MTSD Momentum Newsletter
October 30, 2024

September Family Survey Results Are In!
Results from the Mequon-Thiensville School District’s annual September Family Survey are ready for review! This survey was designed to gain feedback from parents and guardians through the first month of the 2024-2025 school year. Topics of focus included: Family experiences around summer communications and the registration/enrollment process, food service, 4K Wrap Care, new family-specific questions, elementary/middle/high school transitions, transportation concerns, family net promoter score, and support/additional resources needed to achieve success this school year.
This year, we achieved a 26% participation rate, which is considered reasonable by industry standards, and are thrilled to report a Family Net Promoter Score of 59, which is MTSD’s highest Family NPS ever recorded! Key takeaways from the survey include:
94% of respondents reported that their student/s felt prepared and welcome in advance of the start of the school year.
91% of respondents agree that the online registration process was clearly communicated.
78% of respondents agree that information about back-to-school information and procedures were clearly communicated.
93% of respondents agree that their student/s feel safe at school.
87% of respondents who use bus transportation feel that it is reliable and 87% feel that it is safe.
99% of families brand new to MTSD agree that the District's quality and reputation was a strong determining factor in choosing to enroll their child/ren at MTSD.
91% of families with a student transitioning into a new building (ie. 5th into 6th grade, 8th into 9th grade) felt the orientation process helped ease the transition.
MTSD is always committed to continuous improvement and we are grateful for the feedback shared by our families to aid planning as the school year continues.
2024 MTSD Operational Referendum Update
Next Tuesday, the Mequon-Thiensville community will vote on a four-year, non-recurring $26.4 million operational referendum. This referendum directly supports the outstanding education we offer to our students and helps maintain the strong schools that are at the heart of our community.
We are incredibly grateful for your time and attention to this important issue over the past few months. Thank you for following our referendum updates, having meaningful conversations with your friends and neighbors, and partnering with us to ensure that every student has the best learning experience possible. Your involvement makes a difference in building relationships, growing learners, and strengthening the foundation of our schools and community.
Since the Board of Education approved this ballot question in August, we have taken several steps to inform and engage the entire community:
Launched a community-wide information campaign to explain the purpose and financial needs behind the referendum.
Distributed three direct mailers to reach every household in Mequon and Thiensville.
Hosted two open house events at Homestead High School and Oriole Lane Elementary School, providing information and answering questions.
Responded to community inquiries and compiled answers on our Operational Referendum FAQ page.
Shared referendum information at school events like curriculum nights and parent-teacher conferences.
Supported Board of Education outreach efforts with more than 20 community engagement opportunities, including Back to School Bash, PTO/PTSO meetings, office hours, senior living facility presentations, and other local events.
Provided information to adult program participants in the recreation department, many of whom do not have direct connections to our schools.
As parents, guardians, and caregivers, you play a vital role in the success of our district. Strong schools benefit our entire community and support a bright future for our children. We are grateful for the trust and partnership you have shown, and together, we can continue to build a community where every learner thrives. Our shared goal is clear: strong schools benefit the entire community. Thank you for being part of ours.
Important Voter Information
Your engagement as an informed voter is important. Please note the following election-related dates:
- NOW through November 1 - In-Person Absentee Voting*
- Friday, November 1 - Deadline to Complete Voter Registration In-Person At Your Local Municipal Clerk's Office
- Tuesday, November 5 - Election Day
Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on election day. A valid ID is required to cast your ballot. It’s worth noting that, due to the large number of items on the ballot, the referendum question will appear on the backside of your ballot—so be sure to flip it over! The MTSD referendum question appears last on the ballot, below the statewide referendum question.
For voting and polling place information, please visit https://myvote.wi.gov.
