Weekly Message 8/20/23
A message from Principal Edward Owusu
Clarksburg High School Students, Staff, and Families,
Welcome Back!!! Hopefully you had a chance to read my Welcome Letter sent a few weeks ago. (See Principal's Welcome Letter and Information 2023) I have been saying it for a while now and I will carry-on saying it throughout the year. We are ONE Clarksburg! Only together as a school community of students, staff, and caregivers can we overcome the distractions and obstacles that will inevitably challenge us. Its not a request or invitation, its an expectation that our current and future success will depend on a united effort.
In this first Sunday Weekly Message, I am excited to welcome teachers and most staff back to school this Monday, and new 9th grade and new upper-class students to CHS on Thursday of this week! All students will return in just over a week on Monday, September 28 at 7:45 am.
Some students return this Thursday, August 24, during 9th grade and New Upper-class Student Orientation (See Orientation Agenda). 9th grade and new upperclass students will receive their Chromebook computers and charging cables on Thursday and may want to bring a backpack to carry it home.
CHS will conduct an orientation session in person for all parents of 9th grade students and those new to CHS during the evening of August 24, 2023 from 7:15 – 8:30 p.m. Please make plans to join us in person to tour the building that evening and to learn more about your child’s experience at Clarksburg High School. Our Booster Club parents will be on hand to sell spirit wear items for both you and your children.
All students attend school on Monday, August 28 for the first full day of school for all students. MCPS Superintendent Dr. Monifa McKnight will be present at CHS bright and early to welcome students and staff to what will be a great year! Homeroom classrooms will be used on Monday and Tuesday to start. Here is the CHS HOMEROOM Classroom list that will also be posted around the school - please review in advance to find locations.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For the safety of our school environment, face coverings may be worn indoors only for health, religious and/or cultural purposes. When used for health protection or to prevent disease transmission, acceptable and effective face coverings are well fitting surgical masks, KN95-style masks or N95 respirators. With the exception of face coverings worn for religious or cultural purposes, individuals will be asked to remove other types of face coverings (such as a ski mask, neck gaiter, or scarf over one’s face). If the alternate face covering is worn for health purposes, CHS will provide surgical masks for student, staff or visitor use. If a face covering is needed at school for health purposes, CHS will provide surgical masks for students, staff or visitors who do not already have access to one at school.
Come join MCPS staff and community partners in our highly anticipated kickoff for the Back-to-School Fair 2023-2024 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 26 at Westfield Wheaton mall. Visit the Back-to-School Fair website to learn more and make an appointment for vaccinations or immunizations.
Bus schedules for the 2023–2024 school year are posted online for the entire county, as well as for CHS (See CHS Bus Schedules). MCPS Bus transportation will be provided on August 24, 2023 and the entire school year. A letter from our MCPS transportation supervisor and a listing of the arrival and departure bus stops and routes for Clarksburg High School have been included for your review. Students should arrive at the bus stop 5 to 10 minutes prior to the start time listed on the bus route document and ride the bus to and from Clarksburg High School on the day of the orientation.
As always, thank you for your continued support and trust. And remember, together we are ONE Clarksburg!
