SFHS Arrowhead Newsletter
The School Week of October 12th - 15th
Remember: No School 10/11 & 10/14
10/7-10/10 was 9 Weeks Testing
- Students who missed their exam last week must discuss a time to make-up their exam within 10 business days (see page 7 of the SFHS Grading Guidelines).
Did you know our business students opened a school store?
STUCO & CHAMPS are in need of Candy Donations
Student Council Campus Events
Check out the STUCO calendars for monthly STUCO campus events such as pep-rallies, scavenger hunts, and more.
Fall Events
Spring Events
Homecoming Week is 10/21-10/25
Red Ribbon Dress Up Days 10/28-10/31
Submit your notes electronically
- Attendance note processing may take 3-5 days to process.
- It is not necessary to submit notes in more than one form. For example, if you submit your note electronically, you do not need to send a paper copy to school with your student.
Watch this how to document to learn how to submit your documents via Skyward: https://app.tango.us/app/workflow/Submitting-Absence-Requests-in-Skyward-401d7690c18f4294beb9b2536f632db6
Attendance Facts
Vacation Planning Calendar
Senior Ads for the Yearbook
Click this link to order your senior's ad for the yearbook. Adds are due, 2/13/2025. Questions about senior ads? Please email Mrs. Amber Madden: Amber.Madden@sfisd.org
Class of 2025 Kick 4 Cash Scholarship Opportunity
Click this LINK to fill out the application.
To read the contest rules, click HERE.
Seniors, if you are interested in attending ACC next year, this would be an opportunity for you to use 1 of your 2 college visit days. Please see Mrs. Papstein or Mrs. Bickerstaff to obtain your college visit form in order to attend this event and have your absence excused.
This event is free and open to any graduating high school senior interested in attending ACC. Participating students will receive a free t-shirt, free hot dog lunch. Participating seniors will have the opportunity to take campus tours where they can observe classes, meet instructors and students and participate in demonstrations; start the Apply Texas application; learn about financial aid; meet with advisors; discover new career opportunities and more.
Seniors, if you want to be in the yearbook, images are due by 10/31
The graduating class can begin booking their 2024-2025 yearbook photo at the Gulf Coast Imaging Studio. The deadline to take your picture in studio is October 31, 2024. Please visit the Gulf Coast Image Studios website to schedule your appointment by clicking this link: https://gulfcoastimage.com/senior-booking-calendar/
Click this LINK to access the regularly updated scholarship page. If you have questions regarding scholarship applications, stop by the counseling suite.
Senior 1:1 With their counselor
During the month of September, counselors will begin the process of Senior one on one meetings. During these meetings, counselors will review senior course credits, how seniors will obtain their CCMR (college, career, or military readiness) point, and any other requirements for timely graduation.
TSI Testing
TSI Test Prep
TSI Testing on Campus
AP Exam Ordering - Due 10/31
If you are enrolled in an AP course and plan on taking the AP exam, see the information below.
Students must complete the form below and return to the bookkeeper with payment by October 31, 2024.
· Students must pay the full exam fee of $99 per exam by Thursday, October 31, 2024, to avoid a $40 late fee. EXAMS WILL NO LONGER BE ORDERED UNTIL THE FEE IS PAID. (Exam order fees are waived for students who qualify for free/reduced lunch.)
ASVAB Testing
SFHS will be offering ASVAB testing on Thursday, November 14th at 8:00 a.m. in the Library for 11th and 12th grade students.The deadline to register is Thursday, October 31st at 11:59 p.m.
If you are interested in taking the ASVAB, please register using the following link: https://forms.office.com/r/xWwKA5sfYB
What is the ASVAB?
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is used to determine if you are qualified to enlist in the military and assign you to an appropriate job. The ASVAB tests measure aptitudes in four domains: Verbal, Math, Science and Technical, and Spatial.
I don’t plan on joining the military, so why should I take the test?
The ASVAB analyzes your test results to point to an appropriate job based on your skillset(s). Additional questions: Visit the official ASVAB website at www.officialasvab.com
Counselor Contact
Please click on your counselor's link below to request a visit.
Mrs. Luna (last names A-D) https://forms.office.com/r/7134uRZsaU
Mrs. Grayson (formerly Duggan) (last names E-La) https://forms.office.com/r/ww2415idyw
Mrs. Price (last names Le-Ri) https://forms.office.com/r/G6mdM5xV8f
Mrs. Bankston (last names Ro-Z) https://forms.office.com/r/0AZTkN1MvV
Purchase your Yearbook
Click the image for the ordering link.
Student Fees
If your student is enrolled in a course associated with a fee, those fees were posted in Skyward Family Access on 9/3/2024. As a reminder, student fees must be paid prior to receiving a VOE (verification of enrollment), to obtain exam exemptions, or to attend campus events such as prom.
Methods of payments:
-Send cash or check with your student or pay with cash at the front office of the High School.
-Parents can pay with a debit or credit card at the front office of the High School with a processing fee added.
-Parents can log into Skyward Fee Payments using this link and pay online using a debit or credit card with a processing fee added: https://santafeisd.revtrak.net/
Campus Clubs and Organizations: Get Involved on Campus!
Students, open the PDF attachment to view the list of clubs and organizations on campus.
Staff Shout Outs
Click the image to submit a staff shout out!