Ventana Vistas
May 22nd, 2024
Wishing you all a safe & fun summer!
Upcoming Events
2 - Come Meet the Teacher -
1st thru 5th Grade - 12 noon to 2 pm
Kinder - 2 pm to 3 pm
5 - First Day of School
Curriculum Nights
Kindergarten, 5 pm to 6 pm
1st Grade, 6 pm to 7 pm
2nd Grade, 5 pm to 6 pm
3rd Grade, 6 pm to 7 pm
4th Grade, 5 pm to 6 pm
5th Grade, 6 pm to 7 pm
Principal's Desk
3rd Grade Concert
The 3rd graders did an amazing job singing and dancing at their concert. They worked and practiced making it a magnificent event. Huge shout out to the 3rd grade teachers and Mrs. Lee.
4th Grade Concert:
The 4th graders did a wonderful job playing the boomwackers and singing at their concert. It was magical to watch. Huge shout out to the 4th grade teachers and Mrs. Lee.
1st Grade Concert:
The first graders did a great job singing at their concert. They learned many songs and performed well. Thanks to Mrs. Lee and the first grade teachers.
Staff against 5th Grade Kickball
The entire school showed how we are “Great Together” as the staff played kickball against the 5th graders while all the other students cheered us on. Both games ended in a tie. The staff and 5th graders were great sports. Shout out to Mr. MC for arranging the game.
3rd Grade Field Day
The third graders had great fun on their Field Day. The parent volunteers were very supportive, thank you. Huge shout out to the 3rd grade teachers for arranging this fun day.
Principal’s Lunch
Celebrating Bobcats and Patience Trait of the Month students for the month of May.
The students enjoyed having lunch with me.
They also loved sharing their summer plans and we ended with a trip to the balcony to wave at their friends in the MPR.
Kindergarten Carnival
The kindergarten students enjoyed their End of the Year Carnival.
They played a variety of games and enjoyed the petting zoo. Huge shout out to the parent volunteers and the kindergarten teachers for arranging this fun end of the year event.
The students thoroughly enjoyed the morning.
5th Grade Promotion
Huge shout out to this amazing class of 5th graders. I am so proud of all of you and I know you will make us proud in middle school. Huge thanks to our 5th grade teachers and Mrs. Lee for their work with the promotion.
The student speeches were thoughtfully written and I could tell that they all thoroughly enjoyed singing the songs that they wrote and learned.
Have a Great Summer
Wishing all of you a great summer and I am looking forward to working with you next year.
Let’s be Great Together. See you next school year.
Message from Community Schools
School is over, have you made your summer plans yet? If not, visit communityschools.cfsd16.org to view our Summer Camp brochure! We have weekly camps all summer long for your K-8 grader!
Program Dates are June 3 - July 19. You only have less than 2 weeks left to enroll at cs.cfsd16.org. Camps are filling up fast, so get online today!
FFO Corner
Still looking to buy a school yearbook? If you missed buying one, it's not too late! We received another shipment of hardcovers and we also have a few softcovers left for sale. Check with the front office and pick one up today!
EduKit (School Supplies) on Sale for 2024/25 School Year
Please use the link below if you would like to order an Edukit for next year. This is an easy and convenient way to have all of your school supplies delivered to Ventana Vista. EduKits can be ordered until June 9th.
Order your EduKit here: https://www.edukitinc.com/schools/1644/
From your FFO President
Dear Ventana Vista Community,
What a year it has been! With your support, the FFO has been able to fund events throughout the year, from Movie Night to the Eegee’s parties, and everything in between! With your volunteer hours and your donations, we’ve also funded so much more; Spelling Bee, IXL, Trunk-or-Treat, spirit wear, Bilingual Bingo, solar eclipse glasses, all the field trips, Science Fair, new equipment for the PE department, Trunk-or-Treat, teacher stipends, Color Run, STEM-a-thon, Staff Appreciation, 5th Grade Promotion, Kinder petting zoo, and the biggie, a new projector in the MPR in time for next year!
I’d like to thank the board from this year, especially those who stayed on from last year to guide me as a very inexperienced president, including Cat George, Allison Bacalia, Lynnea Molina-Strunk, and Nita Jain. They are rock stars!
Last week at the General Meeting, the FFO approved the budget for next year and voted in your 2024 - 2025 board officers! A big CONGRATULATIONS to Jennyffer Fenn, President; Kim Posl, Vice President; Lori Coan, Treasurer; and James Davenport, Treasurer-Elect. Best of luck to them and all of Ventana Vista next year, and thank you for making this year amazing!! Have a great summer!
Amy Corrales
Keep on Giving
Don't forget to use your Fry's Community Cards, Basha's cards, and your Boxtop apps over the summer!
See flyer below for details.
Governing Board Member
Eileen Jackson, President
Amy Krauss, Vice President
Doug Hadley
Gina Mehmert
Dr. Mary Kamerzell
State of Arizona Legislative Representatives for CFSD
(please check www.azleg.gov for contact information)