2024-2025 Enrollment Bulletin
* Per CTC guidelines, California teachers must begin an accredited TIP program within their first year of teaching.
* The SLOCOE TIP program makes all program decisions without unlawful discrimination, including decisions regarding the admission, retention and/or program completion for all candidates.
General Program information
Criteria for Enrollment:
To enroll in the SLOCOE Teacher Induction Program, the participant must possess a valid Preliminary Teaching Credential, be hired at least 50% as the teacher of record in the area of the credential they are clearing, and be willing and able to participate in the required Teacher Induction Program activities.
The SLOCOE Credentials Manager will review the credential(s) held by each new enrollee and will verify the participant's eligibility. Participants with additional requirements to clear their credentials will be contacted and provided with information regarding completion timelines.
Course and Fieldwork:
Teacher Induction is a two-year program. During the course of Induction, teachers are assigned to a mentor within the first 30 days of program enrollment. They will then meet for an average of one hour each week to develop and implement an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) based on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) and participate in professional learning activities. Goals for each participating teacher are developed within the context of the ILP within the first 60 days of the teacher’s enrollment in the program. Meetings with the mentor will include professional conversations regarding understanding the context of teaching, analysis of student data, lesson planning and presentation, and differentiating for a variety of learners. These conversations are individualized with the assistance of tools in an online learning platform and documented by the mentor. Completed tools will be compiled in an online portfolio as evidence of the participant's growth as a reflective classroom practitioner. Participants will be required to provide program feedback at several intervals throughout the program and they will participate in end-of-year colloquiums and exit interviews.
Program Design:
Personalization and relevance continue to be of highest priority within the design of all TIP experiences and opportunities. The program is flexibly designed to be delivered through a combination of online and in-person platforms based upon the purpose of each interaction.
Program portfolio reviews occur at the middle and end of each of the two years. Portfolio submissions are reviewed by mentor teams and SLOCOE Induction staff to assess for successful completion based on each participant's Individual Learning Plan and the requirements of the program. Upon the successful completion of the two-year TIP program, and any other requirements listed on the participant's California Preliminary Teaching Credential, the SLOCOE Credentials Manager will recommend the participant to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) for a Clear Credential.
An Early Completion Option is available for experienced and exceptional candidates who meet the established criteria.
Program Fees:
Tuition - $1,750 per year
(Paid to SLOCOE by employing district or by participant)
Coach Stipend - $1,500 per year
(Paid to mentor by employing district or by participant)
Enrollment Dates:
Enrollment is now open for the 2024-25 academic year. Please click the enrollment button below to register.
Additional Information
Program Director Contact
Email: kward@slocoe.org
Website: https://www.slocoe.org/divisions/educational-support-services/induction-programs/
San Luis Obispo County Office of Education
Phone: 805-782-7296
Program Administrative Assistant contact
Email: modwyer@slocoe.org
Website: https://www.slocoe.org/divisions/educational-support-services/induction-programs/
Location: San Luis Obispo County Office of Education
Phone: 805-782-7394
For Credentialing Questions
Email: jpong@slocoe.org