Mills Elementary School
February 12, 2024 - February 16, 2024
School Fundraiser is Here!
Why give? Funds go to pay for our Maker Space teacher, STEM lab, Cultural Studies teacher, lunchroom monitors, supplemental student learning resources, teacher development, and SO MUCH MORE. These are extras that our students and staff enjoy that aren't funded by the school district!
Register now on mybooster.com
Family Power Hour with Mills Counseling Team
Looking for strategies to support your child in being the best they can be? Join the counselors in their first Counseling Power Hour on Wednesday, Feb 14 from 8am-9am. We hope you can join Ms. Whatley and Ms. Edwards!
Destination Imagination
This weekend six of our Mountain Lions participated in the Destination Imagination challenge, STEAM competition with 7 challenges. One of the only teams from Austin ISD, the team of first and second graders showed the judges why Mills Elementary is one of the best schools for STEM education. They were in charge of researching, creating and building an underwater habitat and putting on a play as well. What a challenge! Our students did a remarkable job!
Next year, Ms. Sanchez plans to revive the Destination Imagination program at Mills to show the other school districts why we are AISD proud.
Dates to Remember
2/12- School Fundraiser Kickoff
2/14- Counseling Family Power Hour
2/19- Student/Staff Holiday
2/21- Counseling Family Power Hour
2/21- PTA General Meeting 5:15pm, Cafeteria
2/23- Spring Picture Day
2/26- 3/1 Food Service Appreciation Week
2/28- Counseling Family Power Hour
3/4- March CAC Meeting, via Zoom 3:30pm
3/6- Counseling Family Power Hour
3/6- 4th Grade NAEP Testing
3/11-3/15- Spring Break (No School)
3/22- PreK Rodeo
3/22- Spring Fever School Dance
3/28- 3rd Grade Field Trip
3/29- Student/Staff Holiday (Bad Weather Day)