The Pershing Courier
Pershing K-8 Parent Newsletter 2024-2025
Pershing K-8 is a safe community where all students learn at high levels being prepared for a global society.
November/December Edition
Transitional Transfers
Eighth-graders may apply for Transitional Transfer for the 2025-2026 school year.
SPS fifth and eighth-graders have the opportunity to request a Transitional Transfer for the 2025-2026 school year to a high school of their choice that is open to transfers. Students interested in this option may submit requests between 7:30 a.m., Friday, Nov. 1st, and 5:00 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6th.
This type of transfer is offered as part of Springfield Public Schools’ open enrollment option. If your child plans to attend the high school assigned to them based on the student’s home address, no action is needed.
The Transitional Transfer request form for the 2025-2026 school year must be completed electronically. Requests are granted on a first come, first served basis determined by an electronic time/date stamp.
If your student is interested, visit to learn more.
Please join us for the 1st Thursday of every month as we D.E.A.R. (Drop everything and read campaign).
December Celebration Days
Pershing Elementary Holiday Spirit Week
Order your year book now!
AMI (Alternate Method of Instruction)
Important Dates
Important Dates
Nov. 25-29 Thanksgiving Break (students out)
Dec. 5- Drop Everything and Read for 30 minutes
Dec. 17- Winter Orchestra Concert- 7 pm.
Dec. 19- Winter Band Concert - 6 pm
Dec. 23-Jan. 3 - Winter Break (students out)
Parent teacher Conference: Oct. 21-Nov. 1st
Parent Teacher Conference: Oct. 21st-Nov. 1st
Pershing will hold parent-teacher conferences from October 21 to November 1. This is an opportunity for you to meet with your student's teacher to discuss celebrations, concerns, academic progress, and ways to support learning at home. There are still appointments available, so please reach out to your student's core teachers (English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, or Math) to schedule a time.
School Pictures
School pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on or create an account using your student's student ID number.
All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card.
More about the Smilesafe program here. Also, picture proof's were given out to students last week to aid you in the decision of ordering pictures.
Picture Make Ups will be Oct. 30th
Thank you!
Important Dates
17- Elementary Boo Bash
18- NO School for Students
- 6th grade Costume Ball 5pm-6:30pm
- Last day of the Quarter
21st-Nov. 1st Parent Teacher Conference Window
4- No School for Students
5- No School For Students
7- SPS UNIVERSITY: Kickapoo High 5-8pm
Nov. 25th-29th: Thanksgiving Break
We are excited to welcome over 850 students to the campus of Pershing K-8 on Monday, August 19th. We are thrilled to have you as part of our K-8 school community. Our dedicated staff has been working hard to prepare engaging learning experiences that will inspire and challenge our students. This year, we are focused on fostering a positive, inclusive environment where every student can thrive both academically and personally. We approach the new 2024-25 school year with optimism and expect amazing things to happen. We look forward to partnering with you to ensure a successful year.
Tommy Wells
Pershing K-8
Pershing Campus traffic flow
Arrival and Dismissal
Please follow the map above as you enter and exit the campus of Pershing K-8. School will be in session from 8am-4pm, with door opening at 8:30 am. Please help us ensure all who are entering and exiting our campus is safe by drop students off the designated areas at the designated times.
Students will begin entering the building at 8:30 am.
Elementary Students- Will report to the cafeteria
6th graders will go to the Elementary gym
7th and 8th graders will report to Main gym.
Students eating breakfast will go directly to the cafeteria.
Dismissal Procedures
Elementary: begins at 3:45 pm and must be picked up on the elementary side of the building.
- If you child has a middle school sibling, the middle schooler can walk to get their siblings @ 4pm.
- We will have adults assisting students that are walkers after school.
Middle School: School will dismiss at 4pm. Please don't ask students to meet you at places in the neighborhood. It is hard to ensure student safety and causes traffic flow issues as students are crossing the street.
- We will have adults assisting walkers across the street to ensure safety. All walkers will meet by what we call "the big tree". This will be explained to students so that they understand.
Pershing Cell Phone Policy
Pershing Cell Phone/Earbud/headphone Procedures:
Philosophy: Cell phones are a part of the modern world. As such, we must teach students how to use devices appropriately. Therefore, our policy is centered on protecting instruction time and helping students to grow and learn.
Students are taught expectations in the classroom PBIS rollout, grade level meetings, and in whole group instruction during the seminar. Expectations are revisited and retaught as needed.
Policy: The expectation for students is that cell phones are not to be seen or heard during the school day with the exceptions of before school, after school or lunch. This is also to include headphones/listening to music as well. The only exception is if there is a teacher-approved classroom activity/assignment with a clear academic purpose. Free time on phones will NOT be permitted, even if students finish classwork.
Students will be allowed to utilize their phones during lunch. This is a privilege that may be revoked. Other than the designated times, phones/earbuds/headphones must be turned off and out of sight.
Free and Reduced Lunch
Springfield Public Schools provides free/reduced price meals for eligible schoolchildren unable to pay the full price of meals under the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. Each SPS family will receive information outlining family-size income criteria by mail during the summer months for the next school year. Families must apply for free and reduced meals each school year. If a family member becomes unemployed or if the family size changes after filing your application, a new application will need to be filed.
Practice Football, Volleyball, and Cross Country will begin August 19th @ Pershing.
Football: 4:15pm-6pm
- 7th Grade 7am-8:30am
- 8th Grade 4:15pm-5:45pm
Cross Country: 7:30am-8:30 am
Students must have up to date sports physical on file before practicing and Annual Requirements forms must be completed.
link below
Fall Athletic Schedules
Volleyball- HERE
Cross Country- HERE
Football- HERE
Dates to Remember
19- 1st Day of School
2- Labor Day: No School
5- SPS University/Open House 5-7pm
13- Middle School Madness
Welcome Back!
Dear Pershing Families,
Welcome to the new school year at Pershing K-8! I am thrilled to have each of you as part of our vibrant school community. As your principal, it is my honor to work alongside our dedicated staff to provide a supportive and engaging learning environment for all our students.
We believe the mission of Pershing K-8 is to be a safe community where all students learn at high levels being prepared for a global society. As we embark on this exciting journey together, I am confident that, with your support, we can make this school year a remarkable and rewarding experience for our students. Let's work together to make Pershing a place where every student can thrive and achieve greatness.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education. I look forward to an incredible year ahead beginning on Monday August 19, 2024.
Warm regards,
Tommy Wells
Pershing K-8
Important Dates!
Pershing K-8 Supply List
Click the picture.
Springfield Public Schools Back to School Bash is an event for students and families to get resources and information to start a successful 2024-2025 school year. This event will offer backpacks, hygiene kits, groceries, immunizations, connections to community resources and more! SPS is dedicated to providing district families with the support they need. The event is open to all SPS students and families. Click HERE for more information.