Virtual Career Day
Exploring different careers
Hello parents and students. Usually this time of year we would have a career day at school for 4th and 5th grade students. This year we want to include students in grades 1st and 2nd grade as well. We want to ensure your child has the opportunity to participate in a career day so they can hear all about different careers. It is never too early to start exploring. This year we will be holding a Virtual Career Day. Please have fun with your child exploring all the different activities on this page while learning about different careers. This page is filled with different videos, songs and stories. Be sure to share with your child what you do for a career and discuss things they are interested in becoming. Education is an important first step in helping students to explore and learn and develop who they are, who they will be and what they will become.
Your Cambridge School Counselors Lauren Boyher & Dani Moulton
100 Kids Tell Us What They Want to Be When They Grow Up | 100 Kids | HiHo Kids
Click on the picture to learn about being a photographer when you grow up.
Click on the picture to learn about being a doctor when you grow up.
Fire Fighter
Click on the picture to learn about being a fire fighter when you grow up.
Mail Carrier
Click on the picture to learn about being a mail carrier when you grow up.
Police Officer
Click on the picture to learn about being a police officer when you grow up.
Click on the picture to learn about being a chef when you grow up.
Click on the picture to learn about being an astronaut when you grow up.
Click on the picture to learn about being a paleontologist when you grow up.
Click on the picture to learn about being a teacher when you grow up.
Hair Stylist
Click on the picture to learn about being a hair stylist when you grow up.
Click on the picture to learn about being a veterinarian when you grow up.
Construction Worker
Click on the picture to learn about being a construction worker when you grow up.
Julie Chen Reads From Her Picture Book, WHEN I GROW UP
StoryBots, What To Be when You Grow Up Video
StoryBots | Learning Songs About Jobs & Professions For Kids | Firefighter, Software Engineer & Vet