Gecko Gazette
Desert Sage Newsletter - August 2024

Join us for Curriculum Night
Cafeteria Visits
Grade level lunch times, menu, and lunch prices are available on our Cafeteria/Food & Nutrition webpage.
All visitors must:
- Sign in at the office.
- Present photo I.D. when signing in.
- Wear a visitor badge while at school.
- Sign out & return the visitor badge to the office.
Desert Sage Calendar
Click on the item listed for the day for more information about the event.
Extreme Heat Advisory Recess Design
Desert Sage utilizes an indoor recess design for all students. On the days that indoor recess is required due to heat advisory restrictions, high pollution advisory, or rain, students have a choice of 2 zones for their recess. There is the "Active Zone" where students play organized games such as Trashketball, Chain Reaction, Tic-Tac-Toe Relay, and more. The games change weekly for the students. The other option is the "Relax Zone" where students can read, play board games, do puzzles, draw, sit and chat with friends, and on other days watch kid-friendly videos.
Indoor recess has never had more options or fun!
Cell Phones & SMART Watches
Students’ personal electronic devices are to be turned off and stored within their backpack as they enter class, UNLESS permission is given directly from the teacher to utilize apps, calculator or internet functions as it relates to the curriculum or class lessons. If it falls out of a student pocket or backpack, he/she will be asked to put it away. The first time the phone rings or alerts, a student will be asked to turn it off. Repeated violations will result in confiscation by the teacher and further violations will be reported to the office, requiring parents to pick the device up directly and discipline may be assigned accordingly. Unapproved use includes: AM Bell to PM Bell between normal school hours, recess and lunch, between classes, in the bathroom, and photos or videos of anyone at school. There is no texting, phone calls, or social media use allowed during school hours. If a student needs to contact family, they will need to use a school phone with permission from their teacher.
All electronic devices (cell phones, smartwatches, etc.) need to be turned off and in backpacks throughout the school day. Consequences will be given accordingly and phone procedures may need to be implemented if repeated offenses occur.
Birthday Treats
- It is recommended that items such as pencils, stickers, erasers, etc. be provided for birthday treats if the parent/guardian chooses.
- The ONLY food birthday treats that can be given at Desert Sage are the DVUSD Birthday Buckets ordered from the DVUSD Food and Nutrition Department. Food and Nutrition ensures that all dietary restrictions and allergies are accounted for within the classroom. For more information or to order contact our school Cafeteria Manager at 623-445-4714 or click here. Please be sure to place orders at least 2 weeks in advance of your child’s birthday.
- If food items are brought for a birthday treat they will not be given to the students. The food will be sent home with the birthday student at the end of the school day.
Student Attendance
- Please call the attendance line before the start of school if your child will be late, sick, or out for personal reasons. Attendance Line: (623) 445-4790
Student Sign-Out
- No students may be signed out during the last 15 minutes of the school day.
- Students can not be called to the office prior to the parent signing the student out for the day.
Opting Back in to Desert Sage & DVUSD Communication
- Phone calls: Call the Blackboard Phone Hotline at "855-502-STOP (855-502-7867)" from the phone line that has been opted out.
- Text (SMS) messages: Reply START to "60680" from the phone line that has been opted out for non-emergency messages. Reply START to "54968" for emergency messages.
- Email: Contact your student(s) school and inform the staff you would like to opt back into receiving email.
More information: https://www.dvusd.org/notify
Chomebook Protection Plans
DVUSD offers an Optional Device Protection Plan for families of 4th-12th graders utilizing take-home devices. Enrollment in the plan is optional with the understanding that if students/parents do not enroll in the protection plan they may carry full liability for the student device (iPad or Chromebook) in the same way they do for other damaged or lost school property, such as textbooks.
- Device Protection Plan: LINK
- Parents can purchase the protection plan online at: https://url.dvusd.org/PaymentPortal
- Instructions for using the payment portal: https://url.dvusd.org/TouchBaseParentInstructions
All Things E.Q. - Academic & Social Behaviors Support
Hello Families,
Desert Sage partners with All Things E.Q. because parents, teachers, and students all want the same thing: a healthy, happy learning environment that provides students with the academic and social skills they need to succeed.
