#EagleNation Updates
Week of 11/26/23/ Semana del 26/11/23

Welcome to the Week of December 8, 2024
D A T E S * T O * R E M E M B E R
Dec. 16: Orchestra/Chorus: @ 7:00 pm Blair HS
Dec. 19: Band @7:00 pm Blair HS
Dec. 23-Jan. 1: Schools Closed for Winter Break
Jan. 20: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan. 29: Teacher Grading Day
MealViewer Menu Platform
Students, caregivers, school staff, nurses, and community members will have digital access to menus and meal information. MealViewer will launch on Sunday, December 8, 2024. Portable document format (PDF) menus will remain available through December 2024. Starting January 1, 2025, PDF menus will no longer be available.
#EagleNation SWAG fundraiser
We’re excited to announce our #EagleNation SWAG fundraiser! This is your chance to stock up on new T-shirts, long sleeves, hoodies, and more while supporting our amazing school community.
Why participate?
Your support directly benefits EMS. From new classroom resources to extracurricular opportunities, every purchase helps us soar higher as a school!
⏳ Order Deadline: Dec 20, 2024
🖱️ Order Online: tinyurl.com/EMSSWAG24
📦 Delivery Options: Orders will either be mailed directly to your home or available for school pick-up in January.
Between January 15, 16, and 17 Eastern Middle School 7th grades will participate in their Junior Achievement Finance Park Field Trip.
- STUDENT GROUPS: Your child will be assigned to attend one of the three dates mentioned above, there is no cost for this field trip. Permission slips will be distributed in your child’s Social Studies class on Monday, December 9. Permission slips are due back to your child's Social Studies teacher by Friday, December 20.
- BECOME AN ADULT: During this trip your student will leave behind his or her life as a student and become an adult with a career, family, salary, credit score, and financial obligations in the fully digital, innovative, hands-on environment of JA Finance Park.
- THE WHY: At JA Finance Park, students begin to develop financial literacy and make decisions that are designed to prepare them for the future.
- FOCUS ON FINANCE: Students consider budget items such as buying a home, purchasing and maintaining a vehicle, budgeting for student loans and health care expenses, and choosing child care.
Parents, we need your help!! This trip requires a large number of parent volunteers. To sign up please register at the link here: https://bit.ly/EasternFinancePark. Volunteers will need to arrive at Thomas Edison High School ONE hour before (8:00 am) the arrival of students for training by Junior Achievement staff.
Dear Eastern Families,
We need your help! Our winter clothing drive ends Monday (deadline extended). Please check your closets this weekend for:
- Winter coats (youth sizes 10-12, 12-14, 14+)
- Hats and gloves
- Scarves
- Sweatshirts
Drop off items at Eastern. Your donations will help keep local families warm this winter. PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD!
Thank you for your support!
Eastern Middle School PTSA
Are you interested in learning about curriculum and instruction in MCPS? Do you want to have a say in MCPS's educational vision and strategy?
The Montgomery County Council of PTSAs is looking for PTSA representatives to serve on MCPS's Curriculum Advisory Committees (CAC) and Curriculum Advisory Assembly (CAA). Both the CAA and CAA meet four times per year. To apply to become a representative, please fill out this form by December 9: https://forms.gle/awrAJvPqWTRx5UY7A
There are two types of meetings:
- Curriculum Advisory Committees (CAC) – These meetings focus on specific subjects, like math or science.
Curriculum Advisory Assembly (CAA) – These meetings are more general and discuss bigger topics.
All CAC members are automatically CAA members.
MCCPTA representatives will speak for our members - parents, students and teachers. As a member of a CAC, you will have the chance to ask questions, see changes to the curriculum and give your opinion before they happen. You will also help improve our school system for everyone.
In addition to general representatives, we are looking for representatives who can offer Special Education, ESOL and Gifted Education perspectives. We would like to have representation from a diversity of schools and communities within Montgomery County. Questions? Email vpeducation@mccpta.org.
Evelyn Chung
MCCPTA, Vice President of Education
Now is a great time to return overdue library books! Have your child login to their library account to check if they have books to return. They can bring those books back and then checkout new titles to read over winter break!
Linkages to Learning Parenting Classes
Linkages to Learning is offering a PEP parenting classes in Spanish via Zoom for 20 parents only. First come first serve! Classes will start Jan. 8th to February 12th. Feel free to contact nelliott@ymcawashdc.org if you have any questions.
Board of Education Update: December 6, 2024
The Board of Education wraps up a busy week with a packed agenda for the December 5 business meeting. The first order of business was the election of a new President and Vice President. The Board made decisions on several business items, received an update on the Superintendent’s Entry Plan, and previewed the Superintendent’s Fiscal Year 2026 Recommended Operating Budget.
You may see the full message here: https://ww2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/publicinfo/community/school-year-2024-2025/BOE-Update-20241206.html
Historically Black Colleges and Universities College Fair
The 17th annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) College Fair will be held on Friday, February 14, 2025, from 6:00–8:30 p.m. The in-person event will take place at The Universities at Shady Grove for students in Grades 8–12 and their families to meet with representatives from over 50 historically black colleges and universities. The HBCU College Fair will include the following: • On-the-spot scholarship opportunities for Grade 12 students; • Workshops on financial aid assistance, Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), scholarship opportunities, presentations from the Thurgood Marshall College Fund, an overview of HBCUs, and how to find your best-fit HBCU; • A panel discussion on college life with representatives from the Montgomery County National Pan-Hellenic Council Fraternities and Sororities.
F A M I L Y * R E S O U R C E S
* H E R E * T O * H E L P !
Emails and phone numbers for support in the school:
- Main Office: (240) 740-6280
- Admin Secretary: Ms. Perez: priscilla_b_smith@mcpsmd.org
- Attendance Secretary: Ms. Blanco: isaura_m_blanco-flores@mcpsmd.org
- Front Office Secretary:
- Financial Assistant: Ms. Zhang: rui_zhang@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names A-Q): Ms. Meyer Jessica_A_Meyer@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names S-Z): Ms. Birkett shondell_birkett@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names A-R): Ms. Greene- rachel_m_greene@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names S-Z): Ms. Birkett- shondell_birkett@mcpsmd.org
- Ms. Cwerner cayla_cwerner@mcpsmd.org
- Principal - Ms. Shorts: lisa_n_shorts@mcpsmd.org
- 6th Grade Assistant Principal- Deidre Levin: deirdre_m_mcshealevin@mcpsmd.org
- 7th Assistant Principal- Matthew Kerwin: matthew_f_kerwin@mcpsmd.org
- 8th Grade Assistant Principal- Charles Feamster: charles_s_feamster@mcpsmd.org
Family Supports:
- Parent Community Coordinator - Mirna Medrano-romero: mirna_a_medrano-romero@mcpsmd.org
- PTA President- Shripal Shah: eastern.ptsa.president@gmail.com
#EagleNation: Matching to students, staff & community needs for a 5-Star Experience!
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/easternms
Location: Eastern Middle School, University Boulevard East, Silver Spring, MD, USA
Phone: (240) 740-6280
X : @EasternMS_Prin