Central Informer
Family Newsletter- September 2, 2024
We engage, equip, and empower all scholars to achieve their unique potential.
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Stay Informed
Stay Informed
Please make sure you join Central's Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter page to stay informed on current and upcoming events.
Central Families,
We are now in our 4th week of school, and I wanted to take a moment to share some updates and reflections on the great progress our students have made so far.
Our students are settling into their routines, and it's wonderful to see how engaged and enthusiastic they are in their learning. We've already covered several key topics, and I'm impressed by their curiosity and determination. Whether it's mastering new math concepts, exploring exciting stories in reading, or participating in science experiments, your children are showing great potential.
Over the next few weeks students will be taking beginning of the year assessments: MAP Growth, iReady, and Summit K-12. These assessments play a crucial role in understanding each student’s unique learning needs. The data from the assessments helps us tailor our teaching strategies to support each student's academic journey. Please ensure your scholar is in on time and in attendance each day.
As we move forward, we'll continue to build on these foundations. I encourage you to ask your child about what they're learning and share in their excitement.
Your support is invaluable in helping your child succeed. Here are a few ways you can stay involved:
- Homework: Please ensure your child is completing their homework assignments. This reinforces what we've learned in class and helps them build strong study habits.
- Reading Time: Set aside time each evening for reading. Whether they’re reading independently or you’re reading together, this practice is crucial for their development.
- Check-ins: Have regular check-ins with your child about their day. Asking specific questions about what they learned or what they enjoyed can open up great conversations.
I’m here to support your child’s success, and I value the partnership we share in their education.
Thank you for your continued support. Let's make this school year a fantastic journey of learning and growth!
With warm regards,
Ayanna Parker
Mark Your Calendars
Mark Your Calendars
- September 2- Labor Day
- September 9- Grandparents Day Lunch
- September 20- Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
Fall Break - October 14th - October 18th
- Thanksgiving Break - November 25th - 29th
- Winter Break - December 23rd - January 6th
Central Campus Hours
Central Campus Hours
Dismissal is at 3:30 PM.
Dismissal Tags
Dismissal tags will be distributed August 12th from 9:00 AM- 3:00 PM and the first day of school.
Dismissal tag colors change each year to ensure the rider and the car match as families move in and out. We will not be able to release a student to a previous year's car tag. Don't forget to practice your dismissal tag number at home with your students! Digital copies will NOT be accepted.
Attendance Update
Central Elementary allows for a maximum of 10 excused absences per school year with a parent or doctor's note. Any absences exceeding this limit will be deemed unexcused, requiring a mandatory meeting with the administration. Should a student be absent for more than 90% of the school year at any time, truancy measures will be pursued. These measures may involve receiving a Truancy Letter, attending a Mandatory Conference with an administrator, undergoing a home visit from a campus administrator or truancy officer, and/or being recommended for truancy court.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns regarding attendance.
September is Attendance Awareness Month
Dress up days every Tuesday in September
This month, we will have a competition among campuses with the highest attendance for the month of September. At the end of the month, the school with the highest points will be crowned the district's “Attendance Kickoff Champion.” The winning school will receive special recognition, including a trophy, a banner, and a school-wide celebration.
Grandparent's Day
In celebration of Grandparent's Day, we are inviting grandparents to come have lunch with their grandchild during their assigned lunch time! PLEASE RSVP BY 9/5/2024.
Thank you! 😊
Grandparents are welcomed to bring their own lunch or purchase a lunch from the cafeteria for $5.00.
Device Protection Plan
Duncanville Panthers,
We are excited to inform you that Duncanville ISD’s Device Protection Plan is now available. This district-provided protection plan is designed to offer peace of mind by protecting your student’s school device throughout the year.
Key Details:
- Enrollment Period: The plan is available for sign-up now and will close 60 days after the first day of school.
- Why Enroll? This plan provides valuable protection for your student's district-issued device in case of accidental damage or excessive wear and tear. Purchasing the device protection plan ensures your student will always have a working device throughout the school year.
- How to Enroll: Click here to purchase the device protection plan or go to bit.ly/dvilledpp. You will need your student(s) ID number, birthdate, and current school information.
- How much is it? $30 is the cost of the Duncanville Device Protection Plan for all district issued devices (PK-12th grade). We accept major credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Cash App Pay.
We encourage everyone take advantage of this opportunity to safeguard our students' educational tools.
For more information visit www.duncanvilleisd.org/departments/technology/impact-learning. If you have any questions or need further assistance, email techsupport@duncanvilleisd.org or call 972-708-2300.
Spirit Shirts
Below is a link to order school shirts from our online store. The shirt sales have been extended. Please take advantage of the opportunity to order a spirit shirt.
Reminder: Clear Backpacks
Lunchroom Visitors
Guardians are welcomed to come to school to eat lunch with your child(ren) however, due to limited space in the cafeteria visitors will be limited. Parents will need to make reservations to attend lunch to verify space availability in the cafeteria for our families. Parents will be able to attend lunch on Fridays. Parents may make reservations by calling the front office by Wednesday of each week.
As a reminder, families can only eat lunch with their own child(ren) in the visitor area. Please make sure to check in at the front office with your photo ID. We will be ready for lunch visitors to begin coming to the cafeteria on September 6! This will allow staff time to work with our students on learning and practicing our cafeteria expectations, allow teachers to make changes to the seating chart as needed, and give students an opportunity to make new friends right away.
Morning Student Drop-offs- Back Entrance ONLY
Utilization of Back School Entrance for Drop-offs: We have observed that the front entrance of the school is becoming increasingly crowded during morning drop-offs. To alleviate this congestion and ensure a smoother, safer experience for everyone, car riders are required to use the back entrance of the school for dropping off your students.
