St. Joseph Catholic School News
January 13, 2023
Partnering with the Principal
As I was having lunch with a few staff members in the lounge, we were talking about a reading and math group for some students in a class that are really far ahead of their peers in these areas. These students will be working with the learning specialist two days a week to complete some more advanced novels and math work. Using the data from the MAP tests that we will have back next week, we will evaluate for other students who could benefit from the challenge of some advanced course work.
We are fortunate at St. Joe's to have learning specialists and teacher assistants available to support our teachers and work with students at all levels across the curriculum. Not every school has this in place and we are thrilled to have Mrs. Bollinger, Mrs. Chamberlain, Mr. Cina, Mrs. Anderson, and Ms. Wood at St. Joe's to help us provide more individualized opportunities for your children.
We need your help, please! The Raffle & Gala combined are the largest fundraiser for the school. We are in need of families to help sell tickets following the weekend Masses. Please use this link to register. Our student council members and their parents are also encouraged to assist and our MS students can get service hours for selling tickets. They do need an adult present with them during the sale periods.
We also need parents to assist with counting ticket sales following the Masses in January. Here is the sign up for the after Mass ticket sales:
These days are on Thursday's in January from 9 - 11 a.m. where we need some volunteer ticket counters. Here's the sign-up for the ticket counters:
Thank you in advance for your assistance and support!
Our Gala Team is working hard to get donation for our auction. Please click here to learn more and to donate. Donations accepted through MONDAY, January 16th.
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer for this event, please contact our Event Chair Katie Sullivan
We are excited to share that our 8th graders will be taking a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Good Help and participate in the Walk for Mary in May. The 8th graders will be holding a pancake breakfast on Sunday, January 29th following each of the Masses. Free will offerings will be used to help defray the costs of the trip.
We hope to see you at the breakfast enjoying pancakes, sausages, scrambled eggs and some fruit!
Catholic Schools Week & St. Joseph's School Carnival
Catholic Schools Week will be January 29th – February 3rd. We are very excited to celebrate Catholic Schools week at the end of this month. We look forward to celebrating Catholic Education and St. Joseph’s School with special theme dress days and activities, including Carnival. Please watch for more information next week.
Planning is underway for Carnival to be held on Friday, February 3rd (during the school day). Carnival is a long-standing tradition at St. Joe’s. Detailed information will be going out to families shortly.
We are in need of donations for prizes at our school Carnival! Please click here to sign up for a donation: Clearance sales are a great way to pick up carnival prizes of all kinds. Prizes may be brought to the school office. (No used items please)
Many volunteers are also needed for our Carnival to be a wonderful experience for our students. Please consider signing up for one or more of the volunteer opportunities for this event by clicking here.
St. Joseph Athletic Updates
Calling all Jaguars sports fans! Come out and support the home team next week. We'd love to have you here to support our teams. Students in all grades need to be accompanied by a parent or adult. Concessions will be available.
Monday, 1/16
4pm-5th grade boys
5pm-6th grade boys
6pm-7th grade girls
Thursday, 1/19
4pm-8th grade boys
Please note: games are subject to change. Please check the CAA website for current info.
Do you know of a teacher, staff member, supportive parent or other person who does wonderful things in and for our school community? Here is a great opportunity to nominate them for an award through Minndependent. It is an organization that works with non-public schools and provides professional development, helps to fight and support legislation that will impact Catholic and other religious schools and they provide STEM grants as well.
Minndependent recently opened nominations for their awards for member schools who are in the non-public sector. Nominations are now being accepted for the 2023 Private and Independent Education Awards. This remains the single opportunity to recognize and celebrate the people and programs that make private and independent schools remarkable communities. Curious about our last year’s recipients? Check out their highlight videos on our Vimeo page.
Mark Your Calendar
January 17 - Pick up Famfare Meals between 3:30 - 4 p.m.
January 17 - Information Night for new families considering our school for 23-24
January 20 - PK Information session for new families considering our school for 23-24
Sunday, January 29 - Pancake Breakfast
January 30 - February 3 - Catholic Schools Week
February 3 - Carnival beginning at 12pm-3pm
February 8 - Home & School Meeting 6:30 p.m.
February 10 - GALA at the Omni
February 14 - Wear St. Valentine's Day colors (Red, white, pink, purple)
February 16 - NO SCHOOL Conferences 9 - 6 p.m.
February 17 - 20 - NO SCHOOL Presidents' Day Weekend
February 22 - Ash Wednesday
St. Joseph's Catholic School
Location: 1138 Seminole Avenue, West. St. Paul, MN 55118
Phone: 651-457-8550
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