The Connection Corner
Your "Whole Child Hub"

Your Whole Child Hub
Meet YOUR Social-Emotional Behavioral Coordinator!
My name is Megan Goldman and this school year marks my 18th year serving this incredible community. I am deeply committed to empowering students, supporting educators, and fostering family engagement. With a focus on enhancing social, emotional, and behavioral well-being, I specialize in supporting the "Whole Child". I strive to ensure all students are supported socially, emotionally, and behaviorally.
Have you attended a parent education event this year?
Navigating Social Development
What is the "social" in "social-emotional"?
Social development refers to a child's ability to create and sustain meaningful relationships with adults and other children.
Navigating Emotions
Connect Before You Correct
Connection Before Correction is positive discipline that focuses on the power of love over lecturing. Children need to feel like they matter and that their voice is heard. Prioritize the relationship first.
Navigating Behavior
Harmonizing School and Home Parent/Guardian Education Presentation
Supporting Behavior: Resources for Parents/Guardians
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
What is PBIS?
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, tiered framework for supporting students' behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health.
At Hawthorn, we SOAR!
School-wide Expectations Posted
Reinforce Expectations Frequently
Decorating Table Folders
Using an "I message" to solve peer conflicts.
Educate and Empower: Parent/Guardian Education Series
Save the Date!
Upcoming Events!
January 25, 2024 Lunch and Learn @ 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
“Fostering Accountability and Responsibility” with Touchstone Therapy
January 25, 2024 Parent/Guardian Night @ 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
“Raising a Drug Free Teen” with Andy Duran of LEAD
Click here for the virtual link and more information!
February 7, 2024 Addressing Toxic Achievement Culture with Jennifer Wallace @ 7 PM
Just Breathe...
Mindfulness is awareness of one’s internal states and surroundings. Mindfulness can help people avoid destructive or automatic habits and responses by learning to observe their thoughts, emotions, and other present-moment experiences without judging or reacting to them. (APA Dictionary of Psychology)
Behind the "SEL" Scenes
Advisory Committee Makes Strides in Curriculum Work
Staff representatives from Middle School South and Middle School North Advisory Committee's have participated in two half-day sessions so far this year of professional development and curricular planning with SEB Coordinator, Megan Goldman, in partnership with SEL Integrations. The goal of this work is to revise and reboot our GVC for Advisory for our Middle School students.
Wellness Committee: Committed to the Whole Child!
The Whole Child Wellness Committee met for our first session on October 17th. The Whole Child Wellness Committee plays a crucial role in enhancing the well-being of our students by focusing on Goal 4 of our Strategic Plan:
“District 73 will ensure the success of the whole child by providing comprehensive approaches and programming, grounded in the belief that each child deserves to be healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged.”
Snowflake Day and Snowflake Night!
Snowflake Day and Snowflake Night provided our middle school students with a day of team-building, social-emotional learning, and collaboration with peers! The students were also treated to a special lunch and presentation from Terrence Talley, who shared an important message with all the students about "having each others' backs". Snowflake Night continued that message with several guest speakers and more team-building and social-emotional lessons! The students ended the night on the dance floor! It was an incredible experience for students, staff, and parents!
Tier 2 Behavioral Intervention Comes to Hawthorn!
We are excited to be implementing an intervention system within PBIS this year! Check-In Check-Out, otherwise known as CICO, which is a systematic intervention where students who need additional support with behavior are matched with a trained staff mentor who meets with the student each day to focus on setting goals for the day. Throughout the day, the students receives structured feedback from all staff members on a point sheet in order to meet behavioral goals.
Second Step Digital Program Implemented at all Elementary Schools!
After much research and consideration from a team of teachers who trialed the updated Second Step Digital Elementary Program during the 2022-2023 school year, Hawthorn has adopted the Second Step Digital Elementary Program for students in grades kindergarten through grade 5. This updated program is used as a foundational resource implemented during the co-taught SEL time each morning at each elementary school. Staff received training in the program last spring and again this fall during Institute days. Watch for the Family Connection Letter to come home before each Second Step unit!
Social Workers
Our students also benefit from access to school social work services. Our social workers provide ongoing support in several ways. They collaborate regularly with grade-level teams to promote a positive school climate for all students, and help support staff in using instructional practices that support social-emotional learning across all subjects. Our social workers may also lead class lessons or work in small groups with students to provide more targeted support.
Social Workers:
Meghan Frazier - Lincoln School - frazierm@hawthorn73.org
Rhonda Malina - Hawthorn School for Young Learners - malinar@hawthorn73.org
Shelby Behrens - Aspen, Dual Language - behrenss@hawthorn73.org
Andrew Meyers - Aspen -meyersa@hawthorn73.org
Julie Gange - Dual Language - gangej@hawthorn73.org
Kathleen Falotico - Townline - faloticok@hawthorn73.org
Julia Flannery - Elementary North - flanneryj@hawthorn73.org
Connie Travis - Elementary North - travisc@hawthorn73.org
Nesrin Unlu - Elementary South - unlun@hawthorn73.org
Brittany Langton - Elementary South - langtonb@hawthorn73.org
Lauren Brownstein - Middle School South - brownsteinl@hawthorn73.org
Amunn Jaffery - Middle School South - jafferya@hawthorn73.org
Jaime Medbery - Middle School South - medberyj@hawthorn73.org
Brian Van - Middle School North - vanb@hawthorn73.org
Kelli Cordes - Middle School North - cordesk@hawthorn73.org
Scarlett Davalos - Middle School North - davaloss@hawthorn73.org
Connect with ME!
Megan Goldman
Social, Emotional, Behavioral Coordinator
Follow me on X (formerly known as Twitter) @D73SOARS
Check out my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj-L3MVWzHT7xxgWytCWmYA