Community Nest
"Relationships are the agents of change." Dr. Bruce Perry
The Week Ending April 5, 2024
Our Gray Hawk Mission Statement
OUR GRAY HAWK FAMILY works together to help students feel safe, loved, and inspired so they can be empowered learners and engaged citizens.
SUMMER BASH - April 25 6 - 8 PM
Gray Hawk Families! Summer Bash will be here soon and we will need parents to help volunteer to make it successful for all of the students! We have made this event even BIGGER and BETTER this year! Please consider signing up for a shift. We assigned the shifts so that if you volunteer you can still have fun with your children for the first or second half. If you have a teenager, they are welcome to sign up to get volunteer hours too! Thank you so much in advance for your help Gray Hawks! If you have any questions, please let us know by emailing grayhawkpto458@gmail.com
Parent Volunteers Needed for Field Day
Field Day is on Friday, May 17. Mr. Scott is in need of volunteers. If you would like to volunteer, please visit https://forms.gle/cn1cPKkB7tEvQET87 (or scan the QR Code) to get signed up!
SOLAR ECLIPSE Monday April 8, 2024
We have purchased solar eclipse glasses for Monday for all students and staff. The eclipse begins at 12:37 until 3:10. However it is at its peak at 1:53 pm. Students are encouraged to bring a towel to lay on. We will head outside to observe the eclipse between 1:35 to 1:55.
Please check out the safety video below that students will watch prior to the eclipse.
MAD SCIENCE ASSEMBLY on May 14 at 9:30
Shout out to our incredible PTO and Hubbard for scheduling a MAD Science assembly for us on May 14 at 9:30. The program is entitled: SPIN, POP, BOOM! Please see below for a description. This assembly is for OUR WHOLE SCHOOL!
UNITY in the COMMUNITY SUMMER BASH Thursday April 25 6 - 8pm
We are getting ready for our Summer Bash on Thursday, April 25th, held outside at the Gray Hawk Elementary School from 6:00-8:00. Our GrayHawk PTO is organizing several themed gift baskets to raffle off at Summer Bash.
If you would prefer to donate money, feel free to send in a check (made out to GHES) or cash LABELED with your child's name and grade. Please send money to school NO LATER than Friday, April 20th.
Donated items will need to be sent to the school by Monday, April 15th. We appreciate how supportive our families are!
Kindergarten-Furry Friends (pet supplies)
1st Grade-Summer Fun (chalk, bubbles)
2nd Grade-Game Night (board games, card games, snacks)
3rd Grade-Baking (ingredients, pans, liners, sprinkles)
4th Grade-Movie Night (popcorn, candy, AMC gift card)
5th Grade-Chiefs (Anything KC Chiefs related)
Congratulations to our 4th and 5th graders for completing their ELA and Math state assessments! 3rd grade finished ELA. Hooray! Here are the remaining
3rd Grade Math: April 9 - 10
5th Grade Science: April 9 - 10
On Wednesday, April 10 we will have our Major Savers Card Kick Off Assembly. This district wide fundraiser occurs between April 10 and April 23. Proceeds from this fundraiser come directly back to Gray Hawk and we use it for different programs for teachers and students. Please be on the look out for materials on April 10. Screenshots of the card and materials are included below. Thank you!
If you know of a family that will have an incoming Kindergarten student, please have them contact us immediately! We want to ensure that we know how many students to expect in the Fall. Thank you! For more information, please see the flyer below.
As our district continues to work toward our mission of “Each student develops and reaches their potential”, we are moving to utilize grading practices that better emphasize what students should know and be able to do. This transition will allow us to better measure how each student is developing in regards to the grade level standards they are being taught. These grading practices are commonly referred to as Standards-Referenced Grading.
During the 2024-2025 year, USD 458 Basehor-Linwood will begin to implement a Standards-Referenced Grading system PreK-5, providing students and families with a new way of reviewing student progress. This grade card will be based on a 4-point scale, with 3 being the goal for each student to reach in their grade level standards. (See image below)
Families will be provided with an updated report card quarterly, which will provide a comprehensive view of the student’s progress in English-Language Arts and Math, highlighting their performance towards our district’s priority standards. The updated report cards will also separately report student behavior and work habits in the form of “Self-Management Skills.” This is all designed to provide a clearer picture of how the student progresses throughout the school year in all areas.
You may also reference the video created by our school improvement specialists, Mrs. Faler and Mrs. Stoops, at this link.
Gray Hawk Elementary School
Email: dspringer@usd458.org
Website: http://ghes.usd458.org/
Location: 16000 Garden Parkway, Basehor, KS, USA
Phone: (913) 662-7170
Twitter: @drspringer12301