Upton Update
Week of August, 2023

Week of August 26, 2024
Welcome Back!
Upton Elementary Vision & Mission Statements
The vision of Upton Elementary School is to inspire students to become lifelong learners.
Our mission is to prepare students to lead in a rapidly changing world, empower them to persevere through challenges, and to think critically with empathy, compassion and integrity. The Upton community will achieve this mission by:
● Engaging in professional development to meet the needs of our diverse learners through visible thinking routines and culturally responsive practices.
● Creating opportunities for staff and students to collaborate within our learning community.
● Providing a safe and engaging environment that allows ALL students to succeed to their full potential.
Traffic, Safety, and Parking
For the safety of our students, please read and follow these guidelines:
Students should not arrive at school before 8:10 a.m. because there is no direct supervision provided on the playground areas. When students arrive, they need to line-up with their classmates at their designated entrance. For safety reasons, students should go directly home after school or be supervised by a parent or guardian on the playground.
All families of students in grades K-2 will be provided a sign in the shape of a car to be used at pick-up time. This sign will help teachers and staff members identify who is picking up each child. In order to have your child dismissed to you, you must have that car sign present at pick-up. If you do not have the sign with you, you will need to pick up your child from the office. Additional car signs can be purchased for $2 each.
Students are assigned specific doors to enter and exit. These doors are determined by their grade-level.
Developmental Kindergarten students will enter and exit the doors located on the east side of the building- Door #9
Kindergarten students will enter and exit the doors located in the back east of the building in the north parking lot off Samoset Avenue- Door #8
1st Grade students will enter and exit the the doors located in the front center of the building- Door #1
2nd Grade students will enter and exit the doors located in the front east of the building- Door #10
3rd Grade students will enter and exit the the doors located in the front west of the building- Door #2
4th Grade & 5th grade students will enter and exit the the doors located in the back west of the building- Door #3
Please follow these safety precautions in the circle drive:
- Drop off area - There is only one lane for "drop off and pick up." Do not attempt to pick up your child from the drive-through lane. This causes more congestion in the circle drive and is not safe. If there is not room in the circle drive, please park on the street and walk to get your child.
- Pull all the way forward to the end of the lane before dropping off or picking up children
- Students should enter and exit on the passenger side of the vehicle only
- Do not exit your vehicle! NO parking in the "drop off and pick up only" lane
- Right turn ONLY when exiting the Circle Drive
Please be aware there is no standing or parking in the circle driveway other than in the designated spaces. This is a City of Royal Oak ordinance and is of utmost importance to ensure student safety.
Parking is allowed on the street in areas not restricted by City of Royal Oak posted traffic signs. Parking is also available on the north side of the building in the school staff parking lot.
The back parking lot is designated for staff parking and long-term parking. It is also used for Developmental Kindergarten & Kindergarten drop-off and pick-up. If you are using the back parking lot, you need to park in designated parking spots. In the past, parents have been parking in the fire lanes. This is safety concern for our students as it is very difficult to see them when they are exiting the building.
First Day of School
This year, instead of families coming into the building on the first day, classroom teachers will come out to greet all of you. Having too many people in the building on the first day is overwhelming for many, makes it difficult for the students to access their lockers, and can provide for an unsafe environment. Kindergarten and Developmental Kindergarten parents, as well as new parents to Upton, are welcome to go to the Media Center at 8:30 a.m. for the New Parent Coffee.
Parents will have an opportunity to see their child's classroom on September 5 at Curriculum Night.
PTA Welcome for New Families
For Kindergarten families, we will have this event on both August 26 & 27 at 8:30 a.m.
PTA Picnic
On Friday, September 6, from 5:30-7:00 p.m., our PTA will be sponsoring a Welcome Back Family Picnic. Please join us and celebrate as we welcome in the new school year!
Curriculum Night
This is one of our most important nights of the year. You will have an opportunity to meet your child's teachers, learn about the Royal Oak Curriculum for your child's grade level, hear about classroom specific expectations, and have an opportunity to sign up for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Please plan on attending!
