
May Love & Light Fill Your Home & Heart
From the Principal's Desk
Happy Holidays!
As the holidays approach, we know things can get hectic!
Please help your child stay healthy by ensuring they eat well, get enough sleep, and dress warmly for outdoor recess- weather permitting.
Attendance Reminder:
Just 2 absences a month can lead to significant missed learning.
Being just 10 minutes late can add up to 32 hours of missed learning each year!
We believe consistent attendance is crucial for your child's success, so please try to schedule appointments outside of school hours.
We also want to express our gratitude to:
Parents & Guardians.
Thank you for reading with your child and practicing math facts daily.
Volunteers who enhance our school community, fundraise and organize food drives.
All staff dedicated to your child's education.
Wishing you a safe and joyful winter break with your family!
Warm regards,
Dr. Connelly
Counselor's Corner
Professional School Counselor: Kodi Ross
In the month of November, School Nurse Zee and I have been doing classroom lessons on Hygiene and Nutrition to help our students to be safe, cleanly and healthy. Other SEL classroom lessons this month have focused on friendships: how to make friends and how to be a good friend.
We had our PBIS event last week which was a very fun glow-stick dance party that the kids really loved. Everyone had a great time dancing and we hope that good behavior will continue for the coming months as we have more fun celebrations ahead for students who are Responsible, Orderly, Attentive and Respectful.
I have also been doing work on improving attendance by hosting an information session as well as individual meetings with parents and guardians. We continue to emphasize the importance of attendance - your students cannot learn if they are not in the building. It is also important to send notes when your student is absent due to illness so that their absences are coded as Excused/Lawful.
Kodi Ross - Professional School Counselor
Reading Corner
Ms. Gordon's Reading/Testing Corner
Hello Fabulous Frost Families!
We have been so busy! Grades 1-5 completed their Math Benchmarks which will give teachers information about their students’ strengths and areas of development. Grades 3, 4, and 5 also completed Reading Benchmarks.
We are proud of our students’ efforts and encouraged them to show us what they have learned!
As our Thanksgiving and Winter Breaks approach, we want to encourage students to enjoy themselves, and also to READ, READ, READ! Students can go to Clever on any device and click on Scholastic Literacy Pro for books on many topics and many reading levels. The books can be read aloud to your children or they can read independently. Books are available in English and Spanish. The public library has wonderful books to offer, and computers for public use.
Enjoy your Breaks! Happy Reading!
Ms. Gordon
Reading Specialist
What's New in the Library? Book Fair!
Library Media Specialist: Ms. Banks
This year's Book Fair at Robert Frost is going to be epic!
- More Books.
- More Choices.
- More Fun!
The book fair will begin on December 9, 2024 and will run through December 13, 2024.
More information will be coming soon!
Kindergarten: Ms. Rowe & Ms. Stancil
We are also learning some heart words. Each teacher will provide a list of words your child can review at home.
In math, we are working on 2 D shapes and their attributes. (A triangle has 3 sides and 3 corners etc.)
1st Grade
1st Grade Team: Ms. Jones & Ms. James
Turkey Time!
Students made beautiful turkey hats for Thanksgiving
with Ms. Hall in Art Class.
We are starting to learn about how culture is shared. This ties straight into holidays and how families will be celebrating the upcoming holiday season.
In Reading we are learning about characteristics of characters and what clues let us know if the character is good or bad. Ask them about the 2 different wolves we met in our stories.
We are still learning many strategies to add and subtract within 20. Please ask them to count and add anything they see.
In Science we are focusing on sound. Talk to them about why a wolf might howl. They will be happy to howl for you!
2nd Grade
2nd Grade: Ms. Toms & Mr. Berry
Second graders are continuing to work hard and learn! This month, the students will:
- build their phonics skills by learning and practicing common patterns in the English language, like short and long vowel sounds, schwa sounds, and many more!
- learn new vocabulary words through reading and enjoying some new fiction stories.
- learn to tell time to the nearest five minutes and learn the difference between AM and PM.
- learn about materials we gather from the Earth and how they are used.
- continue to learn about our cultures and what makes each of us special.
- learn about how our hearts work and how we can keep our hearts healthy.
- celebrate their hard work on Lexia and Dreambox
3rd Grade
3rd Grade RELA & Social Studies: Ms. Jackson
- Text and Graphic Features
- Text Structure
- Figurative Language
- Point of View
- Opinion Essay.
At Home Practice:
- Read for at least 20-30 minutes a night.
- Answer the comprehension questions on your reading log.
- Please check folders daily for homework assignments.
Upcoming Events:
- DIBELS Progress Monitoring Biweekly
- December 20th Half Day!
Third Grade Math, Science, & Health:
Ms. Richards
Dear Families,
I hope this message finds you well! My name is Ms. Richards, and I am thrilled to be your child’s new third-grade teacher this year. I am excited about the wonderful learning adventures ahead of us!
This week, we will be diving into the world of multiplication. It’s an important skill, and I encourage you to help your child practice at home. Simple games and flashcards can make studying fun!
