The Loop May 2024

May 29th, 2024
Paraprofessionals Celebrate
Completing Comprehensive Literacy Training
Middle College Academy
Award Banquet
Summer Session
Working hard to ensure Summer is a success!
- 5/29 Abraham Lincoln Graduation
- 5/29 MCAA Promotion
- 5/29 MCAA Graduation
- 5/29 Yuba Gardens Promotion
- 5/30 Foothill Promotion
- 5/30 LHS Graduation
- 5/31 Arboga Promotion
- 5/31 MHS Graduation
- 6/3 Voluntary PD
- 6/4 Last day of school
- 6/5,6/6 UDL PD
- 6/5 Summer Session
- 6/10-6/14 Comprehensive Literacy PD K-5/6
Paraprofessional Training Opportunities on June 3
Sign up in Vector for the following Literacy training on June 3 if interested. TK ECERS and Toilet Training, TK The Creative Curriculum Planning and Preschool Foundations, Dr. McKnight (4th-12th). For questions regarding signing up please contact Crystal Castro (ccastro@mjusd.k12.ca.us). Also let her know of any hours outside of your normal work hours so she can set up compensation.
Marysville Joint Unified School District