Happy New School Year
FALL 2024
You will find a variety of professional growth in this first edition of LEARN. GROW. EVOLVE. Listed are: the PD Paths, courses by our PD partners, and PD podcasts and articles.
-The Office of Teaching and Learning-
Welcome to our newest Nauset School Educators
Its going to be a great 2024-2025 school year! 🤩
It is with great pleasure that we inform you that the Massachusetts Association of Science Teachers (MAST) has selected Amy Fleisher as the 2024 recipient of the Science Educator of the Year Award for Barnstable County. This award was created to recognize persons making outstanding contributions to science education in the various counties of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Nauset Professional Development Paths 2024-2025
Vision for Professional Development
We believe that professional learning for educators can greatly impact student learning when seven key elements are present. Necessarily, the adult learning experiences are directly tied to school wide reform efforts, vision for student learning, and goals. The experiences are connected to teacher needs as identified in self-assessment and are differentiated based on faculty members’ knowledge, experience, and/or discipline. These experiences impact student learning when they are directly tied to student outcomes and when participants create a product and/or there are expected outcomes.
Additionally, we believe it is important for professional learning to include: time to collaborate with coach and/or colleagues; a leader is knowledgeable, engaging, and responsive; structured planning and practice; modeling of the techniques and/or content being learned; follow up or be job-embedded practice; opportunities for reflection; learning activities match the goals; and, opportunities to give feedback on the quality of professional learning.
We believe that when these necessary and important characteristics are in place, educator professional learning can have the greatest possible positive effect on students’ learning.
Consider taking a class with one of our district memberships
Free Virtual Learning Opportunities:
Starting the Year Strong with Your i-Ready Partners
Who: District & School Leaders
When: October 1st from 9am-10:30a OR October 3rd from 2pm-3:30pm
Registration: October 1st OR October 3rd
Grow Without Limits: Using i-Ready Pro!
Who: Middle Teachers and Leaders
When: October 1st from 3:30pm-4:30pm OR October 7th from 10am-11am
Registration: October 1st OR October 7th
Using i-Ready’s New Digital Literacy Tasks to Meet MA
Who: Early Literacy Teachers and Leaders
When: October 17th from 1pm-2pm
Registration: Register HERE
French River Education Center
PD on the Spot
Earn one PDP by reading the article , listening to the podcast, or reviewing the Nauset reference material featured below.
Once you have completed it, log into TeachPoint, choose it as an activity, answer the two questions, and you've earned a PDP!
- Featured Article: https://www.edweek.org/
- Featured Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/231-teaching-executive-functions-to-all-students/id900015782?i=1000664305750 ( PDP will count for special education)
- Featured Nauset Reference Material: Nauset Translations (PDP will count for SEI/MultiEthnic)
Using Artificial Intelligence: ChatGPT and Emerging Technologies to Enhance Learning: Register here
Getting Started with Canva: Register here
District PD Days: Registering for a Workshop run/offered by Nauset Schools (District PD days)
Sign in to Vector/TeachPoint
Click the graduation cap icon on the left side of computer screen
At the top of the screen, choose the tab “Available Events”
If you do not see a workshop you can change your view at the top right of the screen to “Upcoming”, “Current Year”, “All Years” etc.
Click on the title of the workshop, click “Enroll”, and then confirm your enrollment via the pop up tab.
The Admin running the PD will be given a code to provide to everyone attending the PD that you must enter into teachpoint to record your attendance and release the PD’s
PD/Workshop taken outside of the district
This is an option if you want to keep track of PD’s in teachpoint - You must still fill out the PD/Workshop request and submit for prior approval
Sign in to TeachPoint
Click the graduation cap icon on the left side of computer screen
At the top right of the screen, click on the green “New” button
Choose “Record My Credits” from the drop down menu
On the next screen, fill out fields with appropriate information
Click “Submit”
Fill out the request/proposal for workshop/PDP activity day, have it approved by your principal and submitted to Jennifer Snowden for approval of the Asst. Superintendent
Request will go to Jennifer Snowden for recording purposes.
Once you complete the PD/Workshop send over the certificate to Jennifer Snowden and upload it to your Vector/teachpoint account to have the PDP’d approved.
Please keep in mind all contract language around coursework and reimbursement
Approval of Graduate Coursework - All coursework must be approved in advance of start of course
Sign into TeachPoint
Click the graduation cap icon on the left side of computer screen
At the top right of the screen, click on the green “New” button
Choose “Personal Course Request” from the drop down menu
On the next screen, fill out fields with appropriate information
IMPORTANT: Elementary Staff: Your Approver will be your building principal;
Middle and High School staff: Your Approver will be your evaluator
Click “Submit”
Request will now go to building principal/evaluator for approval, then on to the Assistant Superintendent for review, then to Jennifer Snowden for final approval and recording
Teachpoint will contact your approver for the initial approval and then the Assistant Superintendent will grant approval.
The Conference/Workshop request form is not to be completed for course work.
When you have finished the approved course, submit the district Reimbursement Form Course Reimbursement Form.docx along with proof of payment and transcript to Jennifer Snowden. Upload proof of payment and final transcript into teachpoint as well.
Please keep in mind all contract language around coursework and reimbursement
If you have trouble with teachpoint please contact Jennnifer Snowden. There is also a ? in the top right corner of Vector/Teachpoint with guides and access to a help desk.
Advancing, Extending, or Renewing a License
Make sure to check your ELAR account to check the expiration/renewal date for your license. Please make sure you have met all of the license requirements for either renewing or transitioning from one license type to another.
PDP Requirements for Renewing Your Professional License!
At least 15 PDPs in content (subject matter knowledge)
At least 15 PDPs in pedagogy (professional skills and knowledge)
At least 15 PDPs related to Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) or English as a Second Language (ESL)
At least 15 PDPs related to training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and the instruction of students with diverse learning styles
The remaining required 90 PDPs may be earned through either "elective" activities that address other educational issues and topics that improve student learning, or additional content, and/or pedagogy.
Nauset - EL [Expeditionary Learning] - Implementation Timeline and PD/Collaboration:
Strategic Planning Sessions - ongoing during the year.
Find the Implementation timeline and PD collaboration here
Nauset Professional Development Council 2024-2025:
Sharon Richards (NRHS Math dept. chair & teacher, leads mentoring & induction); Alexis Mathison (NRHS Teacher & NEA VP); Lisa Orlandella ( NRHS Tech Specialist); Karen McGrath (NRHS AP); Brett Costello (NRMS VP); Sarah Hutton (NRMS Tech Specialist); Peter Cohen (NRMS Principal); Steve Guditus (Eddy Elementary Principal); Ariana Bradford (Wellfleet Math Specialist); Jennifer Shuemaker (Wellfleet K Teacher); Andrea Howard (Eastham Grade 4 Teacher); Elaine Pender (OES Principal); Paige Sullivan (OES ML teacher); Krissy Breda (Director of PreK & OD); Justine Ryan (PreK teacher); Missy Carpenter (Stony Brook School Psychologist); Andrew Winston (Stony Brook K Teacher); Cristina Loureiro (NPS ITSpecialist Level III); Amy Fisher (NRMS science teacher and subject coordinator); Taylor Wrye (Director of IT); Matt Kravitz (Director of Student Services); Kristen Anderson (Asst. Super); Laurie Daniels (Eddy SLP).
Views of Teaching and Learning in Nauset Public Schools
From the office of Kristen Anderson, Assistant Superintendent