’ and 9 stunning local gardens open for the public to enjoy.
The exhibition is open all weekend and I will be at the gallery on Sunday, between 11 and 3 pm. It would be delightful to see you there. The tea rooms at Everglades promise delicious Devonshire teas and make sure you check out the Art Deco house that is beautifully preserved - complete with a gold bathroom! If you want to tour the festival, then this Mid-Mountains Garden Festival guide will also help you plan your visit.
If you have already seen my paintings, then thank you for coming! The opening function was a huge success and since then, there has been a steady stream of visitors. The exhibition continues until Saturday 28 September at 3 pm. See all the details below. There are still a limited number of complimentary passes to the Everglades Gardens available at the ticket kiosk for gallery patrons.
Hope to see you there.
Best wishes,
Corinne Loxton
Casual Visual Arts Teacher at PSHS
Landscape Paintings by Corinne Loxton and Owen Thompson
Everglades House and Garden Gallery
37 Everglades Ave, Leura NSW 2780
Wednesday - Sunday 11 am to 3 pm
7 - 28 Sept 2024
Free entry for the first 15 clients presenting at the ticket office.
Excerpt from Murat Dizdar Secretary-NSW Department of Education-during Public Education Week
Public Education Week is officially underway as we celebrate our successes and share the benefits of our wonderful public school system. This year we’ve renamed Education Week to put ‘public’ front and centre in our celebrations, and it’s something we should all be extremely proud of.
Let’s embrace this year’s theme, ‘Proud to belong’, and recognise the outstanding achievements of our students and staff.
Every year, we celebrate the great things that happen in our schools and public education by opening our gates to parents, carers and the wider communities.
You can’t be what you can’t see
I’m incredibly proud of the high number of outstanding public school alumni who are contributing to Australian society. Across almost every industry you will see our alumni leading the way, from High Court judges to international film and sports stars to experts in health, education, science, economics and construction.
He went on to say:
Every school has a remarkable story about their alumni and how they’ve gone on to achieve great things.
Our school is one of these!
Thank you so much, Alumni, for all that you do and especially to those who have contributed to this newsletter, a HUGE Thank You!!
Please feel free to write to us and let us know what you are doing after leaving Penrith High!
Please email the school on:
attention Cathie Fayle to share your story in this newsletter
The Dave Russell Memorial Staff Gift 100m sprint was a highlight of this year's Athletics Carnival. All the teachers involved gave their all in a very close finish. Participants included Craig Steinhoff, Jack Rolls, Mathew Rota, Tim Bates, Michael Devine, Gary McGinnis, Trang Lam, Nin Eath, Julie Letters, and Rebecca Smith with Julie Letters coming out the winner. The staff versus students relay race showcased raw talent, with the students narrowly winning.
Alumni Catch Up.....
Third year Accounting and Business Management Co-op Scholar, Alyna Arago, was named a finalist in the category of Accounting Student of the Year 2024 in the Accountants Daily Australian Accounting Awards. This prestigious national award recognises successful professionals and leading firms across the Accounting sector, bringing together the best of the best from rising stars to senior professionals.
The finalist title identifies Alyna among the top 10 Accounting students in Australia, undergraduate or postgraduate across all universities and degrees.
Alyna embraced the opportunity at the gala ceremony to network with industry leaders and peers while celebrating the achievements of her Accounting colleagues.
Article courtesy of UNSW News 28/6/24
Congratulations Alyna!
MATT NIELSEN -Class of 1998??
Matt Nielsen is an Australian professional basketball coach and former player who currently is an assistant coach for the San Antonio Spurs of the National Basketball Association. He also served as an assistant coach for the Perth Wildcats of the national Basketball League from 2015-2019.
Matt Nielsen was spotted at the Paris Olympics as the Assistant Coach of the Australian Men's Basketball Team - the Boomers!
Wonderful News!!
Thank you Lisa Andreatta who spotted Matt at the games!
Else is based in Mildura, Victoria. Her writing , video and audio work has been published by The Guardian, SBS/NITV, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Citizen and included in an exhibit at Science Gallery Melbourne. She is a reporter at the Weekly Times with a focus on cropping, horticulture and health.
Else had previously worked as a freelance camera operator, a video editor and animator in the Northern Territory and is currently studying a Masters of Journalism at the University of Melbourne and is a 2019 Michael Gordon Fellow.
Thank you, Lisa Andreatta, for once again helping with some research about Else's career for us!
