NMSHS Panther Post
December 6, 2024
Nederland Middle-Senior HS Community,
Just two weeks left in the semester. This is the time for students to clean up any missing assignments and visit with teachers to answer and unanswered questions. Final exams are scheduled for Monday 12/16 - Thursday 12/19 (Make-up tests by appointment with teachers on Friday 12/20). Finals Week Schedule
This coming week we have Basketball games and our holiday music concerts, see the schedule below in the Panther Post for details.
Cell Phone Policy
As many of you know, the BVSD school board has created a new cell phone policy, which will go into effect when we return from the break. The intent of the policy is to address the distractions and impact of cell phones on learning and the overall impact on student’s mental health. I will be sending out a detailed implementation plan this coming week.
Our goal is to be progressive as we ramp up the expectations in a way to remind students of the new practice of the bell to bell policy (from the beginning of the school day to the end of the school day). We want to support students as they make the adjustment to not having cell phones during their class time and free time at school. We know the transition will be challenging for some of our students and we want to have some things in place to address those challenges. More to come on this.
PTA Fundraiser
I want to remind everyone that thanks to the PTA's advocacy, the Eldora parking money is now going directly to the school. That means fundraising is the PTA's only source of income for the 2024/25 school year. PTA has some big goals they are trying to achieve this year, Staff Appreciation Week being just one of them. We are doing a school fundraising competition between the Middle and High for a Pizza and Ice Cream Social with free time at the end of the day for the winner of the competition! Currently the High School is leading 22-16. Right now only 20% of families have donated, we'd like to get that up to 100% this week! Please click on the link below to make your family's donation today:
Thank you in advance for your donation to education!
Have a great weekend,
Upcoming Events
See all events on the NMSHS school calendar here.
- December 6 - Movie Night, 7pm
- December 9 - B JV BB, 4pm; G JV BB, 5:30pm; B V BB, 7pm - vs Gilpin
- December 9 - MS B BB, 5pm - vs Monarch
- December 10 - MS B BB, 4pm - vs Summit
- December 10 - Orchestra Concert, 6pm; Band Concert, 7pm
- December 11 - Choir Concert, 7pm
- December 12-14 - Thescon
- December 16-19 - Finals Week Schedule
- December 23-January 6 - Winter Break (Return on Tuesday 1/7 - Blue Day)
We need everyone to show up Monday night! Not only is it our home game against Gilpin, but National Honor Society is also fundraising for Miles Pancoast’s Wheelchair Rugby Team. All proceeds from ticket and concession sales will go to support Miles and his team.
Tickets are $8 for Adults, and $5 for Students/Seniors. Children 2 and under are Free. Any extra donations are happily accepted. Boys’ JV starts @ 4 pm, Girls’ JV starts @ 5:30 pm, and Boys’ Varsity starts @ 7 pm. Go Panthers!
Parents & Students - check your Infinite Campus portal for grades. Keep up your best work and get ready for finals! Communicate with your teachers to clarify their expectations for finishing the semester! High school students - do you need credit recovery for graduation requirements? See Ms. Jill to sign up for spring semester credit recovery for required high school credits.
Spots are filling FAST: You can still sign up for FRCC next semester. See Ms. Jill to sign up for Concurrent College Credits for Spring. Asynchronous online courses include:
CIS 1018 Intro to PC Applications - meets BVSD computer literacy requirements
LIT 2005 Race, Culture & Ethnicity - transferable Humanities credits.
Courses such as the ones offered through Front Range could help you qualify for ASCENT.
ASCENT is a tuition payment to help students access college. BVSD partners with the following colleges and universities for the ASCENT program.
● Aims Community College - Greeley, Ft Lupton, Loveland and Windsor
● Emily Griffith Technical College - Denver
● Front Range Community College - Westminster, Longmont and Ft. Collins
● Metropolitan State University - Denver
● University of Colorado @ Colorado Springs
● University of Northern Colorado - Greeley
● Western Colorado University - Gunnison
See Ms. Jill for information on preparing to participate in the ASCENT program or see the info sheet.
SAT-PSAT is coming in April 2025.
Would you like free online SAT Test Prep? We have 8 seats, sponsored by BVSD, for online SAT test prep. See Ms. Jill if you are interested in accessing an SAT test prep spot! The SAT is a college-scholarship reportable exam score. Here’s a video on SAT test preview. Students can view a test preview and previous exam scores on their Bluebook App. See instructions on creating your Bluebook app account.
Seniors: The actual FAFSA IS OPEN (finally!) fafsa.gov BVSD will host some drop in help workshops for families filling out the FAFSA for financial aid. See the FAFSA drop in schedule here. To be evaluated for college financial aid, students and families need to apply for the FAFSA. Nederland seniors graders will apply for the 2025-26 FAFSA, because they enter college in FALL of 2025. You can get a sneak preview of the FAFSA prototype here.
Feeling stress? Need information? See the 2024-2025 BVSD Mental Health Referral Provider List for a list of local psychologists and clinics serving in a variety of specializations, including educational consult services, family consultations, eating issues, substance use and others.
Mental Health First Aid There will be a free Mental Health First Aid class on 12/14 from 9am to 4pm, for persons aged 15 and above, at the Nederland Nederland Community Center: 750 HWY 72 N, Nederland. Lunch is provided. You must register with this link. This course is an evidence-based, early-intervention course that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis.
Monday's home basketball game fundraiser
Important Band, Choir and Theater Information
This is a busy, busy time in the music and theater departments at NMSHS. I am sending along some important information so we are all on the same page.
