Gator Bites
September 12, 2024
From the Governing Board
Gator Community -
Hopefully this finds you off to a great start to the new school year. On behalf of your Governing Board, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all new and returning staff and families.
The bylaws of the Governing Board state that its purpose is to “establish and implement policies that advance the Academy’s purpose.” I like to summarize the Board’s purpose by saying that it supports the administration of the school, so that they can support its teachers and staff. Teachers and staff may then continue to provide their unwavering support to our students. The Board doesn’t come close to providing this support alone, however. Thank you to so many of you who provide your support to LA, whether that be through a formal role on a committee or LASA, being grade level parents, or volunteering at lunch or recess. Meaningful family participation is one of the many ways that sets LA apart. Thank You.
The Governing Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month and I encourage our community to attend either in person or virtually. I invite you to stay informed on the Board’s happenings by visiting our website. There you can find past and upcoming meeting agendas and minutes in addition to supporting material that is discussed. At its next meeting on September 17, the Board will be discussing its areas of focus for the upcoming year. If you have any thoughts or feedback, please attend the meeting or reach out to a Governing Board member. We will communicate our areas of focus to the community once we have them finalized.
Best wishes for a wonderful start to the new school year.
Dillon Miskimins
Littleton Academy Governing Board
Principal's Corner
On Saturday, September 7, Sprouts hosted its first “Sprouting Healthy Communities Day” where every store across the country awarded a local nonprofit or school with a donation from the Sprouts Healthy Communities Foundation. In total 423 stores participated, awarding $4 million in a single morning! We were thrilled to learn that Littleton Academy was selected as a school partner and given a $5000 donation to help support our students with wellness. Our efforts to keep recess for all grade levels, support the Colorado Bike/walk to school, and encourage activity before school starts in our middle school was mentioned. We also think we can use some of this money to provide prizes for our annual fun run where our students run as a fundraiser for the school. The employees at our sponsor store (Wadsworth and Bowles) were eager to support our students.
“This is all-call!” As we have more parents picking up from the south at Extra Space Storage, we are ending our carpool line earlier. We have done an “all call” at 3:30 pm for the past week. We are trying to support the City of Littleton’s “safe schools” initiative and our parent community is amazing! Way to keep everyone safe and thanks for picking up your students on time.
The founding principles of “high expectations” and “teacher led instruction” are rooted in research and we have learned in our 28 years that ALL students will rise to the level of the expectation given in the classroom. The New Teacher Project states, “When students who started the year off behind grade level were given more grade-appropriate assignments, stronger instruction, deeper engagement, and high expectations, the gap between students and their higher achieving peers began to narrow substantially" (TNTP, 48). It’s always nice to get validation for what we do from outside sources (Thank you Mr. Lucas for sharing this source). See this link for the entire graphic and narrative.
PAY UP to DRESS DOWN!! The Student Leadership Council is hosting their first “pay up to dress down” fundraiser for their upcoming student activities. Any student who pays $2 to their homeroom teacher by September 19 can have a dress of choice day on September 20!! Let’s support our student leaders and enjoy a dress of choice day for everyone who wants to pay for the privilege.
Upcoming Events
Pay Up To Dress Down!
For $2 students can participate in a dress of choice on Friday, September 20th. Bring the money to your homeroom teacher by Thursday, September 19th. Enjoy your dress of choice!
Save The Date
Spirit week will be on October 7-11 (the Friday during spirit week will have no school). Each day will have a theme for an outfit. We will be posting more information soon. Lets go gators!
8th Grade Trip - Final Chance to Register
Tomorrow is the deadline to register for the 8th Grade DC and Philadelphia trip! Click here to register.
If you have questions, please contact Mr. Graeber at jgraeber@lps.k12.co.us
LASA Updates
We had a great turnout at Skate City on Monday night and it was so fun to see families skating together! We are in the process of planning more community events in the next few months and will send details to your email soon!
LASA opened it's applications for staff professional development grants this month, and we are pleased to announce that we awarded funding for 6 teachers to take professional development courses on reading and math interventions, nature journaling, and physical education instruction. LASA also approved funding for 3 teachers to purchase supplies for special projects including a buzzer system to practice for our academic competitions, Picasso Tiles for math to practice hands-on geometric learning and accompanists for our music performances! LASA is able to provide this funding for our teachers due to generous donations from our community! We will be awarding more funding next month at our October LASA meeting!
Last year LASA helped purchase keyboards for our music classroom! The LPS Foundation partnered with us to purchase these pianos and just featured Littleton Academy in their newsletter. Read the story here.