From 7:30-7:50 a.m., parents should drive to the back of the school to drop off students.
From 7:50-8:00 a.m., students will be dropped off at the front of the school.
As a reminder, please do not stop the car line to get out of your vehicle.
Thank you for your cooperation as we work to ensure a smooth, efficient arrival process.
School Lunch and Breakfast
Breakfast is from 7:30 AM-7:55 AM
School Lunch and Breakfast
Families must apply to see if their child is eligible to receive free or reduced lunches for the '23-'24 school year. Apply at http://schoolcafe.com/duncanvilleisd. Breakfast will remain free to all students in the new school year. We need ALL parents to apply, even if you do not think you qualify or your child will bring lunch daily.
$3.50 - Student Lunch
$0.40 - Reduced Student Lunch
If your child was on Free/Reduced lunch last school year, you must sign up again each year to receive Free/Reduce lunch for the upcoming school year.
It will prompt you to sign up for a SchoolCafe account first (or sign in if you already have an account from last year), then you may click on the benefits link within. This is also the place to add funds to your child's breakfast/lunch account if they will be eating in the cafeteria this school year.
Dress Code
Transportation- Where's My Bus?
Getting started
- Download the Edulog Parent Portal app, sign up and check your email to authenticate.
- Enter your student's security information as listed in Skyward.
- See your student's bus stop time and location.
- Locate your school bus and receive alerts.
We encourage parents to use Skyward Family Access to monitor student academic progress and attendance. This web-based program allows you to view your student’s assignments, grades and attendance on a daily basis. To receive automatic notifications of grades and daily attendance:
- Log into Skyward Family/Student Access
- Turn on notifications for assignments, attendance, and grades
Volunteers are Welcome!
Plan on volunteering? Helping on a field trip? Please complete your volunteer application/background check on the district's website! A new one is needed each school year and must be completed before you can volunteer with students.
Join PTO
Campus doors will open at 7:30 AM.
Parents should drive to the rear of the school to drop off students. Staff members will be waiting to greet students as they arrive.
Students that walk to school may enter through the hallway located on the east of the campus.
- Students that choose to eat breakfast will go straight to the cafeteria to eat their breakfast.
- Students who are not eating breakfast will immediately walk to their homeroom class.
Breakfast will end at 7:55 a.m.
First period will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m.
Students are encouraged to bring their own water bottles.
No other liquids will be allowed.
Restrooms will be cleaned throughout the day.
Students will be directed to serving lines by lunch monitors to pick up their individual lunches.
Food delivery for lunch is prohibited for safety reasons.
Students will need to know their ID number to purchase lunch. Please help your student memorize their ID number.
Dismissal tags are required before releasing a student to an adult.
Student release will be staggered.
1st--Students that ride a bus and daycare will be released to wait in the gym. Upon arrival of the buses and daycare, the students will be called to board their bus or daycare van.
2nd- Walkers will be dismissed. Walkers are students that walk directly home and are not waiting for a parent to pick them up. The students will be released at designated doors.
3rd- Car Riders and Parents that walk up to pick up their students will be released. Cars will need to have their dismissal tag displayed in the front window. Parents who walk up to the school will need to have their dismissal tag.
Dismissal tags are required for dismissal. Photos of the dismissal tag will not be permitted. ID will be required in the front office if there is no dismissal tag.
Teachers will be monitoring to ensure that students leave the campus safely and promptly at dismissal.
Car riders, bus, and daycare riders will be picked up in the rear of the building. Faculty will help supervise dismissal of students.
All members of the community or any visitor are required to enter Central Elementary through the main entry doors located at the front of our campus.
We practice the following drills throughout the school year:
- Fire
- Lockdown
- Lockout
- Severe Weather
- Shelter in Place
- Evacuation
Prior to entering the building all visitors (parents, school stakeholders) must ring the doorbell located by the front office.
Parents will not be allowed to drop off lunches with students during the school day.
If parents need to pick up a student early they will enter through the front office to sign their student out.
Visitors to campuses will be limited to essential needs. Lunch visitors will be permitted however, due to limited space in the cafeteria visitors will be limited. Parents will need to make reservations to attend lunch to verify space availability in the cafeteria for our families. Parents will be able to attend lunch 1 day a week. Parents may make reservations by calling the front office by Wednesday of each week.
Student Drop Off (after the 8:00 bell)
Parents and students will enter through the front office
Parents must sign their student in and the student will be given a pass to enter class.
Tardy students will be given a tardy pass to enter class.
Early Pick Up
The parent will come to come into the building to present their identification and physically sign the student out.
The student will be called to come to the front office to leave with the parent.
Parents will not be allowed to pick up students after 3:00. The front office will be closed to prepare for dismissal.
Family Engagement
Our parent liaison, Mrs. Romero, is dedicated to providing parents and guardians with opportunities to be a part of and celebrate their students' academic experiences. Please see the upcoming events and stay to tune for specific dates. We encourage the entire community to get involved and support our students. If you have any questions or would like to know more about how you can get involved, please do not hesitate to reach out to Ms. Romero. For Spanish and English, 972-708-2600 or bromero@duncanvilleisd.org
Central Elementary Digital Media and Performing Arts Academy
Email: aparker@duncanvilleisd.org
Website: https://central.duncanvilleisd.org/Location: 302 East Freeman Street, Duncanville, TX, USA
Phone: 972-708-2600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CentralESDuncanvilleISD
Twitter: @Central_ElemSc