Goodrich Middle School
February 2019
January Students of the Month
GMS Student Council Participates In "Fleece and Thank You" Campaign
When GMS Teachers Have Snow Days...
For Girls in 6th-8th Who Are Interested in Technology/Robotics
158 Michigan Schools Receive Wellness Program to Improve Children's Health
News Release - November 28, 2018 - by Lucy Ciaramitaro
Goodrich Middle School and Goodrich High School are excited to announce that they have been chosen to participate in the wellness program mentioned in the article linked above! While this program is new beginning this year, and therefore will take time to implement, the positive impact it could have on our students' lives is exciting!
IMPORTANT: After School Pick-Up Procedures and Rules
As a reminder, please note the following important safety rules for after school pick-up.
- After school pick-up is at the north end parking lot ONLY.
- When picking up your student, please pull ALL the way forward. Your child will meet you along the sidewalk. They will be exiting from doors at the north end of the building.
- For safety reasons, students not picked up by 2:45pm will be sent back into the building to wait near the main entrance.
The circle drive near the flag pole/main entrance is NOT an authorized pick-up area for middle school students. It is for emergency vehicles ONLY.
The south middle school parking lot and driveway (by the gym entrance) is for staff parking and buses ONLY. This area is is NOT an authorized pick-up area for middle school students.
- The circle drive AT OAKTREE is NOT an authorized pick-up area for middle school students.
- The parking lot AT OAKTREE is NOT an authorized pick up pick-up area for middle school students.
Unless your child rides the bus or is signed out for early release in the office by an authorized individual, they should be picked up in the parent pick-up/caravan line at the designated location at the north end of the middle school. Please share this information with anyone who may be picking up your child as well.
Student athletes should ride Shuttle Bus #5, which will transport athletes to the High School for practices.
GMS ELGA Credit Union Deposit Days
Our next GMS Credit Union deposit days are on February 14 and February 28. Representatives from ELGA Credit Union will be here to assist our student leaders in taking student deposits. All students that opened an ELGA Credit Union savings account should plan on bringing their money to school if they plan to make a deposit.
Ashley Herriman, ELGA Credit Union Branch Manager, is available at 810-600-2518 for any student account related questions.
Mark Your Calendars - Upcoming Events!
Dates and times are subject to change.
Please check our school calendar at http://www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/Events/
for the most up-to-date information!
2/6: 8th Grade Holocaust Museum Field Trip - Group A
2/7: Parent Teacher Conferences (by invite only) - 3:30-6:30
2/8: 8th Grade Holocaust Museum Field Trip - Group B
2/11: Board of Education Meeting - 6:30pm - HS Community Education Room - *This is the rescheduled date from the January meeting that was canceled due to weather*
2/12: GMS Spelling Bee - 8:00am - GMS Media Center
2/12: GMS Band Concert - 6:30pm - HS Auditorium
2/13: PTO Meeting - 9:00am - Middle School Media Center
2/15: Mid-Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
2/18: Mid-Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
2/25-3/1: GMS Scholastic Book Fair
2/25: Board of Education Meeting - 6:30pm - HS Community Education Room
3/10: Daylight Savings Time Begins (set clocks forward one hour)
3/13: PTO Meeting - 9:00am - Middle School Media Center
3/18: Board of Education Meeting - 6:30pm - HS Community Education Room
3/22: Half Day of School (classes end at 11:00am)
3/25-3/29: SPRING BREAK
Stay Informed!
PTO Updates and News
The Martian PTO is always looking for people that would like to get involved and volunteer their time. The next meeting is Wednesday, February 13th at 9:00am in the middle school Media Center.
Spirit wear can be purchased at any time through the K & C’s Special T’s website - https://kcspecialts.com/
Please email the Martian PTO at Martianptoinc@gmail.com or visit the Martian PTO Facebook page for more information.
GMS Attendance Policy
Please familiarize yourself with Goodrich Middle School's complete Attendance & Tardy policies, which can be found in our handbook on the GMS website at www.goodrichschools.org/GMS .
Goodrich Middle School
Exceptional Education, Extraordinary People – We Are Goodrich!
Proud to be a Systems Accredited District.
The mission of Goodrich Area Schools is:
“Achievement for Every Learner”
Email: mdurant@goodrichschools.org
Website: http://www.goodrichschools.org/GMS/
Location: 7480 Gale Road, Goodrich, MI 48438, United States
Phone: 810-591-4210
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Goodrich-Area-Schools-750600228283708/?fref=ts