Weekly Newsletter

Hello Families and Guardians,
We've had another productive week at Morris! In the coming days, you will receive your child's fall benchmark report. These reports provide valuable insight into which students may need additional support. If your child did not meet the benchmark, please don't worry. Our classroom instruction is designed to support all learners, and some students also receive additional intervention from our Title One staff. Students who fall below the benchmark will be regularly monitored to track their progress. These reports are a collaborative tool for teachers, students, and parents to ensure each child is on track to meet their learning goals this year.
At the top of this newsletter is the link to volunteer for the Apple Squeeze. The Apple Squeeze is the most successful fundraiser, however, it does require a lot of help from the Morris Community. There are still spots available to volunteer at the Apples Squeeze, donate a bake good or a themed basket for a raffle. This fundraisers supports many fun activities at Morris such as Books Before Bed, assemblies, supports the Friendsgiving Feast and many other activities that connect our community together.
Parent conference are the morning of October 28th from 8:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. the evening of October 29th from 4:30 to 7:00 day and on November 1st from 12:45 to 3:15. Please be on the lookout for an email the week of October 1st this will be the electronic sign up for parent conferences. Parent conferences provide a valuable opportunity for parents and teachers to collaborate on a child's academic and social development. These meetings help ensure that parents stay informed about their child's progress and allow for open communication to address any concerns or areas of support needed for success.
Also, our online store is now open, so don’t miss out on ordering your Morris gear. Remember, Fridays are Spirit Days, and both staff and students proudly wear their Morris gear. The store will be open for the next month. Please click here to place your order. The store will remain open for a month.
Lenox Public School - Wellness Committee
Shannon Gagliardo, Food Service Director is looking for members to join her Wellness Committee. This committee generally meets four times per year. If you have questions regarding the committee or would like to join please reachout to Shannon at sgagliardo@lenoxps.org.
Calendar items
- 9/29 Apple Squeeze - Morris PTO runs the Kid's Park our largest fundraising event.
- 10/8 PTO Meeting - Morris LIbrary 6:30 p.m.
- 10/14 No School - Indigenous Peoples Day
- 10/17 Emergency Practice Drills Schedule
- Lockdown
- Relocation
- 10/28 Delayed Start - School Day begins at 10:40 Instructional Time
- Parent Conferences 8:45 - 10:00
- No breakfast served
- Drop begins at 10:30
- 10/29 Parent Conference Evening 4:30 - 7:00
- 11/1 Early Release - Dismissal at 11:45
- Parent Conference