As we prepare for our lessons, please make sure your child comes to school with the following supplies:
- One pack of 24 sharpened pencils
- Two large erasers
- Three glue sticks
- One pair of scissors
- Green, Blue, Red, and Yellow two pocket folders (4 folders- one of each color)
- Two single-subject notebooks
- Colored pencils
- Pencil pouch
- One tissue box
- Clorox Wipes
- Ziplock bags (bid and small)
- Hand soap
- Loose leaf paper
- Paper towel roll
- Box of tissues
Thank you for your support and for helping us create a great learning environment. If you have any questions or want to share ideas, feel free to reach out. I look forward to a fantastic year together!
Warm regards,
Ms. Richards
4th Grade
Fourth Grade ELA: Ms. Glover
What’s happening in 4th Grade ELA!
Fourth Grade Math & Science: Ms. Bechtold
4th grade Math and Science in December
5th Grade
5th Grade RELA & Social Studies: Dr. Harvin
Reading is relaxing.
Happy Holidays!!!
Reading for pleasure can be relaxing. Therefore, while students are enjoying their winter break, they should still try to read for at least 20 minutes a day during most days of their break.
However, students will not be required to complete any reading logs during winter break.
Students can read a book of their choice.
Dr. Harvin
5th Grade Math & Science: Ms. Brady
What's Happening in 5th Grade Math & Science?
We will be learning how to multiply & divide decimals by whole numbers.
Please encourage your child to practice their multiplication facts daily.
Science: Students will be learning about plants and their complex needs.
SEAD: Ms. Watts
The SEAD department has successfully completed all 1st quarter Reading and Math Benchmarks and all Pre tests on our reading and math interventions.
CONGRATULATIONS to all of our SEAD 2nd-5th grader students for making the honor roll.
Please continue to check Class Dojo daily for behavior and classroom updates.
ELD (English Language Development)
ELD (English Language Development) Team
Ms. Scarato, Ms. Constantino, Mr. Levine
Dear Parents,
The ELD team is excited to announce that there will be an
ELD Family Night on Tuesday, December 10, 2024,
from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.at the Robert Frost cafeteria.
Participants will receive information on the WIDA Language Domains and Proficiency Levels, engage in an interactive learning activity for listening, speaking, reading, and writing strategies, and be provided with free instructional materials to reinforce language instruction at home. When FAMILIES are involved in their children’s LEARNING at HOME and school, children do better in SCHOOL!
Dinner will be served. If you are coming, please let us know the total number of attendees. You can return the orange flier that was sent out or send a DOJO message
RFES ELD Teachers
Special Education
Special Education: Ms. McCollum
IEP's and 504 plans are both designed to support students with learning challenges. But they work in different ways. The slides on the link below shows the differences.
Art: Ms. Hall
For the month of December, we will explore creative seasonal paper designs!
Music: Mr. Porter
For the month of December we will be preparing for the Winter Concert on December 16th from 8:30-9:30 AM. This will also include the instrumental program. We will be performing classic Holiday songs as well as showcasing the progress of our wonderful musically inclined students.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Physical Education
Physical Education: Ms. Fortunato
It’s hard to believe that we are almost a quarter of the way through the school year. Since it’s
getting cooler here are a couple of ideas to keep the whole family active!
Rake leaves/create leaf mazes
Grab your rake and let’s get active! Whether it’s removing fallen leaves in your
own yard or a neighbor’s, raking leaves is a great way for family fitness and
burn a few extra calories. For every half hour of raking and bagging leaves,
the average person can burn about 175-225 calories. Encourage your kids to
join in on the fun by creating and navigating leaf mazes together.
Turn up the beat and get groovin’! Dancing is a unique form of self-expression
and a fun lower-impact physical activity. Don’t forget to play family-friendly,
popular singles such as the “Shake It Off” and “Can’t Stop the Feeling” or
reach further back with “YMCA” or “Macarena.” The majority of my students
love to dance.
Mental Health & Wellness
School-Based Clinician: Tanya Anderson, LCSW-C
Welcome to Mrs. Anderson's Mental Health and Wellness Corner!
Each month I will focus on a different Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
topic and provide useful strategies that can be used at home or in the classroom. Here you can also find the latest mental health resources, wellness tips, and a positive space to learn more about maintaining healthy mental health!
As the year draws to a close, it's a perfect time to reflect on our well-being and set intentions for the season ahead. December can bring joy and connection, but it also can bring stress and challenges. This month's "Mental Health & Wellness Corner" focuses on coping with grief during the Holiday Season.
If you feel your child may need additional support with grief, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Click on the link to enter :
Mental Health and Wellness Corner
Mental Health Services Referral Link
Tanya Anderson, LCSW-C
School-Based Mental Health Clinician
Mark Your Calendars!
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
End of November
11/25: School Pictures (In uniform)
11/27-11/29: Schools Closed: Thanksgiving Break
12/09-12/17: CogAT Testing for Fourth Grade
12/10: ELD Night
12/12: Holiday Movie Night
12/18: 2nd Quarter Progress Reports Released Online
12/20: Teacher Planning Half-Day – 3-Hr. Early Dismissal for Students
12/23-12/31: Schools Closed: Winter Break
January 2025-February 2025 (More Testing Dates Will be Posted in January's Newsletter)
1/01/25: Schools Closed: New Year's Day
1/02-1/03: Schools Closed: Winter Break
1/08-1/30: iReady
1/08-2/18: ACCESS for ELs