Thursday, August 24 - 9th Grade and New Upper-class Student Orientation - 7:45 am - 11:30 am; New Parent & Caregiver Night - 7:15 PM; P-Tech Invited Student/Parent Orientation
Friday, August 24 - Senior Parking Permit Pickup - 9:30 am
Monday, August 28 - First Day of School For All Students; Superintendent Visit/MCPS Back to School Kickoff; Senior Sunrise Special HOMEROOM Bell Schedule;
Tuesday, August 29 - Homeroom Beginning of Day Bell Schedule;
Wednesday, August 30 - Regular Bell Schedule; Underclass Photos
Thursday, August 31 - Regular Bell Schedule; Underclass Photos;
Friday, September 1 - Pep Rally Bell Schedule; Underclass Photos; JV Football - 3:30 pm; Varsity Football - Clarksburg at Gaithersburg - 7 pm
The weeks ahead:
September 4, 2023 - Labor Day Holiday and Non Instructional Day - School Closed
September 7, 2023 - Back to School Night
September 22, 2023 - Pep Rally & Early Release Day - Students dismissed at 12 pm
September 14, 2023 - Cluster Night/Cluster Band Night
September 15, 2023 - Start of Hispanic Heritage Month
September 18-22, 2023 - Homecoming Spirit Week/Hall Decorations/Football Game/Mental Health Awareness Week
September 23, 2023 - Homecoming Dance
September 25, 2023 - Holiday and Non Instructional Day - School Closed
September 27, 2023 - P-TECH & APPS Interest Meeting / Information Night for Grade 8
9th Grade and New Student Orientation & Parent/Caregiver Meeting
We will be hosting an orientation session for all 9th grade and students at other grade levels new to CHS on Thursday, August 24, 2023 from 7:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. This will be the first opportunity for students to visit with us, learn their daily schedule, and meet their classroom teachers. We expect all 9th grade and new students to attend (Check out the Orientation Agenda). Ninth grade and new students attending Orientation on August 24 will receive their school issued chromebook, charger, and chromebook carrying case. This should be cared for and treated as school property. We will share information regarding clubs and activities to promote student organizations and encourage participation. 9th grade and new students will receive chromebooks during orientation to use throughout the year. MCPS Bus transportation will be provided on August 24, 2023. A letter from our MCPS transportation supervisor and a listing of the bus stops and routes for Clarksburg High School have been included for your review. Students should arrive at the bus stop five to 10 minutes prior to the start time listed on the bus route document and ride the bus to and from Clarksburg High School on the day of the orientation.
** We will also conduct an orientation session in person for all parents of 9th grade students and those new to CHS during the evening of August 24, 2023 from 7:15 – 8:30 p.m. Please make plans to join us in person to tour the building that evening and to learn more about your child’s experience at Clarksburg High School.
First Day of School
The first day of school for students is Monday, August 28, 2023 classes begin at 7:45 am.
Transportation: Student Car Pickup/Dropoff is accessed via Foreman Boulevard (follow traffic patterns and bring your patience). Carpool riders should arrive early to avoid traffic. Suggested early arrival time is 7:20-7:30 am. Students accessing MCPS school buses will enter school via the CHS bus loop. Students should know their bus route number for arrival and departure, as well as their home address and major cross streets in case they need to look up bus route information. Click each option for arrival and departure Bus Route Information: MCPS Transportation Information.
Activity buses, for those engaged in CHS tutoring, clubs, and activities, will begin mid September and depart CHS after 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. See Activity Bus Route Information.
****Please refrain from pickup or dropoff on Wims Road or 355/Frederick Road.****
Students shall report to their Homeroom classrooms on day one, and that will be organized alphabetically by grade level. Members of our Student Government Association (SGA), our Coyote Ambassadors, and other student leaders will be available that morning to assist students as they navigate the hallways to find their Homeroom class assignment. We will also have the Homeroom listings posted throughout the school. Students attending part time programs at off site campuses (ie., Thomas Edison HS, Gaithersburg HS, Montgomery College, etc.) shall receive a separate message regarding their start date at these programs.
Clarksburg High School's Emerging Multilingual Learner Community Night
Join us for an exciting evening at Clarksburg High School's Emerging Multilingual Learner Community Night on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. Set in the Clarksburg High School Cafeteria, this event is an opportunity you won't want to miss!
Discover the vibrant Clarksburg Community as you connect with fellow students, parents, and educators. Enjoy dinner and engage in exciting raffles while immersing yourself in our Emerging Multilingual Learner community's rich tapestry of cultures and languages. Gain insights into the array of available community resources designed to support and enhance your or your student's educational journey.
Únase a nosotros para una noche emocionante en la Noche comunitaria de estudiantes multilingües emergentes de Clarksburg High School el miércoles 30 de agosto de 2023, de 5:30 a 6:30 p.m. Ubicado en la Cafetería de la Escuela Secundaria de Clarksburg, ¡este evento es una oportunidad que no querrá perderse!
Descubra la vibrante comunidad de Clarksburg mientras se conecta con otros estudiantes, padres y educadores. Disfrute de una cena y participe en emocionantes rifas mientras se sumerge en el rico tapiz de culturas e idiomas de nuestra comunidad de estudiantes multilingües emergentes. Conozca los recursos de la comunidad diseñados para apoyar y mejorar su viaje educativo o el de su estudiante.
