Willow Parent Bulletin # 36
May 24, 2024

Twenty-three years ago I came to Homewood as my first administrative job. There is so much that has changed over the years, but also much that endures because of what a special place this community is. We experienced 911, Covid, political strife, George Floyd, and mind-boggling advances in technology during my tenure. They have each left us changed and more importantly reinforced that we are truly better together.
Thank you, Wildcat adults, for sending us the best kids! Your high expectations challenge us and make us strive to also be the best we can be. School really is a partnership. When you follow up at home, talk about their day, read and spend time together, we see a difference in the classroom. We are often asked what parents can do in the summer. Read- to them and with them. Explore- there's so much to see and experience, like Izaac Walton, Irons Oaks, or the parks. Talk- and more importantly really listen. Their brains are developing so fast and language is an integral part! The way they think and the things they say will both amaze you and keep you in stitches!
This generation is growing up with technology many of us couldn't have imagined. For all the good and convenience it brings us as adults, we are also seeing the research on how it negatively impacts kids. Attention spans are shorter, communication skills are impacted by lack of human interaction, and as they get older social media negatively impacts self-esteem, especially in girls. We have learned to vent, malign, and ostracize behind a keyboard. Our kids are learning this, too.
I have a love/hate relationship with social media. I love keeping up with my former students, colleagues, and family, but it scares me that it knows what dog food I buy and my preference for toothpaste. I hate that it's often used to spew inaccuracies and disinformation, and that's it's super hard to know what's fake and what's real. If we, as adults, don't know....imagine impressionable students seeing the same thing. As a school, we can't/won't comment. (That doesn't mean that we wouldn't like to, believe me.) Staying quiet doesn't mean that what you hear or see is real; it's us choosing not to engage. If you have questions or concerns, starting with the school building is always the best place for accurate information and to facilitate change.
There's a rattle and hum to Willow that you can't understand if you haven't been here. There are over 600 little people, 125 staff, and assorted parents/grandparents/guardians on any given day. We are all about routines and structures. Imagine what it would be like without them. ( I picture it like Sam's Club on taste-testing day, but on steroids.) So much of what we do is to ensure safety. We need you to think this way, too. On a daily basis, there are multiple U-turns on Willow Road, parking next to the "no parking" signs, and parents refusing to pull down during drop off. It's unnecessary and can be dangerous. It's hard to explain to students why they have to follow the rules when they watch grown ups who don't. We ask that you always strive to be a positive role model for your student. Your actions often speak much louder than your words.
I have had the privilege of knowing thousands of Wildcats and their families over the years. The memories and conversations will always be in a special corner of my mind and heart. Thank you for trusting me with the most important part of you. It's been my honor. 💗
Have a safe summer!
Less than 1/2 of the students in the District are currently registered for next year. Payment is not due upon registration. We need to know who will be coming back so classes can be set up and staff scheduled. This is super important to get done!
PreK Screening coming soon
District 153 will conduct screenings on Tuesday, June 4th, and Wednesday, June 5th, to determine eligibility for our free half day preschool program. Children must be 3 years old on or before the screening date.
Appointments are necessary and can be scheduled by calling Tanya Thomas at 708-798-3720 ext.2191, completing an online form at http://willow.hsd153.org/ or emailing tanya.thomas@hsd153.org.
2nd Grade Field Day
Thanks to all the parents who made their last Willow field day full of fun! Thanks, topo, to the teachers for planning a great day for everyone!
Summer Reading
Hate school supply shopping? PTA can help!
Planning for Next Year- the link will close today!
Planning for next year is well under way. If you would like to share your perspective about how your child learns, please use the link below. We will also gather information from your child's current teacher. The link will close on May 31st. Here are some things to consider:
- We do not accept requests for specific teachers.
- Sometimes a best friend doesn't translate into a good classmate.
- Your Wildcat will be placed with a classmate or two from this year.
- The classroom teacher will provide us with academic levels and other pertinent information.
Who is Safe, Caring and Ready? We are!
Staff Shout Outs
If you've noticed anyone at Willow going above and beyond, please use the link to recognize him/her/them! 💖 I share your kind words with them in my staff bulletin.
SUMMER FEST Fundraiser 2024
When: July 18th, 6-10pm
Where: Idlewild Country Club
What: Fundraiser benefitting Homewood Science Center full of good food, drinks, dancing, games and STEM FUN!
Tickets go on sale June 1st - save the date!
June 4-5: PreK Screenings. Call for an appointment.