August Newsletter
August 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Our Mission Statement is Together, We Expect Excellence.
Important Items
- Attendance - One of the keys to academic success is being at school every day on time. It is crucial that students are on time. Many classes do their morning circle where students are checking in with each other and bonding as a class. It is important that students do not miss this time.
- Facebook– Please check out our Facebook page. We will be posting school-related announcements on this site. The PTA has a group page where families can share pictures from the events or get information. Please request access from the PTA group in order to view the group.
- Open House - Our Open House/Curriculum Night will be Tuesday, August 13th for the 1st through 5th grade families from 5:30 - 6:45. The Kinder Open House will be Tuesday, August 20th from 5:30 - 6:30.
- Dining for Dollars (D4D) - This is one of our easiest fundraisers because it is a win-win. You don't have to make dinner AND money gets donated to the school. A huge thank you to everyone who attended our D4D events last year. We try to have two each month. They are a great opportunity to hang out with other families and support the school.
- Sports Seasons - Cross Country begins 9/9, basketball begins 11/4, and Track and Field begins 2/3. In order to compete, a student must have a physical form. I will be sending out those forms the first full week of school.
- PTA and Volunteering - We are always looking for volunteers to help out in the classroom. The PTA is always looking for volunteers to help at events. Please contact the front office if you are interested in volunteering. Ms. Kayla or Ms. Carmen can make sure you have any paperwork you need. If you are a parent, you do not need paperwork to volunteer with your child.
Character Strong Trait of the Month
Our Trait of the Month is Kindness. Kindness is acting with understanding, generosity, and care. Our classes will be talking about kindness all month.
What is Happening Around School?
Counseling with Ms. Lana:
This month in counseling, all grades will be focusing on the importance of kindness, as well as getting to know each other! I will start the month with a meet the counselor lesson, to introduce myself and explain what I do here at our school! After that, we will be focusing on ways to show kindness to one another, and how it can be so helpful at the beginning of the school year.
OMA with Mrs. Gale:
This month in OMA, kindergarten through second grade will be exploring their singing voices by working with dynamics. Dynamics refer to how loud or quiet music sounds. Third grade will start reading music rhythms and identifying notes on a staff to prepare for playing recorders. Fourth grade will be practicing their multiplication songs to improve their math skills. Fifth grade will be working on steady beat and rhythm activities. Band will begin on August 14th, with students learning how to assemble their instruments and make their first sounds.
Discovery Lab with Dr. B:
In Discovery lab, we will be focusing on getting acquainted with our computers. Work in the Kinder and First grade classes will focus on how to use our computers, logging in, and navigating windows. Second through Fifth with be starting work in Typing Club to help build those touch-typing skills. Typing Club will be accessed through Clever, so students can continue to work on typing outside of Discovery Lab. Kinder and First also have access to Typing club and will begin working on it soon in Discovery Lab.
PE will be starting in mid-August
Important Dates
August (Kindness)8/1 – First Day of School
8/5 – Fire Drill after announcements
8/5 – PBIS Boot Camp – 8:30 am – 9:30 am
8/13 – Open House – 1st – 5th Grade 5:30 – 6:45
8/14 - Cub Scouts Information Night - 6:15 in cafeteria
8/16 - PTA General Meeting - 8:20 AM
8/19 – 9/10 – DIBELS (BOY) Testing Window
8/20 – Open House – Kindergarten
8/21 – PLD – Professional Learning Day (Wed) – NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
8/26 – 9/13 – iReady Diagnostic
8/26 – Site Council
9/2 - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
If you ever have a question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me at (520) 731-4400.
Mr. E