ICYMI - Anders Ernest - Class of '22
Anders has been studying German and Ancient History in an Arts Degree at Macquarie University while still pursuing his passion of music.
Anders has been tutoring the violin at PSHS since leaving school. In addition, he has been involved with the Penrith Symphony Orchestra, playing in performances at the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre and in a few Musicals with the Blue Mountains Musical Society including the Pirates of Penzance.
His most recent Musical has been The Sound of Music. The well-known Musical has been running throughout May and June to sold out audiences.
Well done Anders for following your dreams!
In his spare time, Anders has been learning the Moldovan Language. Moldovan is spoken in the Republic of Moldova and in Romania. It is spoken by the 4.4 million population of Moldova.
Recently, an article appeared in their local newspaper and it was picked up by a reader and an article was written about Anders.
Please read the article below for an insight.
Anders Ernest, Australia: "Moldovans, maintain your language!"
"Dear editor, please forgive me for some .mistakes. I am a great fan of your newspaper, but, unfortunately, I still don't know the language as much as I would like".
With these lines, a message, which we recently received through social networks, began. The compliments of our readers have always warmed us, are warming us, and will always warm us. We were happy to learn that the number of fans of the unique Moldovan newspaper "Adevarul Nistrean" has expanded by one more person. Our great surprise was, however, that this reader has never visited our country. He was born and lives in Australia. The young man knows about the fact that somewhere, once, there was a Moldovan language, from the archives and from the Moldovan classics. He found out about our newspaper on the Internet. He was curious to learn that there is such a small corner of land called Dniester, where until now there are Moldovans. Our esteemed reader currently lives in the village of Springwood, in the mountains, 75 km west of Sydney,
Anders Ernest, that's the name o{ our newspaper friend, and apart from learning the Moldovan language, he studies the violin and loves it when his bow makes sounds with Moldovan folk nuances. Besides everything, Anders, being a student at the history faculty, is very interested in the history of our nation.
The hero has been collecting newspapers for a long time. Apart from "Adevarul Nistrean", he keeps editions from China, India, USA and Australia. And because in his country several languages are spoken and several cultures are respected, the local newspapers appear not only in English, but also in Chinese, Indonesian, and German and he obviously collects them all. He also collected a number of Arabic, Italian, Russian and Ukrainian editions. In addition to "Adevarul Nistrean", he is proud of the fact that he also has a unique newspaper in the world - "THE MUSALMAN" from India, which is still written by hand. Although he remains grateful to the editor of the newspaper "Adevarul Nistrean" for sending him a few issues by post, he admits that he would like to have many more, especially of those published 30 years ago, at the very beginning.
"I read your articles with great pleasure, but more often I do it on your website. Unfortunately, I cannot subscribe in order to have 'every Saturday issue in front of me. I cannot single out a particularly special theme, reflected in the pages of your edition, because I like them all: literary, social, cultural, and political. But I am especially delighted by your love for your nation and your mother tongue. Bravo! "Moldovans, maintain your language!" is the most up-to-date motto, with which it is worth moving forward",-· our loyal reader ended his message.
Lilia Spean
Troy has been giving back to PHS twofold.
Firstly, he was one of the Alumni who spoke to our Year 10 students at Alumni Night in July bringing his expertise in banking and finance having studied a Bachelor of Commerce at USYD.
Secondly, Troy returned in another capacity this term advising year 12 on their pathways.
Troy is pictured below with Zeyneb Unal Year 12 and also with two student ambassadors, Edmund(studying Engineering) and Katherine(studying Commerce/Law).
My time at Penrith:
I graduated from Penrith Selective High School in 2019. During my time at Penrith I had many great opportunities including being a prefect and restarting the Photography Club. Upon leaving Penrith, I commenced a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Sydney in 2020. As we are all aware, this was not the most optimal time to start my university studies. I entered the University through an entry scheme that was targeted at socioeconomically disadvantaged students. This was a great pathway to enter the University as there was an immense amount of support networks that helped with the transition from in-person to online education, as well as a generous scholarship that covered my degree.
Early in my degree I was fortunate to gain a casual position as a student ambassador. Student ambassadors are a key part of University recruitment as they are the "boots on the ground" for the day-to-day recruitment activities of the University. Student ambassadors are subject matter experts in all things University, and are positioned extremely well to empathise and relate to current high school students, often helping students find their paths and, of course, answer questions about study and admissions. During my time as a student ambassador, I had many opportunities to travel to schools within Sydney and further away, such as, a week-long recruitment roadshow in Dubbo, Parkes, Forbes and Orange. From my experiences as a student ambassador I was successful in gaining a full-time position in the University working with a team who sits between the recruitment team and the Business School. I was in this role for 1 year full time, while I was also studying full-time.
