Gananda Blue Panther Gazette
Weekly Newsletter of Gananda Central School District
September 28, 2020
Remote Learning Material Pick-Up Thursdays
We will be designating Thursdays from 4-5pm as the Remote Material Pick Up Day for all remote students (K-12). Material pick-up will be held in the front parking lot of Ruben A. Cirillo High School. Teachers will be communicating with you or your student directly each week if there are items that need to be picked up.
Free Breakfast & Lunch
All students attending school in-person or remotely are eligible for a free breakfast and a free lunch each school day as per the current USDA guidelines. You do not need to sign up to participate on the days your child is attending school in person, however, if you would like to participate on the days your child is learning remotely, you will need to fill out the following form for meal delivery:
Sign Up Form: Student Meal Delivery for Remote and Hybrid Days
You can also email our Director of Food Service, Lori Brown, at to participate.
COVID-19 Weekly Health Screening Form
Gananda Central School District is required to have a COVID-19 Health Screening Form completed for each student per New York State Department of Health. At this time, we only require this form to be completed once per week. The Covid-19 Health Screening Form will be available to complete beginning at 7pm each Sunday evening on ParentSquare.
Once the form is available, you will see a "Complete Health Screening" link at the top of ParentSquare if you log in on your desktop and/or in the app. Please complete this form by 10am each Monday. This only pertains to our students attending classes in person during the week.
Here Come the Bus is now Active
- Your child(ren)'s student ID number(s). Student ID numbers can be found by logging into the Parent Portal. Please note: If your student's id is only four digits, you will need to add a zero to the front of the number. For example: Joe Student's ID is: 4357. To register Joe, you will need to type in: 04357.
- The School Code: 84247.
Parents can download the app for free directly to their smartphone or tablet, or they can access the information on the Here Comes The Bus website.
Reminder: Attendance on Remote Days
Students need to log into Schoology every morning they are remote learning for attendance purposes - whether they have classwork or not. This must be done on a school-issued Chromebook.
Public Hearing: District School Safety Plan
This will be a review of the District-wide School Safety Plan. The full plan is available for review on our website. Any public comments can be submitted to Lori Brown at
Welcome to our New Staff!
Mr. Thompson
Ms. Pulinski
Mrs. Abbott
One of her favorite quotes is, "People will forget what you say. People will forget what you did - but people will never forget how you made them feel." ~ Maya Angelou.
Parent Square
Gananda Central School District is now using ParentSquare for school communication. ParentSquare allows us to communicate with email, text and app notifications. The platform automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified. Visit the Gananda website for more information.
Reminder: All Chromebooks need to be fully charged when brought into school each day.
- Providing daily reports to Wayne County Public Health
- Providing daily reports to NYS Dept. Of Health (DOH)
- Pivoting with ever-changing guidelines
- Tracking students/staff in each building who are sent home sick and following up on any testing if required
- Enforcing masking policies
- Writing, reviewing, and changing policies to fit the needs of our COVID-19 society and set best practices
We are #Ganandaproud of each of them! Thanks for all that you do to keep us healthy!
Decision Making Guide: Can My Child Go To School Today?
Helpful Documents
Richard Mann Elementary is using a program called PikMyKid to help organize the school dismissal process and improve safety for our students that are picked up at dismissal time. This program is an app downloaded onto your smart phone.The app can be found in the app store and will allow you to notify the school of pick-up changes at dismissal and authorize others to pick-up your child from school, alert you when your child has been picked up as well as help organize the car line during pick-up. For more information, go to the Gananda website.
***Please note: PikMyKid is used only for pick-up at normal dismissal time. If you have to pick up your child for an appointment and need an early dismissal, please use the following form: Early Dismissal Form
Reminder: Remember Your Water Bottle!
Elementary School Picture Days
We have also scheduled a Remote Student Picture Day on Tuesday, November 17 from 4:30pm-6pm. More details will be shared with our remote students soon.