Information Sent Home
Communication from the Principal
I will also update my web page every month so that you will be able to see what activities are occurring during the entire month. Here is the link:
Upton Staff 2024-25
Supply Lists
Here are the teachers' wish lists for school supplies. Purchasing supplies is optional as all students will be provided with what they need.
Students who are tardy to school also miss valuable instruction. If your child is tardy, you need to come into the office and sign your child in on the yellow form.
If you pick up your child from school prior to regular dismissal time, you also need to sign your child out on the yellow form.
Upton Elementary Media Center Policy
Food Services
Breakfast Program
Additional Forms:
Lunch Program
- Lunch Times: 11:35-11:59 a.m. (Grades DK-2); 11:59-12:23 p.m. (Grades 3-5)
- Recess Times: 11:59-12:23 p.m. (Grades DK-2); 11:35-11:59 a.m. (Grades 3-5)
Lunch options for students in grades DK-5 are:
● Bring a sack lunch to school. Milk is available for 40 cents. Please do not send carbonated beverages or beverages with red food dye (as it stains the tables).
● School lunch is FREE this year. (Free and reduced lunch applications are part of the registration process. Additional applications are available at the school office.) Monthly menus are sent home by the classroom teacher.
● Leave the building with a parent/guardian for lunch. You must sign out your child in the office if you will be taking your child out for lunch.
All food items will be nut free. If your child has specific dietary needs, please contact our Food Service Department.
Elementary School lunch snow day process:
In the event of a snow day, that day's meal will be served on the next school day.
For example:
If a snow day falls on a Monday, Monday's menu will be served on Tuesday.
Additional Forms:
Lunch Monitors Needed
Need To Know
Dress Code
The Royal Oak Schools Board of Education recognizes that each student’s choice of dress and grooming is an expression of personal style and individual preference. The Upton community is committed to ensure that each student enters their building culturally intact every day.
The Royal Oak Schools Board of Education will not interfere with a student’s decision regarding their appearance, except when the choices interfere with the learning environment or with school safety.
Guidelines that may be used to determine whether dress is appropriate for the Upton learning environment include, but are not limited to the following;
All clothing should provide adequate body coverage.
Tennis shoes or other closed-toe shoes are recommended, as injury to the feet is less likely.
Outerwear suitable for the weather is recommended for recess.
Underclothing should not be intentionally visible.
Students shall not wear items of clothing that have racist, obscene, vulgar, hate
speech or sexual statements or pictures.
Clothing that promotes alcohol, tobacco, or illegal substances is prohibited.
Nothing should be worn that is detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of any student.
Students in violation of these guidelines will be asked to change clothing. If no replacement clothing is available, administration will contact the parent/guardian to resolve the situation.
Family Welcome Back Night at ROHS
From Royal Oak Schools -
Come out this Thursday, August 29, to Royal Oak High School for our Family Welcome Back Night from 5:30 - 6:45 and stay for the first home football game at 7!
Over 30 organizations and groups from Royal Oak will be in attendance, with games, giveaways, and information for everyone to enjoy. Meet Hooper from the Pistons and play hoops with district mascots. Practice yoga with Visions Incorporated Yoga. Enjoy food deals on hot dogs, pizza, and Ray's Ice Cream. This event is free, but bring cash for food. This is not a drop-off event. Everyone attending the event will receive a wristband to get into the game for free.
Calendar for This School Year
This Week's Calendar
First Day of School 8:25 a.m.-3:30 p.m.New Parent Coffee in the Media Center 8:30 a.m.
New Parent Coffee in the Media Center 8:30 a.m.
Family Welcome Back Night at ROHS 5:30-6:45 p.m.
No School
Mr. John Grzywack
4400 Mandalay Avenue, Royal Oak, MI, United States
(248) 549-4968
The vision of Upton Elementary School is to inspire students to become lifelong learners.