The Beach Elementary Weekly Wave
March 2, 2023
Dates to Remember
3/10-Last Day to Order Yearbooks for Early Bird Special of $25.00
3/23-3rd Quarter Interims
3/24-5th Gr Skate Zone Field Trip
Related Arts Schedule
Monday, March 6-A Day
Tuesday, March 7- B Day
Wednesday, March 8- C Day
Thursday, March 9- D Day
Friday, March 10- E Day
Club Schedule
Monday- Basketball, Kickball, Kindness
Tuesday- Artsy Kids, Girls Chess
Wednesday- Drama, Yarn Crafters* *Different Day
Thursday- Black-Eyed Susan, Good News
Friday-4th Grade Sparky Robots
Thursday Folder Contents
Read-A-Thon Information
Yearbook Flyer-All Grades
Calvert County Community Events and Activities
For information about family events and youth activities taking place in our community, click the Community Events button, below. Please note: These events and activities are not sponsored by the Calvert County Board of Education or Calvert County Public Schools. We provide equal opportunities to outside agencies to distribute materials that offer opportunities to students and/or their parents, but that permission should not be considered a recommendation or endorsement by the school district.
Attendance Reminders
BES ONLY! Last Day of School
SECAC Award Nominations
Calvert Special Education Citizens' Advisory Committee (SECAC) is now accepting nominations for the 2022-23 Staff Appreciation Awards from Parents/Guardians of students with special education needs who are receiving services through an IFSP/IEP/504 Plan. Nominations can be made directly through the Calvert County Public Schools Website Https://www.Calvertnet.k12.MD.US/SECAC as well as the direct link to the form: Nominations must be received by Friday March 10th, 2023. Last year we were able to recognize the hard work and dedication of over 100 staff members and we look forward to exceeding that this year as we enter our 5th year of this ceremony.
Please help the Linda L. Kelley Animal Shelter-Repeat
Our Anchored4Life Club is collecting items for the Linda L. Kelley Animal Shelter in Prince Frederick. We will be accepting donations from Monday, 2/20 – Friday, 3/3. You can either shop on the blue button below and have things sent directly to school, or you can send items in with your student(s). Any little bit helps. Thank you for making our community service project a success!
Maryland Center For School Safety Art Showcase
“What does your school safety community look like?”
We want students, grades 3-12, to show us what school safety means to them by submitting an art piece based on this year’s theme, as listed above. The art pieces will be judged anonymously during our Summer Conference on July 19th and July 20th, 2023.
All entries must be original student pieces of work not containing logos, copyrighted imagery, or information. Failure to comply with our rules and guidelines will result in your entry being disqualified.
Submission deadline is May 31st, 2023. Please see our website for contest submission requirements, registration form, frequently asked questions and flyers you can download to print and post in your schools and community.
It is time to order yearbooks for 2022-2023! The Yearbook Early Bird Special is $25 through March 10th. After that, the price increases to $30. Below is the link to order your yearbook.
Fifth grade parents, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! There also a separate order form that came home for special congratulatory messages to your fifth grader. PLEASE NOTE THE YEARBOOK ORDER AND CONGRATUALATORY MESSAGE ORDER ARE TWO SEPARATE THINGS. ORDERING CONGRATULATORY MESSAGES IS NOT A YEARBOOK ORDER.
BES PTO Announcements and Information
The hospitality committee is hosting a teacher’s lunch this month on March 9th. Please use the link below to contribute. Thank you to all that help us show appreciation to our wonderful teachers!
Don’t forget to register your students for the Read-A-Thon that starts this Thursday March 2nd. Students earn prizes just for registration. The PTO will also be throwing a class pizza party for the class that logs the most reading minutes on the fundraiser site. We will be awarding the party based on reading minutes only, not donations received.
We will be hosting one more after-school dance this year. We would like to have parent volunteers to help this time. If you are available on Friday March 17th to help chaperone please click the link below to sign up.
Our email is - Please reach out with any questions, concerns, ideas, or suggestions. Thank you for supporting our Seagulls with us!
Follow BES PTO on Facebook: Beach Elementary School PTO
Painless but profitable ways to help BES
Weis Market
Please select the Weis Market file below for a NEW way to help us raise funds for BES! SO EASY! You basically just scan a bar code!
Box Tops for Education
No need to send in Box Tops any longer!!! You simply need to download the Box Tops for Education app and follow the directions!
Harris Teeter VIC
BES will earn 5% of your Harris Teeter brand purchases when you give our account number (6760) to the cashier at check out and ask them to link the number to your Harris Teeter VIC card. You only need to do this one time this school year. You may also link your VIC card online at You may link up to 5 schools, with funds being divided equally between your chosen schools. You will need to re-link your card at the beginning of next school year.
7900 Old Bayside Road
Chesapeake Beach, Maryland 20732
Phone 443-550-9520
Fax 410-286-4014