FYI Newsletter & Carver Connection
Official Newsletter | Flagler Youth Center & Carver Center
2024 Summer Camp Recap
This year's camp has officially come to an end! It was a very eventful summer at the Flagler County Youth Center. From the wide range of field trips to the countless games and competitions, there was something new every day to keep everyone engaged, entertained, and safe. Our annual Red, White, and Blue summer tournament returned once again this year. Congratulations to the White team for winning the tournament! As a grand prize, they were awarded a pizza party. Thank you to all the staff and parents for a successful camp; we look forward to seeing you all next summer. If you missed the opportunity to register your child this year, be sure to look out for the 2025 registration form in March of next year. If you have any questions about the summer camp program, please contact Brandon Seminara at
Welcome Back
The Flagler County Youth Center is organized by youth for youth, and is a fun, safe and supervised location for participants to attend. The Youth Center also features numerous activities and programs throughout the entire year.
Student Advisory Council
G.W. Carver Center Operations
Currently the G.W. Carver Center is open daily Monday-Friday with special events on Saturday. Open Gym Summer Hours are 1:00pm-5:00pm. School Year Open Gym Hours will be 2:00pm-6:00pm.
Senior Social Hour
This program is geared towards seniors in the community, providing them with opportunities for social interaction through games, activities, and other learning experiences. It takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays each month. The fall program will start on August 20th and will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 AM to 1 PM.
Summer Programs Recap
The 2nd Annual Great Minds Summer Program started on June 5th with over 45 students in attendance. This year's program was sponsored by an anonymous Flagler County resident who believes that education in literacy and art can be fun. Flagler County Schools, the Flagler County Cultural Council, and the Flagler Education Foundation provided support to make this summer program a success. This year, we honored the late Pastor Daisy Henry and included the AIM students who have attended her summer camp for many years.
The Great Minds Summer Camp is designed to provide education in literacy, math, and science, helping to prevent the summer slide. The G.W. Carver Center would like to give a special THANK YOU to Flagler Schools, the Flagler County Cultural Council, the Flagler County Education Foundation, and our amazing teachers for believing in the students, this community, and the Flagler County families this camp supports.
Students embarked on their journey through this program by exploring the concept of having a Great Mind. During their time at the camp, they delved into the fascinating world of animals. What better place to deepen their understanding of animals than the Jacksonville Zoo? The students were captivated by the story of the traveling turtle. We were thrilled to collaborate with Flagler FPAF, where students had the chance to interact with artists and gain insight into their creative vision for the incredible Turtle Pieces scattered throughout Flagler County. The enthusiasm for turtles was palpable! Additionally, campers engaged in gardening activities, including a visit to the Community Garden. A special thank you to the University of Florida for sharing valuable gardening tips with us.
Who Cracked My Egg?
This summer, our students had the opportunity to sharpen their skills in emotional resilience and cooking with Carmen A. Gray of LLC: Rise Above The Violence. Who Cracked My Egg? #gwcarvercenter #flaglerschools #flaglercountyeducationfoundation #llcriseabovetheviolence