IMLEA Monday Minute
May 18, 2020
A Word from our executive director, Shirley Wright
IMLEA sends its respect and appreciation to all of our schools for the time, support, resilience, dedication, and perseverance in meeting the new policies, procedures, and minute by minute changes. You have all shown such care, concern, and determination to meet the needs of your students, staff, community, and each other. Not knowing the future of any kind of schedule has to be very frustrating and yet we all understand the need to protect the lives of all students and staff.
We support you however you need us...we work with the IDOE as a CSI and TSI Partner; in addition, we partner with AMLE, Special Olympics; National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform and INSPIRE3. Contact us at any time at
Shirley Wright, Executive Director
A Motivated Mindset (Even in May!)
Applying Trauma-Informed Teaching
In addition, Dr. Desautels collaborated on DOE's Educational Neuroscience Toolkit
Fun fact: AMLE's executive director, Stephanie Auditore, first met and heard Dr. Desautels at our IMLEA conference last fall, and has arranged for her to provide webinars and speak at next fall's AMLE Annual Conference.
Thinking about next school year? Dr. Desautels also shared a piece on LinkedIn,
"Returning, Re-Integrating and Regulating ( Pandemic School Transitions)"
MiddleWeb Shares Their Most Popular Articles-- Ever!
How Many Ways Can You Do Formative Assessment?
WIth at least 19 different technology tools, as shown in this chart from Stevenson High School in Illinois. It also includes a detailed comparison for each one.
The Learning Continues with DOE!
- Summer Digital Learning Book Study, Copyrighteous by Diana Gill on Moodle (log in, then use Join Code copy2020) Some public libraries have it available on Hoopla.
- SEL Videos & Resources for Educators
- Continual Updates to Their Remote Resources Page
- Summer Math PD Opportunities
- Digital Course Creation Workshop, June 17-18
- Extensive Computer Science Opportunities for Teachers
- Summer Book Club for Leaders
Opportunities for Students
Young Hoosier Voting Open Through 6/1
Thanks to librarian Carli Sauer from Carmel Middle School for sharing her Bitmoji scene for Young Hoosier Book Award voting. You can post or share this link with students; usually school librarians conduct and submit the voting for YHBA, but this year students may submit their own votes. Some want their librarian to be notified, so there is a link on the YHBA page to do so. (And, speaking of Bitmojis, the Bitmoji Craze FB group is nearing 60k members, and I have added to this Wakelet of tutorials and resources.)
Free Virtual Summer Activities for Kids
- In addition to part two of the neuroscience session for students this Thursday with Mayim Bialik, Varsity Tutors is hosting several other "celebrity" classes for students AND a wide variety of classes for students K-12, throughout the summer, everything from Minecraft to public speaking, to art, drama, and academic subjects, all free!
- INSPIRE3 update with students and families (also linked below)
- Continuous Learning Weekly Challenges from DOE-New Ones Added-Students and Families Can Complete (no tech required)
- Connecting with Code Camp from Rose Hulman (Grades 4-8 Next Week, can complete later)
- Girls Who Code Activities
- Free Access to eBooks & Audiobooks, compiled by Indiana School Librarians (A few of them will need a librarian to request access)
Student Survey on Pandemic Learning
Champions Together
Highlights included in this weekly INSPIRE3 Update for 5/18/20: Thank You for sharing this Update with your staff as these resources would be helpful with their e-learning/distance learning efforts and they would also be beneficial to parents and students at home. Many have reported that whole-family projects have been among the most meaningful and memorable activities during this time.
- LTG Simple Safe Service project guides includes step-by-step instruction, reflection, and connection to optional lesson plans
- Highlighting these new K-12 guides: Shout Out to Teachers; Help Neighbors with Yard Work; Gratitude Pen Pals; Boosting Happiness with Neighborhood Art
- What to Teach While Learning from Home - Link learning to a purpose beyond ourselves. Inspire youth with learning, service action, and conversations about generosity and our roles in civil society. Suitable for classroom assignments or families.
- Simply TeachOne Lesson Today List of single-session K-12 lessons covering a variety of themes, plus related resources.
Highlighting these lessons: Women of the Industrial Era; Mother Teresa; How Can We Care; The Lion and the Mouse and a list of folktales from around the world to teach generosity.
Snapshots of Service-Learning Stories and Articles
LTG free K-12 lessons and Toolkits, Moments of Service Monthly Calendar, Current Events
generationOn website free service/service-learning resources for teachers, students, and parents
- INSPIRE3 Mini-Grant update
- Visit our INSPIRE3 page on the IMLEA website HERE or the IASP website HERE and Connect
- Digital Resources include Power Points and Tutorials
- Contact information for free assistance
- Thank You Very Much for sharing our updates and page with your staff, colleagues, and parents
This Week's Kindness 101: Fortitude
Learning Opportunities Calendar
May 19: PD on ICE (Indiana Connected Educators) Social Event on Zoom: Remote Learning Wins, 8-9 pm ET
May 20: AMLE Leadership Roundtable, "Planning for the 2020-21 School Year," 3:30-4:30 pm
May 20: #INedChat-Creatively Meeting Students' Needs During Summer and into Next Year, 8 pm ET
May 21: Dollar General Literacy Grant Due
May 21: Literacy in a Changing World Symposium (includes Daniel Willingham & Doug Lemov as speakers), 12-5 ET
May 22: Leslie Fisher webinar: Screen Casting, Capturing & Sharing Plethora! 7 pm ET
May 26-27: Solution Tree Mind the Gap Webinar, Assessment, 3:30 ET
May 27: Leslie Fisher Webinar, "New Kahoot! features. New Microsoft Teams features. New fun!" 4 pm ET. (Postponed from May 13)
May 29: Deadline to Submit Entries for AMLE Innovation Challenge-changed to June 15
May 31: New Deadline for IMLEA/AMLE Membership Discount
June 1: Deadline for Students to Vote for Young Hoosier Books
June 2: Free Webinar from CIESC: Leading Virtual PL: Top 10 Q&A Session, 9 am ET
June 8: DOE Summer Digital Bookclub on Copyrighteous Begins (see above)
June 10-11: EL Leadership Workshop, CIESC/Perry, 9-10:30 am ET
June 15: New deadline for IMLEA Innovation Challenge
June 17-18: DOE Digital Course Creation
July: AMLE Back tp School Camp (fill out survey here)
July 20-24: ICE Online Conference
November 12-14: AMLE National Conference, National Harbor, MD
February 21-22, 2021: IMLEA Conference
A Closing Thought & Staying in Touch
I saw the quote below in a newsletter from the Center for Teaching Quality this morning. You will probably never be the same teacher you were before the pandemic; your students will probably never think of school in quite the same way. Hopefully, that means in some measure that despite all the difficulties encountered, the creativity, flexibility, and other talents that have been utilized during this time can be assets to future learning.
This is the final "regular" Monday Minute for the 2020-21 school year. We will be posting more updates and adding to resources on our website, including free professional learning opportunities we predict will be worthwhile. You can access past Monday Minutes via this link on our webpage, and you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter; we will be posting there more frequently. Principals and others: Feel free to forward this newsletter to your staff, and email us at any time.
Indiana Middle Level Education Association
Shirley Wright, Executive Director
Susie Highley, Director of Operations
Fax: 317-454-0749
Location: 11025 East 25th Street, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: 317.894.2937
Twitter: @IMLEAorg