Outdoor Education Help Needed
Attention all Juniors & Seniors!
Rocky Hill is looking for 40-50 reliable, responsible students who are interested in being a high school counselor for our overnight Outdoor Education program October 2-6 at Camp Letts in Edgewater, MD. Students who apply should be strong leaders, have experience with kids, and be able to take initiative and solve problems, as well as commit to staying at Camp Letts for 3 days and 2 nights. Students who are chosen to volunteer will also receive Student Service Learning hours for their time. Interested?? Click here for more information and to fill out an application! Applications are due September 5th.
Back to School Night
Dress Code? Yeah, we've got that!
NFHS Network and GoFan
Dear Coyote fans,
As we kick-off the upcoming school year, we wanted to tell you that through our official partners, NFHS Network and GoFan, you can easily buy tickets for games and subscribe to watch live games online for when you can’t get there in-person.
Click this link to visit our school homepage, where you can:
- Click “Follow” to get alerts on our upcoming events.
- Click “Buy Tickets” to get tickets to upcoming events.
- Click “Subscribe” to watch live broadcasts of upcoming events (a portion of the proceeds are shared back with our school!).
C'BURG Is ALL IN - Check Out our Attendance Policy
At Clarksburg High School we will be working very hard to provide our students with a rigorous and relevant educational program. We believe all students can achieve at high levels. There are several habits and behaviors that contribute to success in high school.
- Successful students attend classes on time.
- Successful students have good study skills and keep track of homework, projects and activities with an assignment book or digital calendar.
- Successful students ask for help when needed and persevere when things are tough.
- Successful students seek challenging courses and programs.
- Successful students get involved in positive activities, clubs, and sports, both in and out of school.
- Successful students work cooperatively with school staff and fellow classmates and follow school rules.
Academic success begins with excellent attendance. Therefore, special attention will be paid to the issue of attendance and punctuality. We expect every student to be in school every day except for the legitimate reasons defined by Maryland State law and listed below:
Death in the immediate family
Certified illness of the student
Court summons
Work or activity accepted by school authorities
Observance of religious holiday
Physical and mental incapacity
Violent storms
State emergency
When a student is absent, a signed note by a parent or guardian must be turned in to Ms. Pineda in the Attendance Office within 3 days of returning to school for the absence to be excused. CHS has transitioned to an online form for parents to use to submit absence notes. Confirmation calls/emails will be made by our Attendance Secretary to parent/guardian. Here is that link. Notes for early dismissal must be presented to the Attendance Office prior to the start of the school day. We respectfully request that, when possible, doctor appointments are made for the after-school hours and on days when there is not school. Likewise, please pay careful attention to the enclosed school calendar and schedule vacations and college visits for the times that school is not in session. Students who miss class assignments due to an unexcused tardy or absence will not receive grades or credit for those missed assignments. Students will remain responsible for the content of those assignments, as they prepare for summative assessments.
Senior Mural
Senior Portrait Information
Don't forget to book your senior portrait! Appointments are available in August, October, and November. November 17th is the absolute last day for portraits. ALL students can sit for a yearbook photo FOR FREE!!! Help can be found here!
Senior Panoramic Class Picture will be held 10/11/23 in the morning.
Other Dates Senior Photos will be taken at CHS are:
Seniors: 2:30 pm - 8 pm 10/19/2023 Seniors: 2:30 pm - 8 pm 10/20/2023 Seniors: 2:30 pm - 8 pm 11/15/2023 Seniors: 2:30 pm - 8 pm 11/16/2023 Seniors: 2:30 pm - 8 pm 11/17/2023
Yearbook presales will start soon, all information related to the yearbook can be found at www.clarksburgyearbook.com
The PSAT and SAT at CHS
CHS will once again host the SAT on multiple dates during the year. The dates the SAT will be held at CHS are: 10/7, 11/4, 12/2, 3/9, 5/4, 6/1. Registration for these dates should be made through the College Board Website.
Advisory and Coyote Connect
Operational Information 2023-2024
Clarksburg High School
Email: Edward_K_Owusu@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/clarksburghs/
Location: 22500 Wims Road, Clarksburg, MD, USA
Phone: (240)740-6000
Facebook: facebook.com/clarksburghighschool
Twitter: @Cburg_Coyotes