Schools choose All Things E.Q. (ATEQ) because our weekly insights improve rather than interfere with academic instruction. An independent four-year study showed, with statistical significance, that All Things E.Q. raised ELA & Math scores on state assessments, increased attendance, and decreased student discipline referrals in both frequency and severity.
All Things E.Q. focuses on four quarterly themes:
- Am I being kind and helpful in this moment?
- Am I using helpful self-talk?
- Am I making an honest effort?
- Am I focusing on solutions instead of problems?
Each week, students are introduced to the weekly motto, which teaches different academic and social skills needed for success in school. For example, our students will learn how to work through confusion, learn from mistakes, and work well in groups!
We also inform our parents about the week's motto and how to implement it at home if they choose. As a parent of three myself, I understand wanting to be kept informed! If you wish to receive additional parent insights for the 24-25 school year, please email me directly at danna@allthingseq.com.
ATEQ earned a 95% approval rating in a parent satisfaction survey. All Things E.Q. weekly parent insights were rated with a 4.44 (Very Good to Excellent) out of 5 (Excellent) in terms of creating a positive learning community. We believe it's important to include parents and schools perform best when parents and teachers work together rather than in isolation.
We look forward to a successful school year,
Danna Evans
All Things E.Q.
DVUSD Bond & Override Information
Student Arrival & Dismissal Reminders
- Students should not be on campus until 8:30 a.m. unless they are coming to school for breakfast (begins at 8:15 a.m.) Staff is not on duty throughout the campus before 8:30 a.m. so it is a safety concern if students are unattended.
- Make sure to drop students off only in the designated "Drop-Off" area.
- Be patient and drive slowly throughout the parking lot.
- If your student's dismissal procedure changes, notify the teacher as soon as possible.
- Be respectful of our neighborhood. Do NOT block driveways while waiting for your student to reach you. Do NOT park your vehicle on the sidewalk, forcing students to walk into the street.
- Be patient and drive slowly throughout the parking lot.
Back to School Online Forms
If you need assistance call Mrs. Rodeman, school registrar at 623-445-4706.
Follow Us on Social Media
Mark Your Calendar - Important Dates
- Friday, 8/16: Dismissal at 2:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, 8/20: Curriculum Night K, 2nd, 4th, 6th, & Gifted at 5:00 p.m.
- Thursday, 8/22: Curriculum Night PreK, 1st, 3rd, 5th & Specials at 5:00 p.m.
- Friday, 8/23: Dismissal at 2:00 p.m.
- Saturday, 8/24: PTO Goodwill Donation Drive
- Friday, 8/30: Dismissal at 2:00 p.m.
- Monday, 9/2: No school, Labor Day
- Thursday, 9/5: PTO Zoom meeting at 5:00 p.m.
- Friday, 9/6: Gecko Gathering at 8:30 a.m.
- Friday, 9/6: Dismissal at 3:30 p.m.
- Friday, 9/13: Dismissal at 2:00 p.m.
AZ School Tax Credit for Desert Sage
Your school tax credit donations can provide Desert Sage students with opportunities to after school and summer programs, field trips, music and athletic programs or any other extracurricular activity.
- The Arizona tax credit program (A.R.S. 43-1089.01) allows a tax credit of up to $200 for individuals and up to $400 for married couples, filing jointly, in support of extracurricular activities.
- The tax credit reduces your tax burden to the state of Arizona, dollar for dollar.
Make your tax credit donation to Desert Sage at: https://az-deervalley.intouchreceipting.com/.
Desert Sage Elementary
- Website: dvusd.org/desertsage
- Location: 4035 West Alameda Road, Glendale, AZ, USA
- Phone: (623) 445-4700
- Twitter: @DesertSageElem
- Instagram: dvusd_desertsage
- Facebook: DVUSD Desert Sage