Reminder: If you have not paid for hoodies, shirts or uniforms, here is the link to Revtrak on the NMSHS website. https://bvsd.revtrak.net/middle-schools/neh/nmshs-music/#/list
You can also do a music donation if you would like to.
Information on Tech Tryouts TBA
December 7th at 2:30: Loquations sing at the Nederland Mountain Market
Loquations please be at the Mountain Market at the Community Center by 2:00 for warm-ups. Wear holiday attire.
December Band and Orchestra Concert is Tuesday December 10th. The 5th-12th Grade Orchestra Concert is at 6:00 pm and the 5th-12th Grade Band Concert is December 10th at 7:00 pm. Band students coming into the band room, please be very quiet since there will be a concert going on.
Uniform Requirements:
ML and HS Bands:
The ML and HS Band Councils selected a design for a short-sleeved t-shirt (ML) and long-sleeved t-shirt HS) for the group to be worn at concerts.
Black pants/skirt/dress/pants suit to be worn with the band T-shirt- You must supply your own. Black Shoes/Socks- You must supply your own.
December Choir Concert is Wednesday December 11th at 7:00 p.m.. All students need to be dressed and on risers at 6:30 pm.
6th Grade Choir and 7th and 8th Grade Choir
The ML Student Choir Councils selected a design for a short sleeved t-shirt for the group to be worn at concerts.
It is the student’s responsibility to purchase black pants a black knee-length skirt or dress to wear with the t-shirt. Black shoes and socks are also required.
Festival Choir
Black Tux Shirt/Black Pants
Black Shoes/Socks
The Loquations
Black dress, scarf, gloves, black dress shoes,
Black tux, tux shirt, vest and bow tie, black dress shoes and socks.
Thescon is December 12-14
We will leave at 11:00 on the 12th and return around 5:00 on the 14th. There is a required Thescon Meeting at the beginning of lunch on December 11th.
Performance finals are the week of December 16th. Students will perform a piece for the class. It can be a solo or very small group performance. 16th and 18th are Blue Days and 17th and 19th are Gold Days.
Yearbooks on sale now
It's time - the students have voted for the 2025 yearbook cover with a whooping 52% majority picking this year's design! Yearbooks for the 2024-2025 school year are available for sale now. $50/book through March 1st, 2025 ($60 March 2nd-April 11th, 2025). You can order at this link for your student. Also available are a limited number of ads for your business to support our yearbook, or take out an ad for your senior! Ads must be placed no later than March 1st, 2025. Yearbook orders must be placed by April 11th, 2025 if you want them delivered to the school by graduation.
Holidays are Coming - Ned Spirit Wear is the perfect gift!
Photos for the Yearbook
Middle and High School parents and students - please send photos of fall sports to jeanine.thurston@bvsd.org for the yearbook!
6th Grade Reading, reads to our youngest New Explorers
New Explorers preschool came to have reading time with our 6th graders during Reading class.
Shop to Give to NMSHS PTA!
Automatically power donations when you shop or dine—at no cost to you!
When you sign up for our Shop to Give program through Givebacks, you’ll power donations to us every time you shop or dine at over 25,000 participating merchants.
Simply sign up, link your card for in-store offers, and add the desktop and mobile browser extensions for online offers. Sign up by clicking HERE.
Donate to the PTA, Cast Your Vote for the Middle or High School, Get Entries for 2 Roundtrip Airline Tickets!
Fundraising is the PTA's only source of income for the 2024/25 school year. PTA has some big goals they are trying to achieve this year, Staff Appreciation Week being just one of them. We are doing a school fundraising competition between the Middle and High for a Pizza and Ice Cream Social with free time at the end of the day for the winner of the competition! Currently the High School is leading 22-16. Right now only 20% of families have donated, we'd like to get that up to 100% this week! Please click on the link below to make your family's donation today:
Teen Center
Holiday Mountain Market
Gilpin County
RTD Route NB supplemental service: “Boulder Canyon Extra”
To provide additional travel options between Nederland and Boulder, Boulder County has contracted with Via Mobility Services to operate one additional round-trip in the morning and one additional round- trip in the afternoon on weekdays from Monday December 2, 2024 - Friday January 17, 2025.
The “Boulder Canyon Extra” bus service will be free to ride, supplement RTD’s NB bus route, and run Monday through Friday with the daily schedule shown below excluding the following holidays: Wednesday December 25 and Wednesday January 1, 2025.
Seal of Climate Literacy in BVSD
The greenBVSD Sustainability Team and the STEAM Team are excited to announce that BVSD will confer the Seal of Climate Literacy for graduating seniors this year.
The Seal of Climate Literacy, established through Colorado Senate Bill 24-014, is a high school diploma endorsement that connects educational knowledge with the real challenges and opportunities that climate change brings to each of our communities.
It offers students a chance to engage directly with issues that impact their local environment and communities through course work and hands-on learning in grades 6-12.
Attainment of the Seal of Climate Literacy illuminates the ways students in BVSD show their commitment to sustainability, the environment and climate literacy in our community.
Interested students in grades 6-12 should complete the Interest Form found on our new website: Seal of Climate Literacy - Boulder Valley School District
Nederland Middle Senior High School
Bell Times: 8:30 am-3:45 pm; 9:30 am-3:45 pm Wednesdays
Front Office: 720-561-4900
Attendance line: 720-561-4902
Transportation: 720-561-6241
Email: nmshs.contact@bvsd.org
Website: neh.bvsd.org
Location: 597 County Rd. 130, Nederland, CO 80466
Phone: 720-561-4900