Parent Bulldog Bulletin!
Stuart Mesa Parent Newsletter #19 week of 2/10/25
What's Happening @ Stuart Mesa?
Notes from the Principal:
Hi Parents,
We hope you had a fun Super Bowl Weekend! As a reminder, next week we are closed for Presidents' Week. This week we celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday. Please contact your teacher for any special activities planned. Our Middle School students are selling Valentine Grams for $1. All funds raised go directly to our Middle School.
Have a great week and wonderful Valentine's Day with your family.
Dr. Heffernan
School Closed Next Week!
School Counselor's Week!
We want to honor all the amazing work our school counsleor, Ms. Rubio, does here at Stuart Mesa. Students across campus wrote letters and created posters to let her know how much she is appreciated! Here are Middle School students with Ms. Rubio in the center.
Spotlight on Students: 100 Days of School!
Students dressed up as what they think they would look like at 100 years old.
Ms. Ruda and Ms. Priscilla joined in the dress up fun.
100 Pieces of Trash
First graders participated in a community service project and cleaned our campus by picking up 100 pieces of trash.
Ms. Ruda's TK students
Students dabbed 100 circles for Day 100.
Ms. Romberg's 1st graders
Students decorated "100 days Smarter" ties.
Mr. Hayek's 1st graders
Students created a necklace with 100 fruit loops.
Children's Museum Visits First Grade Classes
Middle School "Bark" Newsletter
Click on picture or this link to view our Middle School Newsletter created by our Journalism students for the month of January.
ASB Fundraiser
OUSD Offers Free Parent Coaching!
Check out Ask a Therapist Live with renowned family therapist, Dr. Kevin Skinner. Participants anonymously submit questions to receive thoughtful, personalized answers.
Wednesday, February 19th; 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific
Use this link to sign up to attend this free webinar.
OUSD Offers Parent Support
OUSD Community News
OUSD has partnered with American Friends Service Committee-AFSC to host two Know and Defend Your Rights sessions. These sessions will provide valuable information to help individuals understand their rights and how to advocate for themselves and others.
Cesar Chavez Middle School: Monday, February 10th @6:00-8:00pm
Format: Hybrid (In-person & Virtual) Location: Cesar Chavez Middle School-D3
Virtual Access: https://meet.google.com/yca-scms-tji. Link to flyer English / Spanish
Laurel Elementary School: Wednesday, February 12th @ 5:00-7:00pm
Format: Hybrid (In-person & Virtual)
Location: Laurel Elementary-B2
Virtual Access: meet.google.com/akq-jgax-qej. Link to flyer English / Spanish
Free YMCA Operation Hero Program Kinder - 6th!
K-2 Mondays & Wednesdays
3-6 Tuesdays & Thursdays
Attendance Matters!
Email Absences In!
Cafeteria Menu for February!
Save the Date!
OUSD Week in One Minute!
Stuart Mesa
Email: rhonda.heffernan@oside.us, Principal hilary.cuevas@oside.us, Asst Principal
Website: https://stuartmesa.oside.us/
Location: 100 Yamanaka Way, Oceanside, California 92058, USA, Camp Pendelton USMC
Phone: (760) 901-7700
Twitter: @smesabulldogs
Instagram: @stuartmesa_bulldogs