From here I was successful in securing my current position at the University, which is within a team who looks after student recruitment for cohorts which are typically not represented at University, such as low socio-economic and regional and remote students. In this team I am responsible for Western Sydney student recruitment, which has brought me back to Penrith and schools in the area. Over the past year I have had the opportunity to engage with Penrith on a few occasions, most recently the Alumni Night and 1 on 1 consultations with year 12 students. It was great to be back at an event which was key to me when I was in year 12, allowing me to connect with people in business and learn more about what University study was like. My conversations with current year 12 students was enlightening to see how ambitious and courageous these students are, especially with the circumstances that they experienced for the bulk of their high school journey.
I have now graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Finance and Banking. I will be staying in my role for the foreseeable future and look forward to working with the careers team at Penrith to help deliver activities and events that allow the students to strive for the highest.
Troy Affolter
Paul Hansen - Class of '68
It is some 55 years since we last met. We only had time for a quick photo because Jon had another meeting with other protestors. Senators Matthew Canavan and Bridgette McKenzie were present at the day-long conference. Three other Senators were attending on TEAMS.
Jon taught Physics and Mathematics at PHS. We will be meeting again in late September. Jon still keeps in contact with fellow retired PHS teacher Peter Roach.
Thanks Paul!
* Below - (l-rt) - Paul Hansen, Jon Rickard, Stuart Clarke and Vivien Hansen
Matthew McCarron Memorial - Forever Bonded
A memorial and fundraiser for our beloved 1998 PSHS's Captain, Matthew McCarron, is being held on Saturday 28 September at Carriageworks. Matthew sadly passed away after bravely battling cancer. Tickets are limited and must be purchased using the link. All funds raised will go towards The Brain Cancer Group(TBCG).
In 2023, to recognise and pay homage to Matt, following a generous donation from his peers, the school established The Matthew McCarron Library Award. We are honoured to continue celebrating his love for learning and deep connection with our school.
Please use the link below to get tickets - NOT the BUY TICKETS in the photo!
Competition was always fierce with no one backing down.
Sports played were basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer and indoor hockey.
The Late David Russell from the TAS Faculty made the trophy below for hockey which was presented to the winning team for that year.
The Inaugural Winners were 'The Youngsters' consisting of:
Grant Newell - PDHPE
Rochelle Young - Mathematics
Grant Johnson not Johnstone (on the trophy) - Science
Gary Allsopp - Science
Maxine McNally
NOTE - Maxine is also on the 1998 trophy!
This first photo turned up inside a miscellaneous folder that was about to be culled!
Obviously they were not fortunate enough to have the wonderful GA (General Assistant), Carl Lines, and his part-time Assistant, Glenn McNally, that we have at the school at present because our gardens, especially the Alumni Garden and the Memorial Garden, look amazing!
Present day photos are taken not long after pruning!
Taken from the corner of the present day Science/Library Block
Pavers can still be ordered by following the link below:
Three covered tables and benches have been installed which will become a new outdoor staff area at the War Memorial end of the Alumni Garden. In addition, rose planter boxes have been installed along the wall outside A Block.
We are hoping to have more installed for summer along with some further enhancements.
Year 12 have already been enjoying some outdoor study in this space.
Photo courtesy of The Vietnam War Experience by Gerry & Janet Souter 2008
Would you like to be recognised on PHS Defence Force Service Honour Board? Or, have your friend or relative recognised who attended PHS?
If you are interested please email the school on: penrith-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Attention Cathie in the library for further details
NOTE: the school was not established until 1950 so bear this in mind.
In addition, if the Alumni listed below(or anyone who can help as to what area of defence they were attached - Army, Navy, Air Force) could email the school on the above address, it would be much appreciated.
Harry Grimes(Vietnam)
Brian Carney
Alan Ormerod
Ian Dickens(Vietnam)
Anthony Charles Dickens
Penrith Selective High School
Email: penrith-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Website: http://penrith-h.schools.nsw.gov.au
Location: Penrith Selective High School, 158-240 High St, Penrith NSW, Australia
Phone: (02) 4721 0529
Facebook: facebook.com/penrithselectivehighschool
Location: 158-240 High St, Penrith NSW Australia
Phone: (02) 4721 0529