Revised Middle School Calendar
There are several days throughout the year that disrupt the Group 1 (A-K) and Group 2 (L-Z) instructional days such as the November and December breaks. In order to adjust and balance out the instructional time we are going to make the following changes:
November 23rd and 24th:
- Group 1 (A-K): will meet in person on Monday, November 23rd and it will be an A-Day
- Group 2 (L-Z): will meet in person on Tuesday, November 24th and it will be an A-Day
- Group 3 (4-Days students): will come in person full days Monday and Tuesday (two students will follow their 1/2 day schedule on Tuesday)
- Group 4 (100% Remote): will follow the expectations you have set up with them at this time for attending class.
December 21st and 22nd:
- Group 1 (A-K): will meet in person on Monday, December 21st and it will be a B-Day
- Group 2 (L-Z): will meet in person on Tuesday, December 22nd and it will be a B-Day
- Group 3 (4-Days students): will come in person full days Monday and Tuesday (two students will follow their 1/2 day schedule on Tuesday)
- Group 4 (100% Remote): will follow the expectations you have set up with them at this time for attending class.
The revised calendar can be found in the MS Information Hub.
Gananda Middle School has an Instagram Account!
Important Updates from Mr. Matt Mahoney
We do have a small change to when students will attend in person school prior to the breaks in November and December. The week when these breaks start in November and December school is in session on Monday and Tuesday only. This means if you are a Group 2 (L-Z) student you would not attend and would lose 2 instructional days. To avoid the loss of instructional time for Group 2 (L-Z), we are going to make the following changes to when students will attend in person. Please review the changes below carefully. A revised calendar is located here. It is also available on our website in the HS Information Hub.
Monday November 23rd:
- Group 1 (A-K) will attend in person and it will be an A-Day
- Group 2 (L-Z) will be remote and it will be an A-Day
- Group 2 (L-Z) will attend in person and it will be an A-Day
- Group 1 (A-K) will be remote and it will be an A-Day
- Group 1 (A-K) will attend in person and it will be a B-Day
- Group 2 (A-K) will be remote and it will be a B-Day
- Group 2 (L-Z) will attend in person and it will be a B-Day
- Group 1 (A-K) will be remote and it will be a B-Day
NOTE: Students that attend 4 days will come full days Monday and Tuesday.
100% remote students will follow the expectations already set up for attending class.
Weekly Agendas: Teachers will post weekly agendas every Monday by 7:30 AM barring any technological issues or delays. If agenda(s) are not posted at this time then please check back at 9:00 AM to provide time for the issues to be addressed.
Matt Mahoney
Gananda Dollars for Scholars News and Events
GDFS is Looking for Volunteers
GDFS is looking for volunteers. The group helps provide scholarships to many students in the district each year. Michelle Miller, GDFS President, explains why she started volunteering back in 2005 when her oldest was in 3rd grade. "I had won a Dollars for Scholars award from the Victor Italian American Club when I graduated from high school. Fast Forward 20 years, and then my kids were in school! I was volunteering for PIE (Partners in Education) here in Gananda and one of the moms asked me if I would be interested in volunteering for GDFS to help with fundraising etc. I said I would love to, having won a scholarship myself. It has felt so good to give back to the organization that raised money and had given me a scholarship that covered the cost of my books freshman year! I think GDFS is one of the most important organizations to get involved in here at Gananda. We Support Achievement and Reward Potential. I can't think of a better way to invest my time! Maybe you would like to as well!"
Upcoming 2020-21 Meeting dates
October 6th
November 3rd
All in-person meetings are being held in the HS Library at 7:00pm
Did you know that you can start gathering volunteer hours as soon as you leave 8th grade? Just download a volunteer log from the Gananda Dollars for Scholars webpage, and start recording your high school volunteer experience!
Amazon Smiles
Did you know that you can help GDFS by shopping online? If you use Amazon, you can help raise money for scholarships! Simply start off by going to AmazonSmile, and select Scholarship America, Gananda Dollars for Scholars as the organization you want to support. From then on, you just go to AmazonSmile to shop and you have access to the same site as Amazon or Amazon Prime. That's it! About 0.5% of your purchase before tax will be donated to GDFS.
Gananda Dollars for Scholars, Rewarding Achievement, Supporting Potential
About Us
Location: 1500 Dayspring Ridge, Walworth, NY, USA
Phone: (315)986-3521
Twitter: @WeAreGananda