The Stinging News
September 27, 2024
Hornung Elementay
Jack Yates - Principal
Email: yatesj@brightonk12.com
Website: https://www.brightonk12.com/Domain/179
Address: 4680 Bauer, Brighton, MI 48116
Phone: 810-299-4451
PTO Buzz 🐝
9/27: Color Run 5-7 pm
10/1: Qdoba fundraiser 4-8 pm
10/3 and 10/4: Hornung “Back to School” Hut
10/7-10/11: Homecoming week at BHS
10/11: PTO Meeting at 9:05 in the Media Center
10/11: Homecoming spirit day
10/14: NO SCHOOL Airborne fundraiser (details to come!)
Tonight is our annual Color Run from 5-7pm! Walk up registration is available for $15 per runner (shirt not guaranteed). Join us for a fun filled family night running our 1/2 mile loop with color stations run by your favorite staff, featuring Bash Entertainment, Kona Ice and food truck provided by Junkyard Pit Crew. A Sensory Lap will take place at 4:50pm for those interested in a color free, music free run with Hope our Mascot and Suzie our therapy dog.
Tuesday October 1 is our Qdoba fundraiser from 4-8 pm. Pick up dinner and show the attached flyer and Hornung will receive 25% of sales.
Our first Hornung Hut is coming up on Thursday, October 3 and Friday, October 4! This is a school store that runs during the kids lunches where they can purchase small toys, school supplies, and other items that cost between $0.25-5.00. Volunteers are needed to help make Hornung Hut a success. Sign up on the link below if you would like to help!
The PTO is happy to have made a Google Calendar to share with you! Below are the 3 options to access it and incorporate it into your personal calendars:
*Calendar ID for Google Calendar
*Public URL to this Calendar
Note: Use this URL to access the calendar from a web browser. This link would not require you to subscribe or sign-in to Google Calendars.
*Public Address in iCal Format
Note: Use this address to access the calendar in iOS.
Your Hornung PTO,
Co-Presidents: Lauren Argillander & Andrea Shorkey
Co-Vice Presidents: Erin Bradley & Mirullia Morneault
Co-Secretaries: Mary Beth Harris & Rachel Loch
Treasurer: Michele Mannooch
BAS Wellness and Mental Health
As a district, it is our mission to provide a rigorous, meaningful, and well-rounded education that will inspire each student to achieve their personal best. BAS believes that each student and staff member can reach their full potential when challenged to do their best, with an open mind, and with an unwavering commitment to personal growth.
We continue to increase our efforts to support each person's mental health and wellness with resources, time, and experiences. This information and much more can be found on the BAS Wellness & Mental Health website or download the app by typing in Brighton Area Schools on iTunes or Google Play.
2024-25 Hornung Yearbook
Yearbooks are available to order at http://jostensyearbooks.com?ref=A09868116. They will be delivered to your student in May. Order yours now and check something off the list!
Reporting Your Student's Absence in Parent Connect
There is a helpful feature in Parent Connect that allows you to enter your student’s absence. Simply log into parent connect and click on the link Report Absence. The Report Absence link will open a screen for you to complete. If you have more than one student check the name of the student for whom an absence is being submitted. Add the applicable dates. If you check the All Day flag attendance will be submitted for the am and pm periods. If you do not check the All Day flag times must be entered and attendance will be submitted for whichever periods meet during the time range (based on period schedule). If you use Parent Connect to report your child's absence you do not need to call the attendance line.
Friendly Reminder - Therapy Dog
We wanted to share a friendly reminder to our families about pets on school grounds. Because our school has a therapy dog, we ask that non-service animals be kept at home. This is for the safety of our therapy dog, Suzie. When Suzie is at school she is trained to do a job. When other dogs are on the property during school hours it is distracting for her and/or could put her in potential danger.
Thank you for understanding.
Livingston County Health Department Vision and Hearing Screening
The Livingston County Health Department will be conducting Vision and Hearing screenings at Hornung. Vision screening will be November, 12th and rescreening on November, 15th.
Hearing screening will take place on February, 13th and February 14th.
Rescreening for Hearing will take place on March 6th, 7th and 10th. Please contact the office if you do not want you child to be screened. Please see attachments below for more information.
Important Reminder!
Important Phone Numbers
Hornung Office - 810-299-4450
Hornung Attendance Line - 810-299-4454
Jack Yates, Principal Office 810-299-4451
Hornung Fax - 810-299-4460
Hornung Friendship Center – 810-299-4461
BAS Central Office - 810-299-4000
BAS Transportation – 810-299-3890
Bell Schedule
Student Drop Off: 8:55 AM
First Bell: 9:01 AM
Second Bell: 9:05 AM
Starting Time In Class: 9:05 AM
Dismissal Time: 3:57 PM
Students eating Breakfast may enter the cafeteria at 8:45 AM