Woodbury Weekly Update for Families
May 6, 2024
Welcome to our weekly update! We are thrilled to keep you informed about the happenings at our school, celebrations & achievements and upcoming events, ensuring you're an active part of your students educational journey. In each update, you'll find highlights of the past week and a preview of what's to come, fostering a strong sense of community and collaboration between the school and our cherished families. Most weeks will be brief, but at times there is important information or updates that help support us in your involvement in our little school. Thank you for taking the time to read it!
A Peek at Our Week & Friendly Reminders
Please check out the Woodbury PPA Spring Raffle. This small group of parents provides a lot of support for our students and staff. If you are interested in joining, they would love to have you at their next meeting! 3 Days left!
This Week:
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
5/6: School Lunch Hero Day
5/7: Kindergarten Orientation 6:00 p.m.
5/8: School Nurse Day
5/9: Be the Yellow Day (students wear yellow!)
5/10: Kindergarten Mother's Day Tea
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
Thank you to our PPA for planning a great week for staff!
Up Next...
5/15: Walk to School Day, Meet 7:20 @Knight's Park to walk with Mrs. Kern
5/21: Third Grade Bike Hike
5/28: Fun Afternoon, Mrs. Mathis Retirement Open House
5/29: Track & Field Day
5/30: LAST DAY, Kindergarten Graduation, 11:10 Dismissal
Retirement Open House
Lexia Superstars
Woodbury PPA
Update from the Nurse
Any medication not picked up by the last day of school will be discarded. Medication must be picked up by a parent or guardian. Students will not be allowed to take it home.
Dental Exam Reminder:
A completed dental examination form is due by May 15 for current Kindergarten and 2nd grade students. Exams completed within 18 months of the May 15th deadline will be accepted.
Summer Safety Tips from the American Red Cross
2024-2025 School Year Registration
District Reminders
Registration Fees
If you have not yet fulfilled payment for registration fees you have/will receive a note home from school with your remaining balance. If you have any questions regarding these fees, please reach out to our main office at 815-786-6316.
Free/Reduced Application Information
Are you struggling to pay for fees, lunches, field trips, and/or extra fees? Please be aware that there are opportunities to get help with school fees, field trips, lunches, and other fees.
We currently utilize the free and reduced waiver program through the USDA. If you qualify, this waiver may cover lunches, registration fees, sports fees, field trips, etc. If you would like to know more about this program, what the qualifications are, or how to apply, please call Mrs. Kruswicki at 815-786-2187.
Please remember, this program must be renewed every year. Since we utilize the guidelines of the USDA program, we must use their forms.
For those who would like to apply for free/reduced lunch, please do so using the following link: Online Application. Families who qualify for free/reduced lunch will have their registration fees waived or reduced (if process is complete prior to fees being assessed)