Weekly North Hills Update

Notes from North Hills
August 23, 2024
North Hills Families,
Welcome Back North Hills Parents, Families, and Students,
The North Hills Elementary school is excited for the start of the 2024 – 2025 school year. We are eager to learn more about your child socially, emotionally, and academically. We understand each child is unique and we will strive to provide them an engaging and meaningful educational experience, through a positive learning environment. Creating a classroom community, where your child feels a sense of belonging, safety, and is also fun, is a top priority for all members of the North Hills Elementary Team.
We recognize the importance of communication between home and school. You will receive messages, information, and important reminders mainly through email via our Skyward system. Additionally, this weekly ‘Notes from North Hills’ newsletter will be sent through the CYSD newsletter to guardian email addresses on file with Skyward. We hope this aids in keeping your family up to date with the happenings of North Hills Elementary School.
Assistant principal, Kelsey Zech and I are truly looking forward to this school year. We would like to wish you and your family the best as we begin our journey through the 2024 -2025 school year. We know working together as a team will help your child succeed. If you should have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact North Hills at (717) 846-6789 x 1803.
Thank you,
Scott Billig
(717) 846-6789 x1800
North Hills Calendar Reminders
September 2 - No School - Labor Day
September 4 - Back-to-School Night
September 9 - PTO Meeting - 6PM @ NH Cafeteria
September 19 - School Picture Day
September 20 - 1/2 Day - Early Dismissal at 12:30 pm
School Calendar
Click here to access the link to the school calendar for the 2024-2025 school year.
North Hills News
First Day Paperwork
Your child was provided a few packets of information this week. Please review these items are return the signed paperwork at your earliest convenience. These packets included information about Free/Reduced Breakfast and Lunch, Skyward Instructions, Health Hero and more. If you do not receive this paperwork by the end of the week, please reach out to your child's teacher or the school office for an additional copy.
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
AM Drop Off
Students may begin to enter the building at 8:40 a.m. At that time, we will begin to welcome both our car riders and bus riders into the building. Parents dropping students off by car, please enter the North Hills parking lot and proceed to the parking attendant shed located next to the athletic fields. Follow the route outlined by traffic cones. School staff will direct students to exit vehicles once they have reached the handicap parking area. All students will enter through the main entrance of the school. School officially begins at 9:00 a.m.
PM Pick Up
In the afternoon, we will begin dismissing car riders at 3:30 p.m. If you are picking up your child, please do not arrive at NHE prior to 3:00 PM. The traffic pattern is the same as morning drop off. Please enter the North Hills parking lot and proceed to the parking attendant shed located next to the athletic fields, where school staff will log your pick up in via an iPad. Follow the route outlined by traffic cones. School staff will direct students to enter vehicles once they have reached the handicap parking area, designated by traffic cones. Please plan to pick up all students by 3:45 p.m. Our buses will begin to depart NHE at approximately 3:35 p.m.
Signage will be posted around the parking lot to direct our families during both arrival and dismissal time who are picking up or dropping off their children.
Volunteering at Central York
The District’s new Volunteer Registration Portal is now live and parents/guardians/families may register to volunteer for this school year.
The District utilizes a new volunteer registration process within School Gate Guardian, our current visitor management system, to streamline the registration process and efficiently track, maintain, and check in volunteers throughout the school year. With this online registration process, there is no longer a requirement to complete paper packets or drop off paperwork at the District Office.
Prospective volunteers can check their status in the portal after uploading necessary clearances and will receive an email notification when they are approved. Please note that returning volunteers will be required to upload their active clearances within the portal to place them on file in the new system. Please allow up to one week for processing.
Volunteers will receive a self-expiring printed volunteer sticker during each visit upon check-in at the office.
For more information, please refer to our Volunteer page on the District Website
Free and Reduced Meal Program
Free and reduced meal program information - please click the link below for more information.
With this application on file, your child is able to access some of the supportive assistance offered. This includes the ability to participate in co-curricular activities regardless of a financial situation.
Assistance may be available for your child to participate in athletics, music programs, and aquatic programs. In addition, assistance may be available for technology needs such as device insurance and internet service at home.
At the beginning of each new school year, we ask all families to review their Skyward accounts for the most up-to-date information. Has your phone number or email changed? Please review your account this week and make any adjustments as soon as possible. If you need assistance with Skyward, please refer to our district's technology page by click the button below.