*See the Mequon or Thiensville municipal clerk’s office for hours:
Third Friday Count Enrollment Update
All public school districts in Wisconsin are required to count pupils for membership purposes on the third Friday in September and the second Friday in January. MTSD’s total enrollment as of September 20, 2024, is 3,546 students. This year’s student enrollment can be considered consistent with what our professional enrollment studies have signified would happen within our school district over the next 10 years, and we are pleased to see this growth in our school community beyond what was expected. When considering enrollment by level (elementary, middle, high), the current trend, including the dip in our high school enrollment, was projected by the most recent enrollment studies.
See Something - Say Something: Safety Reporting Form
Safeguarding the well-being of our students, staff, and families is our top priority. If you witness or become aware of concerns related to bullying, harassment, mental health, or safety and security, we encourage you to use our anonymous Safety Reporting Form. Your voice plays a vital role in maintaining a safe, secure, and respectful learning environment for everyone. Together, we can make a difference— when you see something unsafe or feel something unsafe, please say something.
Access the form to submit a concern: Safety Reporting Form
Save the Date: Child Find Event on Friday 11/8
Click image above to enlarge
Board Briefs
Support Our Schools Through MTEF!
The mission of the Mequon-Thiensville Education Foundation is to develop community-wide private financial support for the Mequon-Thiensville School District and, through grants, to help continue excellence in education. The Foundation is a tax-exempt charitable organization that benefits all six schools in our district. MTSD is grateful for the support and generosity of the Foundation, and we encourage all community members to support the MTEF through giving directly, partnering through the donation of items or services, participating in MTEF events, and connecting others in your circles to the work of MTEF.
Homestead High School 2024-25 Theatre Season! 🎭
It's time to kick off the 2024-25 HHS theatre season with the fall play! Join us this weekend for Arthur Miller's "The Crucible," which tells the story of the Salem witch trials - a perfect way to bid adieu to the spookiest time of year. All shows will take place at Homestead's James Barr Performing Arts Center.
- November 1-2 @ 7:00 p.m.
- November 3 @ 1:00 p.m.
Tickets: Click here to purchase online
- Adults - $10
- Students* - $8
*This show contains some mature themes and is recommended for ages 12 and up.
The Feed - Student Nutrition News
Click image above to enlarge
M-T Recreation Department News
Register for Fall Programs
This guide highlights all FALL activities, classes, and sport camps for preschool, youth, adults and families. You will also find information on Kids' Campus and 4K Wrap Care. Don't miss out on all the great classes we offer. REGISTER NOW!! Classes fill up very quickly!!
📣 MTSD is Hiring! 📣
We encourage all community members to regularly check our certified and support staff listings on WECAN. Current highlighted positions include:
- Special Education Paraprofessional - Wilson Elementary School
- Special Education Paraprofessionals - Lake Shore Middle School
- Long-Term Grade 7 Teacher (ELA/Math) - Steffen Middle School
- Student Supervisor - Homestead High School
Become a Substitute Teacher at MTSD! Click below to Apply! 🍎📚
Aramark Food Service is Hiring! Flexible Positions Available!
Get ready for the holidays with HHS Spiritwear!
Click the image above to access the online store
Connect With Us! 💻
Throughout the school year, be sure to check out the great things going on at your school building by following your school's page on Facebook, as well as the MTSD Facebook page, MTSD Instagram account, and by finding us on LinkedIn.
Follow us on Facebook:
Follow us on Instagram:
Find us on LinkedIn:
Please note: The accounts linked above are the only official social media presence managed and moderated with support from MTSD Communications.
Important Dates 🗓️
Child Find - Early Childhood Developmental Screening
Friday, November 1 @ 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Range Line Community Center
HHS Fall Play - The Crucible*
November 1-2 @ 7:00 p.m. & November 3 @ 1:00 p.m.
James Barr Performing Arts Center
*Recommended for ages 12 and up
Board of Education - Working Meeting
Monday, November 4 @ 6:00 p.m.
Egelhoff Community Room (No virtual access available)
Election Day
Tuesday, November 5
Board of Education - Regular Business Meeting
Monday, November 18 @ 6:00 p.m.
Range Line Community Center Board Room
NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, November 27-29